Posts Tagged ‘Archäologische Bibliographie’

177 new periodicals, 195 new monographs and 3312 new titles for the ‘Archaeological Bibliography’. We keep you up to date and you proceed.

April 3, 2021


Foto: Ben Chun, Library. So many new books!

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In this situation of global sanitary emergency,  “Archaeological Bibliography, Projekt Dyabola” may function – at least a little bit – as a kind of virtual library. Even if not all of us have the fortune at the moment to wander between the shelfs of a library browsing through the backs of the books searching base information, new publications or excavations-reports, “Archaeological Bibliography” with its searcheable systematic tree offers an insight, and can get you to the digital version of the publication you are interesed in. For sure, in many ways and for may reasons each of us know, virtual environments never will be able to substitute the scientific atmosphere and inspiration of a library and its communitiy, but it may be a help to get on and through. 

The systematic tree with more than 30.000 keyword is arranged in a hierarchical structure. Starting from generic key terms like “topography”, “history of art”, “plastic art and sculpture”, “architecture” etc. you may “click” your way down to very specific terms. To specify your research even further you have the possibility to combine results and to choose the date range of publication. At the end of your search you may export your result (up to 500 titles) in any form you wish. A lot of articles of periodicals referenced last month within the “Archaeological Bibliography” are identified with “DOI” or otherwise stable links, which will get you directly to the full text. Our intention citing DOI links is to create – in fact – a sort of full-text-bibliography by links. Lately we added the reference “open access” to those publications with DOI links which are freely accessible.

In March – analyzing 177 volumes of periodicals and 195 monographs – we were able to gain 3312 new titles for the “Archaeological Bibliography”. Below you will find the list of new monographs and periodicals which were referenced during this month. We offer the list of monographs as pdf to simplify the printout. You may examine the contents of the respective monographs and periodicals in the database by using the search option ‘title’ or ‘periodicals’ and by navigating to the ‘children’ of the chosen title. If you have any suggestions regarding content please mail to Dr. Martina Schwarz. Concerning technical support please contact .

New monographs (new monographs March 2021/pdf):

  1. A companion to ancient epigram. (Hoboken, Wiley-Blackwell, 2019), ed. Henriksén, C.
  2. A human environment studies in honour of 20 years Analecta editorship by prof. dr. Corrie Bakels. ( )(Leiden, Sidestone Press, 2020) open access, ed. Klinkenberg, V.; Van Oosten, R.; Driel-Murray, C. van
  3. Adivinación y violecia en el mundo romano. (Salamanca, Universidad de Salamanca, 2020), ed. Montero Herrero, S.; Perea Yébenes, S., (Estudios históricos y geográficos, 174)
  4. Adler, E.: The battle of the classics. How a nineteenth-century debate can save the humanities today. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020) 
  5. Akten des 15. Österreichischen Archäologentages in Innsbruck, 27. Februar – 1. März 2014. (Innsbruck, Innsbruck University Press, 2016), ed. Grabherr, G.; Kainrath, B., (Ikarus, 9)
  6. Anatomie della paternità. Padri e famiglia nella cultura romana. (Lecce, Grifo, 2019), (Iuridica historica, 9)
  7. Andersen Funder, L.M.; Kristensen, T.M.; Nørskov, V.: Classical heritage and European identity. The imagined landscapes of Danish classicism. (Abingdon, Routledge, 2019) 
  8. Arce, J.: Alarico (365-370-410 A.D.) La integración frustrada. (Madrid, Marcial Pons Historia, 2018) 
  9. Archäologie im Rheinland 2019. (Oppenheim, Nünnerich-Asmus Verlag, 2020), ed. Classen, E.; Trier, M.
  10. Argüello García, L.A.: Deciano de Emerita y Marcial de Bilbilis. (Mérida, Museo nacional de arte romano, 2019), (Cuadernos emeritenses, 46)
  11. Ashton, R.: Sylloge nummorum Graecorum, 12. The Hunterian Museum of Glasgow, 7. Cimmerian Bosporus – Cappadocia. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020) 
  12. Aspetti della fortuna dell’antico nella cultura europea. Atti della sedicesima giornata di studi, Sestri Levante, 15 marzo 2019. (Campobasso 2020), ed. Cipriani, G.; Audano, S., (Echo, 32)
  13. Atkins, J.D.: The doubt of the Apostles and the resurrection faith of the Early Church. The post-resurrection appearance stories of the Gospels in ancient reception and modern debate. (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2019), (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. Reihe 2, 495)
  14. Bandini, G.; Pentericci, C.: Personaggi in scena. La meretrix. (Roma, Carrocci, 2020), (Ludi Plautini Sarsinates, 3)
  15. Bar-Asher Siegal, M.: Jewish-Christian dialogues on scripture in late antiquity. Heretic narratives of the Babylonian Talmund. (New York, Cambridge University Press, 2019) 
  16. Bassanelli Sommariva, G.: Costituzione e diritto nella storia di Roma sive principi di diritto privato romano. Introduzione metodologica agli studi giuridici. (Torino, Giappichelli, 2019) 
  17. Beck, H.: Localism and the ancient Greek city-state. (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2020) 
  18. Bermejo Rubio, F.: La invención de Jesús de Nazaret. Historia, ficción, historiografía. (Madrid, Siglo XXI, 2018) 
  19. Birks, P.: The Roman law of obligations. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014), ed. Descheemaeker, E.
  20. Bishop, C.: Cicero, Greek learning and the making of a Roman classic. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019) 
  21. Bottini, A.; Graells i Fabregat, R.; Vullo, M. u.a.:Metaponto. Tombe arcaiche della necropoli nord-occidentale. (Venosa, Osanna, 2019), (Polieion, 7)
  22. Brimioulle, P.: Das Konzil von Konstantinopel 536. (Stuttgart, Steiner, 2020), (Roma aeterna, 8)
  23. Buongiorno, P.: “Senatus consultum ultimum” e stato di eccezione. Fenomeni in prospettiva(Stuttgart, Steiner, 2020), (Acta senatus. B. Studien und Materialien, 8)
  24. Buonocore, M.: Corpus inscriptionum Latinarum, 9. Supplementum,1. Inscriptiones Calabriae Apuliae SamniiSabinorum Piceni Latinae. Regio Italiae quartasupplementum, 3. Marsi – Aequi (CIL IX 7639 – 8187). (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2020) 
  25. Burgunder, P.: Études bosporanes. Sur un royaume aux confins du monde gréco-romain. (Lausanne, Université de Lausanne, 2019), (Etudes de lettres, 309)
  26. Carrasco Serrano, G.: Economía romana en Castilla-La Mancha. (Cuenca, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2020), (Colección “Estudios”, 168)
  27. Casprini, F.; Saliola, M.: Gladius. Regimen castrorum. Storia del gladio e del combattimento romano, 1. Monarchia e Repubblica. (Roma, Arbor sapientiae, 2020), (Militaria, 8)
  28. Catling, H.: Kouklia. Late bronze age and early iron age tombs at Palaepaphos 1951-1954. Excavations of the Liverpool City Museum and St Andrews University Expedition to Palaepaphos. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2020) 2 Bde., (British archaeological reports. International series, 2994)
  29. Cerchiai, C.: Malattie e pandemie nell’antica Roma. Cicerone, Plinio, Svetonio, Catone, Tacito, Marziale, Plauto, Seneca et alii. (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2020), (Studia archaeologica, 240)
  30. Cleaning and value interdisciplinary investigations. ( )(Leiden, Sidestone Press, 2020) open access, ed. Bredenbröker, I.; Hanzen, C.; Kotzur, F.
  31. Confini, circolazione, identità ed ecumenismo nel mondo antico. Atti del VII Incontro di studi tra storici e giuristi dell’antichità, Vercelli, 24-25 maggio 2018. (Firenze, Le Monnier Università, 2020), ed. Garbarino, P.; Giunti, P.; Vanotti, G., (Studi sul mondo antico, 12)
  32. Constantinidou, S.: The gaze of Homer. Light and vision in the Iliad. (Athens, Kardamitsa Publications, 2019) 
  33. Contexts and the contextualization of coin finds (Geneva, March 5th – 7th, 2010). (Lausanne, Editions du Zèbre, 2019), ed. Frey-Kupper, S.; Stannard, C.; Wolfe-Jacot, N., (Studies in nmismatic and monetary history, 8)
  34. Corpus of the Roman mosaics of the Conventus Bracaraugustanus. (Lisboa, Centre for Historical Studies, 2019), ed. Abraços, F.
  35. Crellin, R.J.: Change and archaeology. (London, Routledge, 2020)  ;Culturescapes. Greece. Griechenland. Archaeology of the future. Archäologie der Zukunft. (Basel, Merian, 2017), ed. Botanova, K.; Chrissopoulos, C.; Cooiman, J.
  36. Crossing the Alps early urbanism between northern Italy and Central Europe (900 – 400 B.C.). ( )(Leiden, Sidestone Press, 2020) open access, ed. Zamboni, L.; Fernández-Götz, M.; Metzner-Nebelsick, C.
  37. Daalder, E.S.: De rechtspraakverzamelingen van Julius Paulus. Recht en rechtvaardigheid in de rechterlijche uitspraken van keizer Septimius Severus. (Bodegraven, Boom juridisch, 2018) 
  38. De nuevo sobre Estrabón. Geografía, cartografía, historiografía y tradición. (Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla, 2018), ed. Castro-Páez, E., (Monografías de Gaiha, 3)
  39. De Rossi, G.B.: Piante iconografiche e prospettiche di Roma. Anteriori al secolo XVI. Storia topografia e cartografica di Roma dalle origini al Rinascimento. (Roma, Arbor sapientiae, 2020), (Antichità romane, 36)
  40. De Stefano, A.: L’immagine e il contesto. Produzioni figurative e immaginario sociale nelle comunità della Siritide e del Metapontino (VIII-VI secolo a.C.). (Atene, Scuola archeologica italiana di Atene, 2019), (Annuario della Scuolo archeologica di Atene e delle missioni italiane in Oriente. Supplemento, 4)
  41. Dell’Acqua, F.: Iconophilia. Politics, religion, preaching, and the use of images in Rome, c. 680 – 880. (London, Routledge, 2020) 
  42. Di Maria, S.: La cancelleria imperiale e i giuristi classici. “Reverentia antiquitatis” e nuove prospettive nella legislazione giustinianea del codice. (Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2010), (Seminario giuridico della Università di Bologna, 250)
  43. Die Spur des Geldes in der prähistorischen Archäologie. Mäzene, Förderer, Förderstrukturen. (Bielefeld, Transcript, 2016), ed. Grunwald, S.; Halle, U.; Mahsarski,  u.a.:, (Histoire, 81)
  44. Dowley, T.: Illustrierter Atlas zur Geschichte des Christentums. (Neukirchen-Vluyn 2019) 
  45. Duckworth, C.N.; Cuénod, A.; Mattingly, D.J.: Mobile technologies in the ancient Sahara and beyond. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020), (Trans-Saharan archaeology, 4)
  46. Dunn, S.: A history of place in digital age. (London, Routledge, 2019) 
  47. Edsall, B.A.: The reception of Paul and early Christian initiation. History and hermeneutics. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019) 
  48. Errington, R.M.; Mossong, I.: Die Staatsverträge des Altertums, 4. Die Verträge der griechisch-römischen Welt von ca. 200 v.Chr. bis zum Beginn der Kaiserzeit. (München, Beck, 2020) 
  49. Eschyle à l’aube du théâtre occidental. Vandoeuvres, Genève, 25 – 29 août 2008. (Genève, Fondation Hardt, 2009), ed. Jouanna, J.; Montanari, F.; Hernandez, A.C., (Fondation Hardt pour l’étude de l’antiquité classique. Entretiens, 55)
  50. Espinosa Ruiz, U.: La iglesia tardoantigua de Parpalinas (Pipaona de Ocón). (Logroño, Universidad de La Rioja, 2019) 
  51. Farber, K.: Aquellas aves de Pompeya. Un paseo ornitológico en el año 79 d.C. Birding in Ancient Pompeii. Anno Domini 79. (Madrid, Real Academia de bellas artes de San Fernando, 2016) 
  52. Fasold, P.; Hampel, A.; Scholz, M. u.a.:Der römische Bestattungsplatz von Frankfurt am Main-Zeilsheim. (Regensburg, Schnell und Steiner, 2016), (Schriften des Archäologischen Museums Frankfurt, 26)
  53. Feugère, M.: Les armes des Romains. De la République à l’antiquité tardive. [Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée](Arles, Errance, 2019) 
  54. Fields, D.: Frankness, Greek culture, and the Roman empire. (Abingdon, Routledge, 2020) 
  55. Flores Militello, V.: Tali dignus amico. Die Darstellung des patronus-cliens-Verhältnisses bei Horaz, Martial und Juvenal. (Tübingen, Narr Francke Attempto, 2019), (Classica Monacensia, 54)
  56. Four approaches to the analysis of (pre)Roman Nijmegen. Aspects of cultural evolution. Acculturation. Contextual function and continuity. (Amersfoort, Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek, 2016), ed. Bloemers, J.H.F., (Nederlandse oudheden, 19)
  57. Fournet, J.L.: The rise of Coptic. Egyptian versus Greek in late antiquity. The Rostovzeff lectures. (Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2020) 
  58. Frauen im antiken Judentum und frühen Christentum. (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2019), ed. Frey, J.; Rupschus, N., (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. Reihe 2, 489)
  59. Frediani, A.: Le grandi dinastie dell’antica Roma. Storie e segreti. Dagli Scipioni ai Giulio Claudi, da Fabio Massimo a Costantino, i personaggi che hanno cambiato la storia della Città eterna. (Roma, Newton Compton, 2020), (Volti della storia, 563)
  60. Frisetti, A.: La Valle del Volturno nel medioevo. Paesaggio, insediamenti e cantieri. (Cerro al Volturno, Volturnia edizioni, 2020) 
  61. From polis to Madina. La trasformazione delle città siciliane tra tardoantico e alto medioevo. (Bari, Edipuglia, ), ed. Arcifa, L.; Sgarlata, M., (Themata. The Byzantine world. Bisanzio in Occidente, 1)
  62. Fusco, S.: Oriens de nocte silentio. Alcune riflessioni sulla dittatura “imminuto iure”. (Ortacesus, Sandhi, 2018) 
  63. Gandila, A.: Cultural encounters on Byzantium’s northern frontier, c. A.D. 500 – 700. Coins, artifacts and history. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2018)  
  64. García y García, L.: Ludus gladiatorius. La caserma dei gladiatori a Pompei. Notizie archeologiche, storiche e iconografiche. (Roma, Arbor sapientiae, 2020), (Militaria, 9)
  65. Gasti, F.: La letteratura tardolatina. Un profilo storico (secoli III-VII d.C.). (Roma, Carocci, 2020), (Studi superiori, 1197)
  66. Geschichte auf Scherben. Das Leben in der östlichen Wüste Ägyptens in römischer Zeit. (Gutenberg, Computus, 2020), ed. Reinhard, P.
  67. Ghedini, F.: Giulia Domna. Una siriaca sul trono dei Cesari. (Roma, Carrocci, 2020) 
  68. Gjongecaj-Vangjeli, S.: Trésors de monnaies antiques trouvés en Albanie (Ve – Ier siècle av. J.-C.). (Athènes, Ecole française d’Athènes, 2019), (Recherches archéologiques franco-albanaises, 2)
  69. Graffites antiques, modèles et pratiques d’une écriture. Actes du 3e colloque ductus associacion internationale pour l’étude des inscriptions mineures. (Drémil-Lafage, Mergoil, 2020), ed. Corbier, M.; Fuchs, M.; Lambert, P. u.a.:, (Monographies Instrumentum, 65)
  70. Greek art in motion. Studies in honour of Sir John Boardman on the occasion of his 90th birthday. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2019), ed. Morais, R.; Leão, D.F.; Rodríguez Pérez,  u.a.:
  71. Grimaldi, F.: Giuseppe Antonio Vogel, prete e antiquario dall’Alsazia alla Marca(Fermo, LiviEditore, 2018) 
  72. Grünewald, M.; Gogräfe, R.; Hahn, E. u.a.:Ein römisches Wohnhaus mit Wandmalereien in Oftersheim. (Regensburg, Schnell und Steiner, 2017) 
  73. Guijarro, S.: El cristianismo como forma de vida. Los primeros seguidores de Jesús en Ponto y Bitinia. (Salamanca, Ediciones Sígueme, 2018) 
  74. Hansen, W.: Classical mythology. A guide to the mythical world of the Greeks and Romans. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020) 
  75. Hellenistic architecture and human action. A case of reciprocal influence. ( )(Leiden, Sidestone Press, 2020) open access, ed. Haug, A.; Müller, A., (Scales of transformation in prehistoric and archaic societies, 10)
  76. Hernández Lobato, J.; Prieto Domínguez, O.: Literature squared. Self-reflexivity in late antique literature. (Turnhout, Brepols, 2020), (Studi e Testi Tardoantichi. Profane and Christian Culture in Late Antiquity, 18)
  77. Hübner, R.M.: Kirche und Dogma im Werden. Aufsätze zur Geschichte und Theologie des frühen Christentums. (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2017), ed. Kany, R., (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum, 108)
  78. Hurst, H.E.: Gloucester. The Roman forum and post-Roman sequence at the city centre. (Gloucester, Gloucester Archaeological Publications, 2020) 
  79. Il restauro dei grandi bronzi archeologici laboratorio aperto per la “Vittoria Alata” di Brecia. Atti del convegno (Firenze, 27 – 28 maggio 2019). (Firenze, Edifir, 2020), ed. Morandini, F.; Patera, A., (Dal restauro agli studi, 5)
  80. Ilan, D.: Dan, 4. The iron age I settlement. The Avraham Biran excavations (1966 – 1999). (Cincinnati, Hebrew Union College, Jewish Institute of Religion, 2019), (Annual of the Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology, 12)
  81. Imperial residence and site of councils. The metropolitan region of Nicaea-Nicomedia. (Bonn, Habelt, 2020), ed. Lichtenberger, A.; Agtürk, T.S.; Winter,  u.a.:, (Asia Minor Studien, 96)
  82. Incontri e mobilità nel mediterraneo preistorico. Le necropoli siciliane di Cozzo del Pantano e Matrensa. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2019), ed. Tanasi, D.; Veca, C., (British archaeological reports. International series, 2950)
  83. Irving, T.: The fatal lure of politics. The life and thought of Vere Gordon Childe. (Clayton, Monash University Publishing, 2020) 
  84. Jacob, R.: La grâce des juges. L’institution judiciaire e le sacré en Occident. (Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2014) 
  85. James, S.; Krmnicek, S.: The Oxford handbook of the archaeology of Roman Germany. (New York, Oxford University Press, 2020) 
  86. Kateusz, A.: Mary and early Christian women. Hidden leadership. (London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019) 
  87. Kemmers, F.: Functions and use of Roman coinage. An overview of 21st century scholarship. (Leiden, Brill, 2019) 
  88. Kenaan, V.L.: The ancient unconscious. Psychoanalysis and the ancient text. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019) 
  89. Kerner, J.: Manipulations post-mortem du corps humain. Implications archéologique et anthropologiques. (Leiden, Sidestone Press, 2018) 
  90. Kreiler, B.: Ober- und Unterkommandierende der römischen Republik 509-27 v.Chr. (München, Utz, 2020), (Münchner Studien zur Alten Welt, 18)
  91. Krueger, F.: Andreas von Hermonthis und das Kloster des Apa Hesekiel. Mikrohistorische Untersuchungen zu Kirchengeschichte und Klosterwesen im Gebiet von Armant (Oberägypten) in byzantinischer Zeit anhand der koptischen Ostraka der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig (O.Lips.Copt. II). (Boston, de Gruyter, 2020), (Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Beihefte, 43)
  92. Kuznetsov, V.D.; Abramzon, M.G.: A hoard of late archaic coins from Phanagoreia. (Russ.)(Moscow 2020), (Results of Archaeological research at Phanagoreia, 8)
  93. La domus del Mitreo a Tarquinia. Ricerche archeologiche dell’Università di Verona, 1. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2020), ed. Mastrocinque, A.; Soriano, F.; Marchetti, C.M., (British archaeological reports. International series, 2986)
  94. La Greca, F.: Fra Paestum Velia e Palinuro. Ricerche di storia antica. (Ogliastro, Licosia, 2017) 
  95. La Hispania tardoantigua y visigoda en las fuentes epistolares. Antología y comentario. (Madrid, CSIC, 2020), ed. Martín-Iglesias, J.C.; Díaz, P.C.; Vallejo Girvés, M., (Nueva Roma, 51)
  96. La salina romana e il territorio di Cervia. Aspetti ambientali e infrastrutture storiche. (Bologna, Ante quem, 2019), ed. Guarnieri, C., (Documenti ed evidenze di archeologia, 14)
  97. Landscapes of survival the archaeology and epigraphy of Jordan’s North-Eastern Desert and beyond. ( )(Leiden, Sidestone Press, 2020) open access, ed. Akkermans, P.M.M.G.
  98. L’apologétique chrétienne gréco-latine à l’époque prénicénienne. Sept exposé suivis de discussions. Vandoeuvres – Genève, 13 – 17 septembre 2004. (Genève, Fondation Hardt, 2005), ed. Wlosok, A.; Paschoud, F.; Alexandre,  u.a.:, (Fondation Hardt pour l’étude de l’antiquité classique. Entretiens, 51)
  99. Late antique palatine architecture. Palaces and palace culture. Patterns of transculturation. (Turnhout, Brepols, 2019), ed. Mulvin, L.; Westbrook, N., (Architectural crossroads. Studies in the history of architecture, 5)
  100. Lazarenko, I.: Odessos coins from the period of the Roman empire. (Varna, Art Tracer, 2016) 
  101. Les modes de transport dans l’antiquité et au Moyen âge. Mobiliers d’équipement et d’èntretien des véhicules terrestres, fluviaux et maritimes. Actes des Rencontres internationales Instrumentum. Arles (FR, Bouches-du-Rhône). Les 14 – 16 juin 2017, Musée départemental Arles antique. (Drémil-Lafage, Mergoil, 2021), ed. Raux, S.; Boetto, G., (Monographies Instrumentum, 70)
  102. Les petites phrases. Puissance de la brièveté dans les littératures d’Orient et d’Occident. Actes du 30ø colloque de la Villa Kérylos à Beaulieu-sur-Mer les 11 et 12 octobre 2019. (Paris, Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, 2020), ed. Robert, J.N.; Zink, M., (Cahiers de la Villa Kérylos, 31)
  103. Levy, J.: The genesis of the textile industry from adorned nudity to ritual regalia. The changing role of fibre crafts and their evolving techniques of manufacture in the ancient Near East from the Natufian to the Ghassulian. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2020) 
  104. López Casado, R.: Honesta missio. Los veteranos en las sociedades provinciales del imperio romano a través de la epigrafía. (Valladolid, Universidad de Valladolid, 2018), (Historia y sociedad, 218)
  105. Lorenz, M.: Von Pflanzen und Pflichten. Zum naturalistischen Ursprung des stoischen kathekon. (Basel, Schwabe, 2020), (Schweizerische Beiträge zur Altertumswissenschaft, 50)
  106. Lucan’s imperial world. The Bellum civile in its contemporary contexts. (New York, Bloomsbury, 2020), ed. Zientek, L.; Thorne, M.A.
  107. Ludwig, P.W.: Rediscovering political friendship. Aristotle’s theory and modern identity, community, and equality. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020) 
  108. Lundhaug, H.; Jenott, L.: The monastic origins of the Nag Hammadi Codices. (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2015), (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum, 97)
  109. Luoghi dell’abitare, immaginazione letteraria e identità romana. Da Augusto ai Flavi. [La casa, il palazzo, la villa. Luoghi dell’identità nella letteratura dell’età augustea e della prima età imperiale](Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2019), ed. Citroni, M.; Labate, M.; Rosati, G., (Seminari e convegni, 52)
  110. Marini, S.: Lucerne bolllate in Italia centrale e settentrionale (I – II sec. d.C.). Aspetti tecnici, epigrafici, commerciali. (Roma, Scienze e Lettere, 2019), (Fecit te, 13)
  111. Martínez López, C.; Gallego Franco, H.; Mirón Pérez, M.D.: Constructoras de ciudad. Mujeres y arquitectura en el Occidente romano. (Granada, Comares, 2019) 
  112. Médard, F.; Béal, J.C.; Borgard, P. u.a.:L’artisanat du textile à Pompéi au Ier siècle après J.-C. Vestiges textiles et outillages. (Naples, CNRS, 2020), (Collection du Centre Jean Bérard, 51)
  113. Mediterranean holocene climate. Environment and human societies. (Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2016), ed. Gogou, A.; Izdebski, A.; Holmgren, K., (Quaternary science review. Special issue, 136)
  114. Métodos y técnicas en ciencias de la Antigüedad. Estudios sobe investigación y docencia. (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Universidad del País Vasco, 2018), ed. Ortiz de Urbina, E.; Vallejo, J.M., (Anejos de “Veleia”. Acta, 16)
  115. Michelotto, P.G.: Da Pietroburgo a New Haven. Sei saggi su M.I. Rostovtzeff. (Milano, Mondadori, 2019) 
  116. Migeon, M.: Le culte de Mercure en Narbonnaise, dans les Trois Gaules et en Germanies. Approche épigraphique, Ier siècle – IVe siècle après J.-C. (Drémil-Lafage, Mergoil, 2020), (Monographies Instrumentum, 69)
  117. Molina Salido, J.: From the archaeological record to virtual reconstruction. The application of information technologies at an iron age fortified settlement (San Chuis Hillfort, Allande, Astrurias, Spain). (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2018) 
  118. Mondini, D.; Jäggi, C.; Claussen, P.C.: Die Kirchen der Stadt Rom im Mittelalter, 1050 – 1300, 4. M-O. SS. Marcellino e Pietro bis S.Omobono. (Stuttgart, Steiner, 2020) 
  119. Money, currency, and crisis. In search of trust, 2000 B.C. to A.D. 2000. (London, Routledge, 2018), ed. Van der Spek, R.J.; Van Leeuwen, B., (Routledge explorations in economic history, 80)
  120. Muratore, G.: Roma. Guida all’architettura. Dalle origini ai giorni nostri. (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2020) 
  121. Mystery cults in visual representation in Graeco-Roman antiquity. (Leiden, Brill, 2021), ed. Belayche, N.; Massa, F., (Religions in the Graeco-Roman world, 194)
  122. Olivier, J.P.; Del Freo, M.: The Pylos tablets transcribed. Deuxième édition. (Padova,, 2020) 
  123. Opere di regimentazione delle acque in età arcaica. Roma, Grecia e Magna Grecia, Etruria e mondo italico. (Roma, Quasar, 2020), ed. Bianchi, E.; D’Acunto, M.
  124. Öz, B.N.: Conservation practices at foreign-run archaeological excavations in Turkey. A critical review. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2019), (British archaeological reports. International series, 2954)
  125. Paduano, G.: Teatro. Personaggio e condizione umana. (Roma, Carocci, ), (Carocci editore. Frecce, 292)
  126. Panayotakis, S.: Slaves and masters in the ancient novel. (Eelde, Barkhuis, 2019), (Ancient narrative supplementum, 23)
  127. Past societies human development in landscapes. (, Sidestone Press, 2020) open access, ed. Müller, J.; Ricci, A.
  128. Paths of knowledge. Interconnection(s) between knowlegde and journey in the Greco-Roman world. (Berlin, Edition Topoi, 2018), ed. Ferella, C.; Breytenbach, C., (Topoi. Berlin studies of the ancient world, 60)
  129. Paul-Francis Jacquier. Numismatique antique. Auktion 48. Münzen und Kunst der Antike. 18 – 19. September 2020. (Kehl, Selbstverlag, 2020) 
  130. Peppe, L.: Civis Romana. Forme giuridiche e modelli sociali dell’apparenenza e dell’identità femminili in Roman antica. (Lecce, Grifo, 2016) 
  131. Pérez Chivite, M.P.: Conservación in situ de los mosaicos romanos de Mérida. Historia y tecnologías de la información geográfica aplicadas. [ ](online 2020) open access, 
  132. Petrie, C.; Magee, P.; Khan, F. u.a.:Resistance at the edge of empires. The archaeology and history of the Bannu Basin from 1000 B.C. to A.D. 1200. (Oxford, Oxbow, 2021) 
  133. Philosophy and political power in antiquity. (Leiden, Brill, 2016), ed. Arruzza, C.; Nikulin, D., (Studies in moral philosophy, 10)
  134. Philosopie antique. Problèmes, renaissances, usages 20 (2020) 
  135. Pietras, H.: Council of Nicaea (325). Religious and political context. Documents, commentaries. (Rome, Gregorian and Biblical Press, 2016) 
  136. Piñero, A.: Aproximación al Jesús histórico. (Madrid, Trotta, 2018) 
  137. Political religions in the Graeco-Roman world. Discourses, practices and images. (Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars, 2019), ed. Koulakiotis, E.; Dunn, C.
  138. Poseidonia water city. Archaeology and climate change. [National Archaeological Museum of Paestum, 4 October 2019 – 31 January 2020.](Paestum, Pandemos, 2019), ed. Zuchtriegel, G.; Carter, P.; Oddo, M.E.
  139. Potenza, A.: L’industria su materia dura di origine animale proveniente dalla Grotta dei Cervi di Porto Badisco (Otranto, LE). Scavi 1970 – 1971. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2019), (British archaeological reports. International series, 2953)
  140. Pots and practices. An experimental and microwear approach to early iron age vessel biographies. ( )(Leiden, Sidestone Press, 2020) open access, ed. van Gijn, A.; Fries-Knoblach, J.; Stockhammer, P.W., (Bedeutungen und Funktionen mediterraner Importe im früheisenzeitlichen Mitteleuropa, 3)
  141. Prim, J.: Aventinus mons. Limites, fonctions urbaines et représentations politiques d’une colline de la Rome antique. (Rome, Ecole française de Rome, 2021), (Collection de l’Ecole française de Rome, 571)
  142. Proceedings of the 1st Conference. Rome, 30 September 2019. DTC Lazio Distretto Tecnologico Beni e Attività culturali. Centro di Eccellenza. (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2020), ed. Arcangioli, C.; Sarto, M.S., (Studia archaeologica, 236)
  143. Psychologie de la couleur dans le monde gréco-romain. Huit exposés suivis de discussions et d’un épilogue. Colour psychology in the Graeco-Roman world. Eight papers followed by a discussion and an epilogue. (Vandoeuvres, Fondation Hardt, 2020), ed. Ierodiakonou, K.; Derron, P., (Fondation Hardt pour l’étude de l’antiquité classique. Entretiens, 66)
  144. Quand la fortune du royaume ne dépend pas de la vertu du prince. Un renforcement de la monarchie lagide de Ptolemee VI a Ptolemee X (169-88 av. J.-C.)?(Leuven, Peeters, 2020), ed. Gorre, G.; Wackenier, S., (Studia Hellenistica, 59)
  145. Ralite, J.C.R.; Gentric, G.: Catalogue des monnaies d’Ensérune. (Béziers, Ancienne Académie des Belles-Lettres et Sciences de Béziers, 2019), (Société archéologique champenoise. Mémoires, 35)
  146. Reconstruire les villes. Modes, motifs et récits. (Turnhout, Brepols, 2019), ed. Capet, E.; Dogniez, C.; Gorea,  u.a.:, (Semitica et classica. Supplementa, 1)
  147. Repräsentationen der Macht. Beiträge des Festkolloquiums zu Ehren des 65. Geburtstags von Blagoje Govedarica. (Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2020), ed. Hansen, S., (Kolloquien zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte, 25)
  148. Ribeiro, A.S.P.: Archaeology and the historical understanding. (Bonn, Habelt, 2018), (Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie, 318)
  149. Ricerche a confronto 2014. Dialoghi di antichità classiche e del Vicino Oriente. Bologna, Pisa 2014. (Zermeghedo, Edizioni Saecula, 2020), ed. Reali, F.
  150. Rodríguez Almeida, E.: Excavación en Gabii. Scavi di Gabii. Diario-taccuino (1965). (Roma, Arbor sapientiae, 2019), ed. García y García, L.
  151. Roma e i “diversi”. Confini geografici, barriere culturali, distinzioni di genere nelle fonti letterarie ed epigrafice fra età repubblicana e Tarda antichità. (Firenze, Mondadori Education, 2018), ed. Giuffrida, C.; Cassia, M.; Arena, G., (Studi sul mondo antico, 11)
  152. Russi, A.: Per la storia del Mezzogiorno d’Italia nell’antichità. Scritti vari raccolti da amici e allievi, rivisti ed annotati dall’autore. (Roma, Quasar, 2020) 2 Bde., 
  153. Santos Yanguas, N.: Epigrafía romana y primitivos lugares del culto cristiano en Asturias. (Oviedo, Universidad de Oviedo, 2018) 
  154. Savvides, A.G.C.: The beginnings and foundations of Byzantine studies. A survey. (Athens, Hêrodotos, 2018) 
  155. Scheid, J.: Rites et religion à Rome. (Paris, CNRS éditions, 2019) 
  156. Scholastic culture in the hellenistic and Roman eras. Greek, Latin, Jewish. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2019), ed. Adams, S.A., (Transmissions, 2)
  157. Sedlmayer, H.; Groh, S.; Pagès, G. u.a.:Ad Metalla. Zum Militärplatz Strebersdorf in den pannonischen Eisenrevieren an der Bernsteinstrasse. (Drémil-Lafage, Mergoil, 2020), (Monographies Instrumentum, 68)
  158. Selvaggi, R.: Erfolgreiche Vertragskonzepte oder foedera incerta? Die weströmische Außenpolitik des 5. Jahrhunderts im Spiegel der römisch-germanischen Vereinbarungen. (Hamburg, Hamburg University Press, 2020) 
  159. Shatzman, I.: The armies of the Hasmonaeans and Herod. From hellenistic to Roman frameworks. (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 1991) 354 S., Abb., (Texte und Studien zum antiken Judentum, 25)
  160. Siapkas, J.: Från Olympia till Leonidas. (Lund, Nordic Academic Press, 2018), (Antikvetenskapens teoretiska landskap, 2)
  161. Speaking animals in ancient literature. (Heidelberg, Winter, 2020), ed. Schmalzgruber, H., (Kalliope, 20)
  162. Stabrey, U.: Archäologische Untersuchungen. Über Temporalität und Dinge. (Bielefeld, Transcript, 2017), (Histoire, 98)
  163. Stenger, J.R.: Johannes Chrysostomos und die Christianisierung der Polis. Damit die Städte Städte werden. (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2019), (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum, 115)
  164. Stewart, M.: Masculinity, identity, and power politics in the age of Justinian. A study of Procopius. (Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 2020), (Social worlds of late antiquity and the early middle ages, 4)
  165. Susanetti, D.: Luce delle muse. La sapienza greca a la magia della parola. (Milano, Bompiani, 2019) 
  166. Tallet, G.: La splendeur des dieux. Quatre études iconographiques sur l’hellénisme égyptien. (Leiden, Brill, 2021) 2 Bde., (Religions in the Graeco-Roman world, 193)
  167. Teichgräber, A.: Was ist also unser Lohn? Die Finanzen der nordafrikanischen Kirchen im 4. und frühen 5. Jahrhundert. (Münster, Aschendorff, 2020), (Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum. Ergänzungsband. Kleine Reihe, 16)
  168. Teodolinda. I Longobardi all’alba dell’Europa. [ Atti del 2ø Convegno internazionale di studio (Monza, Gazzada, Castelseprio-Torba, Cairate, 2-7 dicembre 2015)](Spoleto, Centro italiano di studi sull’alto medioevo, 2018) 2 Bde., ed. Archetti, G., (Centro studi longobardi. Convegni, 2)
  169. The Cambridge companion to ancient Greek and Roman science. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020), ed. Taub, L.
  170. The Cambridge history of magic and witchcraft in the West. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015), ed. Collins, D.J.
  171. The Collectio Avellana and its revivals. (Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars, 2019), ed. Lizzi Testa, R.; Marconi, G.
  172. The discourse of marriage in the Greco-Roman world. (Madison Wisc., The University of Wisconsin Press, 2020), ed. Beneker, J.; Tsouvala, G.
  173. The Nag Hammadi Codices and late antique Egypt. (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, ), ed. Lundhaug, H.; Jenott, L., (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum, 110)
  174. The Postclassicisms Collective. Postclassicism. (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2020) 
  175. The values of nighttime in classical antiquity. Between dusk and dawn. (Leiden, Brill, 2020), ed. Ker, J.; Wessels, A., (Mnemosyne. Supplementa, 434)
  176. Thornton, A.: Archaeologist in print. Publishing for the people. (London, University College London, 2018) 
  177. Todisco, L.: Figure mascherate e maschere comiche nella ceramica italiota e siceliota. (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2020), (Studia archaeologica, 242)
  178. Tra Ionio e Tirreno. Orizzonti d’archeologia. Omaggio a Elena Lattanzi. (Roma, Scienze e Lettere, 2020), ed. Spadea, R.; Lo Schiavo, F.; Lazzarini, M.L.
  179. Travel, pilgrimage and social interaction from antiquity to the middle ages. (New York, Routledge, 2019), ed. Kuuliala, J.; Rantala, J.
  180. Turner, D.R.: Grave reminders comparing Mycenaean tomb building with labour and memory. ( )(Leiden, Sidestone Press, 2020) open access
  181. Über den Glanz des Goldes und die Polychromie. Technische Vielfalt und kulturelle Bedeutung vor und frühgeschichtlicher Metallarbeiten. Akten des 2. und 3. Workshops des Netzwerks Archäologisch-Historisches Metallhandwerk in Frankfurt a.M., 24. – 27.10.2013, und in Berlin, 11. – 12.05.2017. (Bonn, Habelt, 2018), (Kolloquien zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte, 24)
  182. Une autre façon d’être grec. Interactions et productions des Grecs en milieu colonial. Another way of being Greel Interactions and cultural innovations of the Greeks in a colonial milieu. Actes du colloque international. (Leuven, Peeters, 2020), ed. Costanzi, M.; Dana, M., (Colloquia antiqua. Supplements to the journal “Ancient West and East”, 26)
  183. Un-Roman sex. Gender, sexuality, and lovemaking in the Roman provinces and frontiers. (London, Routledge, 2020), ed. Ivleva, T.; Collins, R.
  184. Urbanism and architecture in ancient Aiolis. Proceedings of the international conference from the 7th – 9th April 2017 in Çanakkale. (Bonn, Habelt, 2020), ed. Mohr, E.M.; Rheidt, K.; Arslan, N., (Asia Minor Studien, 95)
  185. V Ciclo di studi medievali. Atti del convegno, 3-4 giugno 2019, Firenze. (Arcore, Nume. Gruppo di ricerca sul medioevo latino, 2019) 
  186. Van Berkel, T.A.: The economics of friendship. Conceptions of reciprocity in classical Greece. (Leiden, Brill, 2020), (Mnemosyne. Supplementa, 429)
  187. Van Hoof, V.J.M.: Generale zekerheidsrechten in rechtshistorisch perspectief. (Deventer, Wolters Kluwer, 2015), (Onderneming en recht, 86)
  188. van Rooijen, G.: Goddesses of Akragas. A study of terracotta votive figurines from Sicily. [Diss. Leiden 2019, ](Leiden, Sidestone Press, 2021) open access, 
  189. Varia epigraphica et archaeologica. Volume dèdie à la mémoire de Maria Barbulescu. (Constanta, Musée d’histoire nationale et d’archéologie Constanta, 2019), (Pontica. Supplementum, 52,2)
  190. Wachter, R.: Pompejanische Wandinschriften. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2019) 
  191. Watson, G.C.: Connections, communities, and coinage. The system of coin prodution in southern Asia Minor, A.D. 218 – 276. (New York, The American Numismatic Society, 2019), (Numismatic studies, 39)
  192. Webster, G.; Webster, M.: The Sardinian Neolithic. An archaeology of the 6th and 5th millennia B.C.E. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2019), (British archaeological reports. International series, 2941)
  193. Westerfeld, J.T.: Egyptian hieroglyphs in the late antique imagination. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Press, 2019) 
  194. Yegül, F.K.: Archaeological Exploration of Sardis. The temple of Artemis at Sardis. (Istanbul, Ege Yayinlari, 2020) 2 Bde., (Archaeological exploration of Sardis. Reports, 7)
  195. Zeleznyj vek. Evropa bez granic. Pervoe tysjaceletie do n. e. Katalog vystavki. (Sankt-Peterburg, Tabula Rasa, 2020) 

New volumes of periodicals:

Acta classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis 56 (2020)   click on the link for contents

Acta Musei Napocensis 56 (2019) 

Adamantius 25 (2019)   online edition

Aevum 94 (2020) Nr.1  online edition

Aitia. Regards sur la culture hellénistique au XXIe siècle 10 (2020)  online edition   open access

American Journal of Archaeology 125 (2021) Nr.1, Nr.2   online edition    partly open access

Anadolu 34 (2008)[2010]  online edition  open access

Anadolu 46 (2020)  online edition  open access

Anadolu arastirmalari 23 (2020)  online edition  open access

Anatolia antiqua. Eski Anadolu 27 (2019)   click on the link for contents

Ancient Society 50 (2020)  online edition

Annali della Scuola normale superiore di Pisa 12 (2020) 

Annali. Istituto italiano di numismatica 65 (2019) 

Annuaire du Collège de France 118 (2017-18) 

Antiquity 94 (2020) Nr.378  online edition

Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft 73 (2020) Nr.4   online edition  open access

Aquincumi füzetek. A Budapesti történeti múzeum ásalásai. Excavations at the Budapest History Museum 18 (2012)

Archaeologia Austriaca 104 (2020)  online edition  open access

Archaeologia Bulgarica 25 (2021)  Nr.1  online edition open access

Archaeological Reports for 19xx (20xx) 66 (2019-20)  online edition

Archaeology 74 (2021)  Nr.1

Archäologie Graubünden 3 (2018)   online edition  open access

Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 50 (2020) Nr.4

Archeologia aera 12 (2018)[2020] 

Archeologia postmedievale 22 (2018) 

Archeologia postmedievale 23 (2019) 

ArcheoSciences. Revue d’archéométrie 43 (2019) Nr.2  online edition

ArcheoSciences. Revue d’archéométrie 44 (2020) Nr.1  online edition

Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 21-22 (2019-20)   online edition

Arheoloki vestnik 71 (2020)  online edition  open access

Arkeoloji dergisi 23 (2018)  online edition  open access

Arkeoloji dergisi 24 (2019)  online edition  open access

Arkeoloji dergisi 25 (2020)  online edition  open access

Athenaeum 108 (2020) Nr.2

Atti e memorie. Deputazione di storia patria per le province di Romagna 68 (2018) 

Belleten 84 (2020)  online edition open access

Bilan scientifique de la région Nouvelle-Aquitaine (2017) 

Bilan scientifique de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (2005) 

Bilan scientifique de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (2018) 

Bollettino d’arte 43 (2019) 

Bollettino dell’Associazione archeologica ticinese 30 (2018)  online edition open access

Bryn Mawr Classical Review (2021)  Nr.2  online resource

Bryn Mawr Classical Review (2021)  Nr.3  online resource

Bulletin de correspondance hellénique 143 (2019) Nr.2   online edition  open access

Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française 117 (2020)  online edition  open access

Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 120 (2020)  online edition  open access

Cahiers des études anciennes 57 (2020)  online edition  open access

Cahiers du Centre G. Glotz 30 (2019)   click on the link for contents

Cahiers mondes anciens 13 (2020)  online edition open access

Caiete ARA 11 (2020)    click on the link for contents

Carnuntum Jahrbuch (2019)  online edition  open access

Classical Philology 115 (2020) Nr.4  online edition

Cronache ercolanesi 50 (2020)   click on the link for contents

Current Archaeology 370 (2021)  online edition

Current Archaeology 371 (2021)  online edition

Current Archaeology 372 (2021)  online edition

Das archäologische Jahr in Bayern (2019)[2020] 

Epigraphica Anatolica 53 (2020)  online edition

Florentia Iliberritana 30 (2019)  online edition  open access

Gallia 76 (2019)  Nr.2  online edition  open access

Gallia 77 (2020)  Nr.2  online edition  open access

Gallia préhistoire 59 (2019)  online edition  open access

Gallia préhistoire 60 (2020) online edition  open access

Genava 64 (2016)  online edition  open access

Genava 65 (2017)  online edition  open access

Germania 97 (2019) 

Hesperia 90 (2021) Nr.1  online edition

Histoire et mesure 35 (2020) Nr.1   online edition  open access

Il pensiero politico. Rivista di storia delle idee politiche e sociali 53 (2020) Nr.2  click on the link for contents

Incontri di filologia classica 17 (2017-18)  online edition  open access

Incontri di filologia classica 18 (2018-19)  online edition  open access

Index 48 (2020) 

Instrumentum 52 (2020) 

Iura 59 (2011)  online edition open access

Iura 60 (2012) online edition  open access

Iura 68 (2020) 

Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen 60 (2018-19)[2020] 

Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik 69 (2019)  online edition

Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum 62 (2019) click on the link for contents

Jahresbericht. Gesellschaft Pro Vindonissa (2018)  online edition open access

Jahresberichte aus Augst und Kaiseraugst 39 (2018)   online edition  open access

Jahresberichte aus Augst und Kaiseraugst 40 (2019)  online edition  open access

Journal des savants (2020) Nr.2

Journal of Ancient Topography. Rivista di topografia antica 29 (2019) click on the link for contents

Journal of Ancient Topography. Rivista di topografia antica 30 (2020) click on the link for contents

Journal of Early Christian Studies 28 (2020) Nr.4   online edition

Journal of Early Christian Studies 29 (2021) Nr.1  online edition

Journal of Mosaic Research 13 (2020)   online edition  open access

Kernos 33 (2020)   click on the link for contents

Ktema 45 (2020)

Lares 86 (2020) Nr.1

Ludica 26 (2020)   online edition

Marca. Marche. Rivista di storia regionale 12 (2019)  online edition open access

Marca. Marche. Rivista di storia regionale 13 (2019) online edition open access

Marca. Marche. Rivista di storia regionale 15 (2020) 

Medicina nei secoli 32 (2020) Nr.1, Nr.2  online edition  open access 

Mélanges de l’Ecole française de Rome. Antiquité 132 (2020) Nr.2   online edition  open access

Mythos 14 (2020)  online edition open access

Notizie degli scavi di antichità 30-31 (2019-20) 

Opuscula. Annual of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome 13 (2020)  online edition open access

Orbis terrarum 18 (2020)  online edition

Orientalia christiana periodica 85 (2019) Nr.2

Patrimoines. La revue de l’Institut national du patrimoine 1 (2005) 

Patrimoines. La revue de l’Institut national du patrimoine 10 (2014) 

Patrimoines. La revue de l’Institut national du patrimoine 11 (2015) 

Patrimoines. La revue de l’Institut national du patrimoine 12 (2016) 

Patrimoines. La revue de l’Institut national du patrimoine 13 (2017) 

Patrimoines. La revue de l’Institut national du patrimoine 14 (2018-19) 

Patrimoines. La revue de l’Institut national du patrimoine 2 (2006) 

Patrimoines. La revue de l’Institut national du patrimoine 3 (2007) 

Patrimoines. La revue de l’Institut national du patrimoine 7 (2011) 

Patrimoines. La revue de l’Institut national du patrimoine 8 (2012) 

Patrimoines. La revue de l’Institut national du patrimoine 9 (2013) 

Peuce 16 (2018)  online edition  open access

Phoenix 73 (2019) Nr.1-2   online edition

Picus 40 (2020) click on the link for contents

Politica antica. Rivista di prassi e cultura politica nel mondo greco e romano 10 (2020) click on the link for contents

Pontica 52 (2019)  online edition  open access

Rassegna volterrana 114 (2020) 

Rassegna volterrana 96 (2019) 

Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum acta 46 (2019)  online edition open access

Restauro archeologico. Università degli studi di Firenze 27 (2019)  Nr.2   online resource

Restauro archeologico. Università degli studi di Firenze 28 (2020)  Nr.1  online resource

Revue archéologique (2020) Nr.2   online edition

Revue archéologique de l’Ouest 35 (2018)   online edition open access

Revue archéologique de l’Ouest 36 (2020)   online edition open access

Revue archéologique de Picardie (2020)  Nr.3-4

Revue belge de numismatique et de sigillographie 166 (2020) 

Revue belge de philologie et d’histoire 98 (2020) Nr.1

Revue biblique 127 (2020) Nr.4  online edition

Revue des études grecques 133 (2020) Nr.2

Revue internationale des droits de l’antiquité 65 (2018) 

Revue numismatique 177 (2020) 

Rivista di archeologia cristiana 96 (2020) 

Rivista di storia del cristianesimo 17 (2020) Nr.1

Rivista di studi pompeiani 31 (2020) click on the link for contents

Schweizerische numismatische Rundschau 97 (2019) 

Sehepunkte 21 (2021)  Nr.2  online resource

Sehepunkte 21 (2021)  Nr.3  online resource

Semitica. Revue publiée par l’Institut d’études sémitiques du Collège de France 62 (2020) 

Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni 86 (2020) Nr.2

Studi italiani di filologia classica 18 (2020) Nr.1  online edition

Studi medievali 60 (2019) 

Studi medievali 61 (2020)

Studi romagnoli 70 (2019) 

Studia historica. Historia antigua 37 (2019)  online edition open access

Studia historica. Historia antigua 38 (2020) online edition open access

Syntaktika 52 (2017) online edition open access

Syntaktika 53 (2017)  online edition open access

The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 71 (2020) Nr.4   online edition

Tijdschrift voor rechtsgeschiedenis. Revue d’histoire du droit. The Legal History Review 88 (2020)  online edition

Tijdschrift voor rechtsgeschiedenis. Revue d’histoire du droit. The Legal History Review 81 (2013) online edition

Tijdschrift voor rechtsgeschiedenis. Revue d’histoire du droit. The Legal History Review 82 (2014) online edition

Tijdschrift voor rechtsgeschiedenis. Revue d’histoire du droit. The Legal History Review 83 (2015)  online edition

Tijdschrift voor rechtsgeschiedenis. Revue d’histoire du droit. The Legal History Review 84 (2016) online edition

Traditio 75 (2020) online edition

Vestnik drevnej istorii 80 (2020)  Nr.2

Vestnik drevnej istorii 80 (2020)  Nr.3

Vestnik drevnej istorii 80 (2020)  Nr.4

Vichiana 58 (2021) Nr.1  online edition

West and East. Rivista della Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici 4 (2019)  online resource

West and East. Rivista della Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici 3 (2018) online resource

West and East. Rivista della Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici 2 (2017) online resource

West and East. Rivista della Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici 1 (2016) online resource

Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie 12 (2019) 

Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 217 (2021)   online edition

Dynamically ascending. 2361 new titles in February for the ‘Archaeological Bibliography’. ‘Annual Archaeology Bibliography’ 2020 is now online.

February 28, 2021


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With a lot of libraries closed all around the world, Dyabola offers a chance to keep yourself informed about new research and publications concerning classical studies. Below you will find the list of new monographs and periodicals which were referenced during the last month. We offer the list of monographs as pdf to simplify the printout. The list of new periodicals has been supplemented with links to the online editions of the respective journals – in addition to the links to the online resources. Last year we have begun to mark – to simplify your research – the open access journals. You may examine the contents of the respective monographs and periodicals within the database by using the search option “title” or “periodicals” and by navigating to the “children” of the chosen title. A lot of articles of periodicals referenced last month within the “Archaeological Bibliography” are identified with “DOI” or otherwise stable links, which will get you directly to the full text. Our intention citing DOI links is to create – in fact – a sort of full-text-bibliography by links. If you need a demokey for “Archaeological Bibliography”, please mail to

“Annual Archaeological Bibliography 2020″ has been just uploaded. As part of the “Archaeological Bibliography 1956-” the database offers the possibility of a fast, easy, comfortable and systematic survey on the new literature published in 2019-20. “Archaeological Bibliography 1956-“on the other hand is accumulative and offers the full possibilities and advantages of a truly thorough bibliographical search.

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New monographs in February (New monographs February 2021/pdf):

  1. A cerâmica medieval no Mediterrâneo. Silves 22 a 27. outubro ’12. (Silves, Association internationale pour l’étude des céramiques médiévales et modernes en Méditerranéennes, 2015) 2 Bde.,  ed. Gonçalves, M.J.; Gómez-Martínez, S.
  2. Abramzon, M.G.; Frolova, N.A.; Peter, U.: Sylloge nummorum Graecorum. Russland. Staatliches Historisches Museum Moskau. Münzen des Nördlichen Schwarzmeergebietes. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2019) 
  3. Age of classics. L’antiquité dans la culture pop. Catalogue de l’exposition présentée au Musée Saint-Raymond, Musée d’archéologie de Toulouse, du 22 février au 22 septembre 2019. (Toulouse, Musée Saint-Raymond, 2019) , ed. Besnard, T.A.; Scapin, M.
  4. Albertario, E.: Les usurae en droit romain. Un manuscrit inédit. (Paris, Mare et Martin, 2019)  
  5. Ancient Greek medicine in questions and answers. Diagnostics, didactics, dialectics. (Leiden, Brill, 2021) , ed. Meeusen, M., (Studies in ancient medicine, 54)
  6. Anthropology of Roman housing. (Turnhout, Brepols, 2020) , ed. Dardenay, A.; Laubry, N., (Antiquité et sciènces humaines. La traversée des frontiers, 5)
  7. Antonio Taramelli e l’archeologia della Sardegna. [Atti delle giornate di studio]. Abbasanta 17 – 18 maggio 2019. (Cagliari, Soprintendenza Archeologia, belle arti e paesaggio per la città metropolitana di Cagliari, 2019) , ed. Salis, G.; Piccin, M.; Casagrande, M.
  8. Archaeology of a world of changes. Late Roman and Early Byzantine architecture, sculpture and landscapes. Selected papers from the 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies (Belgrade, 22 – 27 August 2016) in memoriam Claudiae Barsanti. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2020) , ed. Moreau, D., (British archaeological reports. International series, 2973)
  9. Archéologie du textile en Europe à l’âge du Bronze et au premier âge du Fer.Actes de la journée d’étude APRAB, 6 mars 2015, Musée d’Archéologie Nationale (Saint-Germain-en-Laye). (Dijon, Association pour la promotion des recherches sur l’âge du Bronzes, 2019) , ed. Lorin, Y.; Peake, R., (Bulletin de l’Association pour la Promotion des Recherches sur l’âge du Bronze. Supplément, 5)
  10. Arnold, M.: Transformationen stadtrömischer Heiligtümer während der späten Republik und Kaiserzeit. (Turnhout, Brepols, 2020) , (Contextualizing the sacred, 10)
  11. Arte e cultura fra classicismo e lumi. Omaggio a Winckelmann. (Milano, Jaca Book, 2018) , ed. Balestreri, I.; Facchin, L.
  12. Authority and expertise in ancient scientific culture. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2017) , ed. König, J.; Woolf, G.
  13. Balmaceda, C.: Libertas and res publica in the Roman Republic. Ideas of freedom and Roman politics. (Leiden, Brill, 2020) , (Impact of Empire, 37)
  14. Barbato, M.: Incantamenta latina e romanica. Scongiuri e formul emagiche dei secoli V-XV. (Roma, Salerno, 2019) , (Testi e documenti di letteratura e di lingua, 41)
  15. Beni da conservare. Forme di tesaurizzazione in età romana e medievale. (Bologna, Ante quem, 2020) , ed. Baldini, I.; Morelli, A.L., (Ornamenta, 7)
  16. Bettalli, M.: Un mondo di ferro. La guerra nell’antichità. (Bari, Laterza, 2019) 
  17. Between memory sites and memory networks. New archaeological and historical perspectives. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2017) , ed. Hofmann, K.; Bernbeck, R.; Sommer, U., (Topoi. Berlin studies of the ancient world, 45)
  18. Blame it on the gender. Identities and transgressions in antiquity. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2020) , ed. La Escosura Balbàs, M.C. de; Duce Pastor, E.; Rodriguez Alcocer, M.d. u.a.:, (British archaeological reports. International series, 3005)
  19. Bockius, R.; Kiefer, J.: Seefahrt in der Antike. Führer zur Ausstellung im Museum für Antike Schiffahrt, Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz. (Mainz, Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, 2013) 
  20. Bolognesi Recchi Franceschini, E.; Pasinli, A.: Il Gran Palazzo degli Imperatori di Bizanio. Proposta per un parco archeologico. Bizans imparatorlarinin büyük sarayi. (Istanbul, Museo d’arte turca ed islamica, 2002) 
  21. Bonnefond-Coudry, M.: Le sénat de la république romaine de la guerre d’Hannibal à Auguste. Pratiques délibératives et prise de décision. (Rome 1989) 2e éd. 2020, 837 S., Abb., (Bibliothèque des Ecoles françaises d’Athènes et de Rome, 273)
  22. Bradley, G.J.: Early Roman Italy to 290 B.C. The origins of Rome and the rise of the Republic. (Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2020) 
  23. Brill’s companion to hellenistic astronomy. The Science in its contexts. (Leiden, Brill, 2019) , ed. Bowen, A.C.; Rochberg, F.
  24. Brown, P.: Per la cruna di un ago. La ricchetta, la caduta di Roma e lo sviluppo del cristianesimo, 350 – 550 d.C. (Torino, Einaudi, 2019) Original: Through the eye of a needle (Princeton 2012),  (Piccola biblioteca Einaudi. Nuova serie, 718)
  25. Buccellati, G.; Ermidoro, S.; Mahmoud, Y.: I millenni per l’oggi. L’archeologia contro la guerra. Urkesh di ieri nella Siria di oggi. (Firenze, Società editrice fiorentina, 2018) 
  26. Building knowledge, constructing histories, 1. Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Constructing History (6ICCH), Brussels, Belgium, 9-13 July 2018. (Boca Raton, CRC Press, 2018) , ed. Wouters, I.; Van de Voorde, S.; Bertels,  u.a.:
  27. Building knowledge, constructing histories, 2. Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Constructing histories. (London, Taylor and Francis, 2018) , ed. Wouters, I.; Van de Voorde, S.; Bertels,  u.a.:
  28. Busuladzic, A.: Anticki zeljezni alat i oprema sa prostora Bosne i Hercegovine. Iron tools and implements of the Roman period in Bosnia and Herzegovina. (Sarajevo, Univerzitet u Sarajevu, 2015) 
  29. Byzanz. Pracht und Alltag. Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn 26. Februar bis 13. Juni 2010. (München, Hirmer, 2010) 
  30. Cahana-Blum, J.: Wrestling with Archons. Gnosticism as a critical theory of culture. (Lanham, Lexington Books, 2018) 
  31. Canas, M.A.: Les stratégies matrimoniales de l’aristocratie sénatoriale romaine au temps des guerres civiles (61 – 30 av. J.-C.). (Paris, Les belles lettres, 2019) , (Collection d’études anciennes. Série latine, 84)
  32. Case studies in transmission. (Münster, Ugarit-Verlag, 2014) , ed. Lindstedt, I.; Hämeen-Anttila, J.; Mattila,  u.a.:, (The intellectual heritage of the ancient and mediaeval Near East, 1)
  33. Casella, V.: La trasmissibilità ereditaria della stipulatio. (Milano, Edizioni universitarie di lettere, economia, diritto, 2018) 
  34. Castorio, J.N.: Rome réinventée. L’Antiquité dans l’imaginaire occidental de Titien à Fellini. (Paris, Vendémiaire, 2019) 
  35. Chiai, G.F.: Phrygien und seine Götter. Historie und Religionsgeschichte einer anatolischen Region von der Zeit der Hethiter bis zur Ausbreitung des Christenstums. (Rahden, Leidorf, 2020) , (Pharos, 46)
  36. Chronica Hispana saeculi VIII – IX. (Turnhout, Brepols, 2018) , ed. Gil, J., (Corpus Christianorum continuatio medievalis, 65)
  37. Chronopoulos, S.: Spott im Drama. Dramatische Funktionen der persönlichen Verspottung  in  Aristophanes’  Wespen und Frieden. (Heidelberg, Verlag Antike, 2017) 
  38. Concepts of ideal rulership from antiquity to the Renaissance. (Turnhout, Brepols, 2018) , ed. Roskam, G.; Schorn, S., (Lectio. Studies in the transmission of texts and ideas, 7)
  39. Corps et voix dans les danses du théâtre antique. (Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2019) , ed. Delavaud-Roux, M.H.
  40. Critchley, S.: Tragedy, the Greeks and us. (London, Profile Books, 2019) 
  41. Curbera, J.: Inscriptiones Graecae, 2-3. InscriptionesAtticae Euclidis anno posteriores, 4.Dedicationes et tituli sacri, 3. Tituli sacri, theatri Bacchi. Indices. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2019) 
  42. Daniels, P.T.: An exploration of writing. (Sheffield, Equinox, 2018) 
  43. Delille, G.: The economy of god. Family and market in Christianity, Judaism and Islam. (Roma, Viella, 2019) 
  44. Des pittakia de Théadelphie. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2018) , ed. Kambitsis, S., (Berliner griechische Urkunden, 22)
  45. Di Fazio, M.: I Volsci. Un popolo “liquido” nel Lazio antico. (Roma, Quasar, 2020) , (Prima Italia, 1)
  46. Die antike Siedlungstopographie Triphyliens. (Berlin, Mann, 2020) , ed. Heiden, J.; Hanöffner, A.; Siftar, L., (Athenaia, 11)
  47. Die Briefe des Ignatios von Antiochia. Motive, Strategien, Kontexte. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2018) , ed. Bauer, T.J.; Möllendorff, P.v., (Millennium-Studien, 72)
  48. Dike. Ovvero della giustizia tra l’Olimpo e la terra. (Milano, Mimesis, 2020) , ed. Camerotto, A.; Pontani, F., (Classici contro, 15)
  49. Djaoui, D.: On n’a rien inventé. Produits, commerce et gastronomie dans l’antiquité romaine. [15 juin 2019 – 24 novembre 2019.](Marseille, Musées de Marseille, 2019) 
  50. Eaton-Krauss, M.: Bernhard V. Bothmer, egyptologist in the making, 1912 trough July 1946. With Bothmer’s own account of his escape from central Europe in October 1941. (Münster, Zaphon, 2019) , (Investigatio Oriens, 3)
  51. Eckhardt, B.; Leonhard, C.: Juden, Christen und Vereine im Römischen Reich. (Berlin 2018) , (Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten, 75)
  52. Ecritures normées et professions (moyen âge – XVIe siècle). (Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2019) , ed. Panzera, M.C.; Conti, M., (Ausonius éditions. Scripta mediaevlia, 39)
  53. Epic heroes on screen. (Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2018) , ed. Augoustakis, A.; Raucci, S.
  54. Epigraphy through five millennia. Texts and images in context. (Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2020) , ed. Dirksen, S.C.; Krastel, L.S., (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. Abteilung Kairo. Sonderschriften, 43)
  55. Ferrara al tempo di Ercole I d’Este. Scavi archeologici, restauri e riqualificazione urbana nel contro storico della città. (Firenze, All’insegna del giglio, 2018) , ed. Ansaloni, I.; Bandini Mazzanti, M.; Guarnieri, C., (Quaderni di archeologia dell’Emilia Romagna, 38)
  56. Feuvrier-Prévotat, C.: La loi de l’argent à Rome. VIe siècle – IIe siècle av. J.-C. (Paris, L’Harmattan, 2019) 
  57. Filipová, A.: Milan sans frontières. Le culte et la circulation des reliques ambrosiennes, l’art et l’architecture (IVe – VIe siècle). (Roma, Viella, 2019) , (In between. Images, words and objects, 1)
  58. Flusstäler, Flussschifffahrt, Flusshäfen: Befunde aus Antike und Mittelalter. Internationale Tagung im Rahmen des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms 1630 “Häfen von der Römischen Kaiserzeit bis zum Mittelalter” an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 21. – 24. Februar 2018. (Mainz 2019) , ed. Ettel, P.; Hack, A.T., (Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum. Tagungen, 39)
  59. Fonzo, E.: Il mondo antico negli scritti di Antonio Gramsci. (Mercato S. Severino, Paguro, 2019) 
  60. Gaulhofer, J.: Metus. Der prätorische Rechtsschutz bei Furcht, Zwang und Gewalt. (Wien, Böhlau, 2018) , (Forschungen zum römischen Recht, 59)
  61. Genre in archaic and classical Greek poetry. Theories and models. (Leiden, Brill, 2020) , ed. Foster, M.; Kurke, L.; Weiss, N., (Mnemosyne. Supplementa, 428)
  62. GeoArcheoGypsum 2019. Geologia e archeologia del gesso. Dal lapis specularis alla scagliola. (Palermo, Regione siciliana, 2019) , ed. Gullì, D.; Lugli, S.; Ruggieri,  u.a.:++
  63. Germer, R.: Orient statt Mecklenburg. Die Reisen des Grafen und der Gräfin von Schlieffen 1850 bis 1853. (Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2020) 
  64. Ghilardi, M.: Il santo con due piedi sinistri. Appunti sulla genesi dei corpisanti in ceroplastica. (Cittá di Castello, Luoghi Interiori, 2019) , (Luoghi interiori, 51)
  65. Giurisprudenza romana nei papiri. Tracce per una ricerca. (Pavia, Pavia University Press, 2018) , ed. Mantovani, D.; Ammirati, S.
  66. Gli Italiani e le antichità fenicie e puniche del Maghreb tra XVIII e XX secolo. Archivi, viaggi e collezioni. (Roma, CNR, 2019) , ed. Manfredi, L.I.; Mezzolani Andreose, A.; Festuccia, S.
  67. Görne, F.: Die Obstruktionen in der Römischen Republik. (Stuttgart, Steiner, 2020) , (Historia. Einzelschriften, 264)
  68. Grabung, Forschung, Präsentation. (Oppenheim, Nünnerich-Asmus Verlag, 2020) , ed. Müller, M., (Xantener Berichte. Grabung, Forschung, Präsentation, 33)
  69. Gross, J.: Antike Mythen im schwäbischen Gewand. Gustav Schwabs Sagen des klassischen Altertums und ihre antiken Quellen. (Göttingen, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2020) , (Rezeption der Antike, 6)
  70. Hammann, C.: Kathrasis in der Kaiserzeit und Spätantike. Vorstellungen von Reinigung und Reinheit in Medizin, platonischer Philosophie und christlicher Theologie des 2. bis 4. Jahrhunderts n.Chr. (Göttingen, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2020) , (Hypomnemata, 208)
  71. Heale, D.: Egypt’s Christian heritage. Cultutural heritage management and Egypt’s Coptic monuments. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2020) , (British archaeological reports. International series, 2983)
  72. Holism in ancient medicine and its reception. (Leiden, Brill, 2021) , ed. Thumiger, C., (Studies in ancient medicine, 53)
  73. Husquin, C.: L’integrité du corps en question. Perceptions et représentations de l’atteinte physique à Rome. (Rennes, Presses universitaires, 2020) 
  74. Hutchinson, G.O.: Motion in Classical Literature. Homer, Parmenides, Sophocles, Ovid, Seneca, Tacitus, art. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020) 
  75. Hyblaea avena. Theokrit in römischer Kaiserzeit und Früher Neuzeit. Beiträge vom internationalen Symposium am 15. und 16. November 2018 an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal. (Stuttgart, Steiner, 2020) , ed. Beron, A.E.; Weise, S., (Palingenesia, 122)
  76. Identity and the other in Byzantium. Papers from the Fourth International Sevgi Gönül Byzantine Studies Symposium. [Istanbul, 23 – 25 June 2016](Istanbul, Koç Üniversitesi Yayinlari, 2019) , ed. Durak, K.; Jevtic, I.
  77. II Ciclo di studi medievali. Atti del convegno, 27-28 maggio 2017, Firenze. (Arcore, Nume. Gruppo di ricerca sul medioevo latino, 2017) 
  78. III Ciclo di studi medievali. Atti del convegno 8-10 settembre 2017, Firenze. (Arcore, Nume. Gruppo di ricerca sul medioevo latino, 2017) 
  79. Il pensiero politico. Rivista di storia delle idee politiche e sociali 53 (2020) 
  80. Il santuario di San Michele a Olevano sul Tusciano. Culto dei santi e pellegrinaggi nell’altomedioevo (secc. VI – XI). Atti del convegno internazionale “La Grotta di San Michele ad Olevano sul Tusciano”, Salerno, 24-25 novembre 2018. (Roma, Viella, 2019) , ed. Di Muro, A.; Hodges, R.
  81. Il tempo delle comunità monastiche nell’alto medioevo. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studio. Roma – Subiaco, 9-11 giugno 2017. (Spoleto, Centro italiano di studi sull’alto medioevo, 2020) , ed. Ermini Pani, L., (De re monastica, 6)
  82. Imaginaire et modes de construction du savoir antique dans les textes scientifiques et techniques. Actes du colloque de Perpignan des 12 et 13 mai 2000. (Perpignan, Presses universitaires, 2001) , ed. Courrént, M.; Thomas, J.
  83. Inter duo imperia. Palmyra between East and West. (Stuttgart, Steiner, 2020) , ed. Sommer, M., (Oriens et Occidens, 31)
  84. IV Ciclo di studi medievali. Atti del convegno, 4-5 giugno 2018, Firenze. (Arcore, Nume. Gruppo di ricerca sul medioevo latino, 2018) 
  85. Johann Joachim Winckelmann e l’estetica della percezione. (Roma, Istituto italiano di studi germanici, 2019) , ed. Cambi, F.; Catalano, G.
  86. Jori, A.: Andra moi énnepe, Mousa… L’avventura dell’uomo nella letteratura greca. Con uno studio sulla cultura letteraria e filosofico-scientifica della Sicilia antica. (Palermo, Nuova Ipsa editore, 2019) 
  87. Joseph Déchelette (1862-1914)und die Entstehung einer deutsch-französischen Forschungstradition in der Archäologie. Begleitheft zur Präsentation im Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum vom 5.12.2014 bis 3.5.2015. (Mainz, Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 2014) , ed. Mees, A.W.; Schönfelder, M.
  88. Karl Bernhard Stark. Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte im 19. Jahrhundert. Akten einer Tagung in Heidelberg 10.-11. Februar 2017. (Petersberg, Imhof, 2020) , ed. Hölscher, T.; Stupperich, R., (Cyriacus. Studien zur Rezeption der Antike, 13)
  89. Klimagewalten. Treibende Kraft der Evolution. Begleitband zur Sonderausstellung im Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Halle (Saale), 30. November 2017 bis 21. Mai 2018. (Halle, Theiss, 2017) , ed. Meller, H.; Puttkammer, T.
  90. Komar, P.: Eastern wines on western tables. Consumption, trade and economy in ancient Italy. (Leiden, Brill, 2020) , (Mnemosyne. Supplementa, 435)
  91. Kotyl, M.: A notebook roll and a fiscal codex from the Giessen Papyrus Collection (P.Giss. II). (Boston, de Gruyter, 2020) , (Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Beihefte, 39)
  92. Krippner, F.: Spielräume der Alten Welt. Die Pluralität des Altertums in Dramentheorie, Theaterpraxis und Dramatik (1790 – 1870). (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2017) , (Transformationen der Antike, 40)
  93. La préhistoire de la France. (Paris, Hermann, 2018) , ed. Djindjian, F.
  94. Lalies. Actes des sessions de linguistique et de littérature 40 (2020) 
  95. Landefeld, K.M.: Die Gebetslehre Epiktets. Form, Inhalt und Funktionen der Gebete Epiktets im Kontext der antiken Gebetstradition. (Münster, Aschendorff, 2020) , (Orbis antiquus, 54)
  96. Langslow, D.R.: Medical Latin in the Roman empire. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2000) 
  97. Le technologie gréco-romaine. Transmission, restitution et médiation. Actes du colloque Caen (10 – 12 mars 2010). (Caen, Presses universitaires de Caen, 2015) , ed. Fleury, P.; Jacquemard, C.; Madeleine, S.
  98. Leadership and community in late antiquity. Essays in honour of Raymond Van Dam. (Turnhout, Brepols, 2020) , ed. Kim, Y.R.; McLaughlin, A.E.T., (Cultural encounters in late antiquity and the middle ages, 26)
  99. Les agglomérations ouvertes de l’Europe celtique (IIIe-Ier s. av. J.C.) table ronde internationale Glux-en-Glenne, 28, 29 et 30 octobre 2015. Offene Großsiedlungen im keltischen Europa (3.-1. Jh. v. Chr.). Internationaler Workshop Glux-en-Glenne, 28., 29. und 30. Oktober 2015. (Strasbourg, Association pour la valorisation de l’archéologie du Grand Est, 2019) , ed. Fichtl, S.; Barral, P.; Pierrevelcin,  u.a.:, (Mémoires d’archéologie du Grand-Est, 4)
  100. Les hippodromes et les concours hippiques dans la Grèce antique. (Athènes, Ecole française de Rome, 2019) , ed. Moretti, J.C.; Valavanis, P., (Bulletin de correspondance hellénique. Suppléments, 62)
  101. Lewis, V.M.: Myth, locality and identity in Pindar’s Sicilian Odes. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020) 
  102. Machaerus, 3. The Golden Jubilee of the Archaeological Excavations. Final report on the Herodian Citadel, 1968 – 2018. (Jerusalem, Terra Santa, ) , ed. Vörös, G., (Studium Biblicum Franciscanum. Collectio maior, 56)
  103. Mancinetti, G.: L’emersione dei doveri “accessori” nella “locatio conductio”. (Milano, Wolters Kluwer, 2017) , (Università degli studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”. Collana delle pubblicazioni della facoltà di giurisprudenza. Terza serie, 1)
  104. Mar, R.; Ruiz de Arbulo, J.; Gris, F. u.a.:Herederos de Tárraco. Tarragona. Patrimonio mundial. Una nueva visión. (: Fundacio privada Mútua catalana, ) , (Colùleccio El Mirall, 1)
  105. Marino, S.: Sull’accessorietà del pegno per la giurisprudenza romana. (Napoli, Jovene, 2018) 
  106. Martelli, M.: L’alchimista antico. Dall’Egitto greco-romano a Bisanzio. (Vignate, Editrice bibliografica, 2019) 
  107. Masculum et feminam creavit eos (Gen. 1,27). Paradigmi del maschile e femminile nel cristianesimo antico. XLVII Incontro di studiosi dell’antichità cristiana (Roma, 9-11 maggio 2019). (Roma, Institutum patristicum Augustinianum, 2020) , (Studia ephemeridis “Augustinianum”, 157)
  108. Meister, J.B.: “Adel” und gesellschaftliche Differenzierung im archaischen und frühklassischen Griechenland. (Stuttgart, Steiner, 2020) , (Historia. Einzelschriften, 263)
  109. Minieri, L.: Sulla repressione dell’abigeato in diritto Romano. (Napoli, Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 2018) 
  110. Miscellanea senatoria. (Stuttgart, Steiner, 2019) , ed. Buongiorno, P.; Lohsse, S., (Acta senatus. B. Studien und Materialien, 4)
  111. Money matters. Coin finds and ancient coin use. (Bonn, Habelt, 2019) , ed. Krmnicek, S.; Chameroy, J.
  112. Monnickendam, Y.: Jewish Law and early Christian identity. Betrothal, marriage, and infidelity in the writings of Ephrem the Syrian. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020) 
  113. Montelungo. Tra borghi e conventi a Bergamo. Il progetto, gli scavi, i ritrovamenti. Montelungo. Amongst Bergamo’s burghs and convents. Project, excavation and discoveries. (Quingentole, S.A.P., 2018) , ed. Fortunati, M.; Longhi, C.
  114. Nachhaltigkeit in der Antike. Diskurse, Praktiken, Perspektiven. (Stuttgart, Steiner, 2020) , ed. Schliephake, C.; Sojc, N.; Weber, G., (Geographica historica, 42)
  115. New Studies on the portrait of Caligula in the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. (Leiden, Brill, 2020) , ed. Schertz, P.J.M.; Frischer, B., (Monumenta Graeca et Romana, 26)
  116. Niehoff, M.R.: Philon von Alexandria. Eine intellektuelle Biographie. (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2019) Orginial = Philo of Alexandria (Yale 2018), 
  117. Object fantasies. Experience and creation. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2018) , ed. Cordez, P.; Kaske, R.; Saviello,  u.a.:, (Object studies in art history, 1)
  118. Ollus leto datus est. Architettura, topografia e rituali funerari nelle necropoli dell’Italia meridionale della Sicilia tra antichità e medioevo. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Reggio Calabria, 22-25 ottobre 2013, 1. Dalla preistoria all’ellenismo. (Reggio Calabria, Museo archeologico nazionale di Reggio Calabria, 2018) , ed. Malacrino, C.; Bonomi, S., (MArRC convegni, 1)
  119. Oltre le mura, fuori dalla città. Locri e il suo territorio. Atti della Giornata di studi, Pisa 29 maggio 2018. (Pisa, ETS, 2019) , ed. Adornato, G.; Facella, A., (Agri e chorai tra Magna Grecia e Etruria, 9)
  120. Outils, bâtiments et structures d’exploitation des campagnes du nord de la Gaule. Essai de caractérisation des équipements e des activités des établissements ruraux (Ier – Ve s. ap. J.-C.). (Drémil-Lafage, Mergoil, 2020) , ed. Huitorel, G., (Monographies Instrumentum, 66)
  121. Palone, M.: Le “Etiopiche” di Eliodoro. Approcci narratologici e nuove prospettive. (Stuttgart, Steiner, 2020) , (Palingenesia, 120)
  122. Pavis d’Escurac, H.: La préfecture de l’annone, service administratif impérial d’Auguste à Constantin. (Rome 1976) 2e éd. 2020, XIII, 473 S., (Bibliothèque des Ecoles françaises d’Athènes et de Rome, 226)
  123. Pennacchio, C.: Riflessioni su contractus e pacta adiecta. (Napoli, Jovene, 2016) 
  124. People and institutions in the Roman Empire. Essays in memory of Garrett G. Fagan. (Leiden, Brill, 2020) , ed. Gatzke, A.F.; Brice, L.L.; Trundle, M., (Mnemosyne. Supplementa, 437)
  125. Pereira, S.: Dramas imperfeitos. Teatro clássico português. Um repertório a descobrir. (Lisboa, EOS, 2017) 
  126. Petracco, G.: La “Descriptio orbis Romani” di Giorgio Ciprio e la ricostruzione storica del primo secolo del confronto fra Bizantini e Longobardi in Italia (568 – 668). (Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso, 2018) , (Studi e ricerche, 166)
  127. Pianezzola, E.: Traduzione e ideologia. Livio interprete di Polibio. (Bologna, Pàtron, 2018) 
  128. Pimentel, M.; Navarro Espinosa, M.: Arqueomanía. Historias de la arqueología. (Córdoba, Almuzara, 2019) 
  129. Pompei. Dei, uomini, eroi. (Milano, Electa, 2019) , ed. Sampaolo, V.; Toniolo, L.
  130. Poole, S.E.: A consideration of gender roles and relations in the Aegean bronze age interpreted from gestures and proxemics in art. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2020) , (British archaeological reports. International series, 2980)
  131. Portraits of Medea in Portugal during the 20th and 21st centuries. (Leiden, Brill, 2019) , ed. Pociña Pérez, A.; López, A.; Morais,  u.a.:
  132. Pratiche didattiche tra centro e periferia nel Mediterraneo tardoantico. Atti del Convegno internazionale du studio, Roma, 13-15 maggio 2015. (Spoleto, Centro italiano di studi sull’alto medioevo, 2019) , ed. Agosti, G.; Bianconi, D., (Centro italiano di studi sull’alto medioevo. Miscellanea, 20)
  133. Prostheses in antiquity. (Abingdon, Routledge, 2018) , ed. Draycott, J.
  134. Pülz, A.M.; Bühler, B.; Melcher, M. u.a.:Byzantinische Kleinfunde aus Ephesos. Ausgewählte Artefakte aus Metall, Bein und Glas. Katalog- und Tafelband. (Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2020) [ ], (Forschungen in Ephesos, 18, 1. Tafel)
  135. Quantitative studies and production cost of Roman public construction. Estudios cuantitativos y coste de producción de los edificios públicos romanos. Études quantitatives et coûts de la production des édifices publics romains. Studi quantitativi e costi de produzione degli edifici pubblici romani. (Córdoba, UCOPress, 2020) , ed. Courault, C.; Márquez, C., (Ancian, 4)
  136. Reinhardt, A.: Reproduktion und Bild. Zur Wiederholung und Vervielfältigung von Reliefs in römischer Zeit. (Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2019) , (Monumenta artis Romanae, 41)
  137. Relire Vernant. (Paris, Les belles lettres, 2018) , ed. Georgoudi, S.; de Polignac, F.
  138. Richardson, P.; Fisher, A.M.: Herod. King of the Jews and friend of the Romans. (London, Routledge, 2017) Second edition, 
  139. Röder, S.: Kaiserliches Handeln im 3. Jahrhundert als situatives Gestalten. Studien zur Regierungspraxis und zu Funktionen der Herrschaftsrepräsentation des Gallienus. (Berlin, Lang, 2019) Diss. Düsseldorf 2017,  (Prismata, 23)
  140. Roman literature under Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian. Literary interactions, A.D. 96 – 138. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2018) , ed. König, A.; Whitton, C.
  141. Roth, D.T.: Revocatio in servitutem. Die rechtliche Beständigkeit der Freilassung vor dem Hintergrund der actio ingrati. (Berlin, Lang, 2018) , (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe 2. Rechtswissenschaft, 6025)
  142. Sassi, M.M.: The beginnings of philosophy in Greece. (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2018) 
  143. Scribes and scholars. A guide to the transmission of Greek and Latin literature. Fourth edition. (Roma, Oxford University Press, 2013) , ed. Reynolds, L.D.; Wilson, N.G.
  144. Shelekhan, S.: Swords and daggers of the Scythian Forest-Steppe. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2020) , (British archaeological reports. International series, 2989)
  145. Sinn, U.; Hofmann, S.; Jena, K. u.a.:Dionysos. Gott des Weines, Hüter des Theaters. Katalog zur Ausstellung vom 16. März bis 9. Juni 2013. (Lindenau, Lindenau Museum, 2013) , ed. Sinn, U.
  146. Spätantike und frühes Christentum. LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn. Blick in die Sammlung. (Mainz, Nünnerich-Asmus Verlag, 2018) , ed. Schrenk, S.; Vössing, K.
  147. Stawowczyk, G.; Mastroianni, C.: Un insolito sguardo fotografico sulla Turchia archeologica. Una carezza al mondo passato. (Roma 2020) , (Edizioni Efesto
  148. Sur les pas des archéologues. Apollonia du Pont. Collections du Louvre et des musées de Bulgarie. [Centre muséal de Sozopol du 27 juin au 20 octobre 2018 et au musée regional de Sofia du 13 décembre 2018 au 10 mars 2019](Sofia, Musée du Louvre, 2019) 
  149. Taborelli, L.: Sabbetay bar Avraham, un medico-farmacopòla e il suo trattato “Sefer ha-miraqahôt”. -(Monte Compatri, Espera, 2019) , (Collana di studi archeologici. Espera, 8)
  150. Tanase, T.: Histoire de la papauté en Occident. (Paris, Gallimard, 2019) 
  151. Terracina nel medioevo. La cattedrale e la città. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi (Terracina, 9-10 febbraio 2018). (Roma, Viella, 2020) , ed. Gigliozzi, M.T.; Nuzzo, M.
  152. The afterlife of Herosotus and Thucydides. (London, Institute of Classical Studies, 2019) , ed. North, J.; Mack, P., (Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies. Supplements, 139)
  153. The future of Rome. Roman, Greek, Jewish and Christian visions. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020) , ed. Katell, B.; Price, J.J.
  154. The legitimation of conquest. Monarchical representation and the art of government in the empire of Alexander the Great. (Stuttgart, Steiner, 2020) , ed. Trampedach, K.; Meeus, A., (Studies in ancient monarchies, 7)
  155. The resilience of the Roman Empire. Regional case studies on the relationship between population and food resources. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2020) , ed. Van Limbergen, D.; Maréchal, S.; DeClercq,  u.a.:, (British archaeological reports. International series, 3000)
  156. The transition from the Achaemenid to the Hellenistic period in the Levant, Cyprus, and Cilicia. Cultural interruption or continuity? symposion at Philipps-Universität Marburg, October 12 – 15, 2017. (Marburg, Eigenverlag des Archäologischen Seminars der Philipps-Universität, Marburg, 2020) , ed. Held, W., (Marburger Beiträge zur Archäologie, 6)
  157. Toma, N.: Marmor, Maße, Monumente. Vorfertigung, Standardisierung und Massenproduktion marmorner Bauteile in der römischen Kaiserzeit. (Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2020) , (Philippika. Marburger altertumskundliche Abhandlungen [ab Band 60: Philippika. Altertumswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. Contributions to the study of ancient world cultures], 121)
  158. Trieste 1768. Winckelmann privato. (Trieste 2019) , ed. Foi, M.C.; Panizzo, P., (Edizioni Università di Trieste
  159. Una favola breve. Archeologia e antropologia per la storia dell’infanzia. (Firenze, All’insegna del giglio, 2019) , ed. Lambrugo, C.
  160. Unger, O.: Actio Funeraria. Prinzip und Fall der verbotswidrigen Geschäftsführung ohne Auftrag. (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018) 
  161. Venti anni di archeologia, arti e storia nell’Università di Foggia. Tra ricerca e terza missione. (Bari, Edipuglia, 2020) , ed. Giuliani, R.; Russo, S., (Quaderni di Insulae Diomedeae, 3)
  162. Vivere all’ombra del vulcano. L’insediamento di Valcorrente di Belpasso nel contesto degli studi sulla preistoria siciliana tra il IV e la prima metà del II millennio a.C. Studi in memoria di Enrico Procelli. (Roma, Quasar, 2020) , ed. Palio, O.; Todaro, S.; Turco, M.G.
  163. Wie pandektistisch war di Pandektistik? Symposium aus Anlass des 80. Geburtstags von Klaus Luig am 11. September 2015. (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2017) , ed. Haferkamp, H.P.; Repgen, T.
  164. Wilkinson, R.H.: The last horizons of Roman Gaul. Communication, coin circulation, and the limits of the second Burgundian kingdom. A prosopographical, numismatic, and ceramic synthesis (ca. 395 – 550 C.E.). (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2020) , (British archaeological reports. International series, 3006)
  165. Worman, N.: Landscape and the spaces of methaphor in ancient literary theory and criticism. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015) 
  166. Xenofobia y racismo en el mundo antiguo. (Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, 2019) , ed. Marco Simón, F.; Pina Polo, F.; Remesal Rodríguez, J., (Colùlecció Instrumenta, 64)

New volumes of periodicals:

Acta praehistorica et archaeologica 52 (2020)

Altorientalische Forschungen 47 (2020) Nr.2  online edition

American Journal of Philology 141 (2020) Nr.3, Nr.4  online edition

Anabases 31 (2020)  online edition  open access

Anabases 32 (2020)  online edition   open access

Analecta Tor 202 (2020)   click on the link for content

Anatolica 46 (2020)   online edition

Antike Kunst 63 (2020)  partly open access

Antiquités africaines 56 (2020)   online edition

Aquileia nostra 87 (2016)[2018]

Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 50 (2020) Nr.3   click on the link for content

Archeopages 47 (2020)   online edition

Bulletin de liaison de la céramique égyptienne 29 (2019) click on the link for content

Chiron 50 (2020)  online edition

Classical World 114 (2020-21) Nr.2 online edition

Das Altertum 65 (2020) Nr.2

Ephemeris Dacoromana 19 (2017)  online edition  open access

Ephemeris Dacoromana 20 (2018)

Ephemeris Dacoromana 21 (2019)

Euphrosyne 37 (2009)  click on the link for content

Euphrosyne 46 (2018)  click on the link for content

Euphrosyne 47 (2019)  click on the link for content

Frühmittelalterliche Studien 54 (2020)   online edition

Funde und Ausgrabungen im Bezirk Trier 51 (2019) click on the link for content

Gnomon 93 (2020) Nr.2   online edition

Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 110 (2019)

Hermes 148 (2020) Nr.4   online edition

Les études classiques 87 (2019) Nr.1-4  online edition

Lucentum 39 (2020)  online edition open access

Mélanges de l’Ecole française de Rome. Antiquité 132 (2020) Nr.1  online edition   open access

Mélanges de l’Ecole française de Rome. Italie et Méditerranée 132 (2020)  online edition   open access

Millennium 17 (2020) Nr.1  online edition

Muséon 133 (2020) Nr.1, Nr.2  online edition

Olba 28 (2020) online edition open access

Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 115 (2020) Nr.3 online edition

Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 58 (2020)

Pallas 113 (2020)

Praehistorische Zeitschrift 95 (2020) Nr.2   online edition

Religion in the Roman empire 6 (2020) Nr.1   online edition

Revue historique 144 (2020)  Nr.696 click on the link for content

Scienze dell’antichità. Storia, archeologia, antropologia 26 (2020)  Nr.1

Scienze dell’antichità. Storia, archeologia, antropologia 26 (2020)  Nr.2

Studi storici. Rivista della Fondazione Gramsci 61 (2020)

Syria 96 (2019)

The Burlington Magazine 162 (2020)  online edition

Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Romanistische Abteilung 137 (2020)   online edition

Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie 110 (2020) Nr.2  online edition

Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft 68 (2020) Nr.11 click on the link for content

Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte 83 (2020) Nr.1  online edition

2021 – A new year between continuity and challenges. ‘Archaeological Bibliography’ starts with 2965 new titles.

February 1, 2021


Bodleian Library Paul Hayday

Bodleian Library, Oxford. Foto: Paul Hayday

“Archaeological Bibliography”  is ever growing, taking into account especially the research publicated online to broaden perspective overmore. This month we have added three more online journal, which will be referenced from now on: Akropolis. Journal of hellenic studies, e-Forschungsberichte. Deutsches Archäologisches Institut and Clotho.  Besides in January we evaluated the new volumes of some of the more important journals for classical studies: Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Römische Abteilung 126 (2020), Rivista di archeologia 43 (2019)[2020], The Journal of Hellenic Studies 140 (2020) and The Journal of Roman Studies 110 (2020). All articles contained in these journals are provided (if available) with doi-links, which will take you directly to the online-fulltext publication.

We have started into the new year with 2965 new titles registered for the “Archaeological Bibliography” evaluating 182 new monographs and 87 new volumes of periodicals. Below you will find the list of new monographs and periodicals which were referenced during the last month. We offer the list of monographs as pdf to simplify the printout. The list of new periodicals has been supplemented with links to the online editions of the respective journals – in addition to the links to the online resources.  Besides we have marked  – to simplify your research –  the open access journals. You may examine the contents of the respective monographs and periodicals within the database by using the search option “title” or “periodicals” and by navigating to the “children” of the chosen title.
Any advice and suggestions regarding content will be highly appreciated: please mail to Dr. Martina Schwarz. Concerning technical support please contact .

New monographs (New monographs January 2021/pdf):

  1. A companion to ancient Greek and Roman music. (Hoboken, Wiley-Blackwell, 2020), ed. Lynch, T.; Rocconi, E.
  2. A verbis ad scripta. Studia epigraphica et historica. Homenaje a Juan Santos Yanguas. (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Universidad del País Vasco, 2019), ed. González-Rodríguez, M.C.; Ciprés, P.; Ortiz-de-Urbina,  u.a.:, (Anejos de “Veleia”. Series minor, 36)
  3. Ages and abilities. The stages of childhood and their social recognition in prehistoric Europe and beyond. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2020), ed. Rebay-Salisbury, K.; Pany-Kucera, D., (Childhood in the past. Monograph series, 9)
  4. Aldave Medrano, E.: Muerte, duelo y nueva vida en el cuarto evangelio. Estudio exegético de Jn 11,1 – 12,11 a luz de las práricas rituales de la antigüedad. (Estella, Editorial Verbo divino, 2017), (Asociación bíblica española, 70)
  5. Allan, A.; Anagnostou-Laoutides, E.; Stafford, E.: Herakles inside and outside the Church. From the first apologists to the end of the Quattrocento. (Leiden, Brill, 2020), (Metaforms, 18)
  6. Allen, J.: The Roman Republic in the Hellenistic Mediterranean. From Alexander to Caesar. (Malden Mass., Wiley-Blackwell, 2020) 
  7. Allusions and reflections. Greek and Roman mythology in Renaissance Europe. (Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars, 2015), ed. Nivre, E.W.
  8. Antiquity and enlightenment culture. New approaches and perspectives. (Leiden 2020), ed. Loughlin, F.; Johnston, A., (Metaforms, 17)
  9. Attraverso il passo del Tonale. Percorsi di archeologia e storia dall’antichità alla Grande Guerra. (Milano 2017), ed. Solano, S., (Archeologia preventiva e valorizzazione del territorio, 7)
  10. Auer, M.: Municipium Claudium Aguntum. Keramikregionen als Interaktionsräume. Eine westnorische Perspektive. (Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2019), (Ager Aguntinus. Historisch-archäologische Forschungen, 2)
  11. Aurigny, H.: Fouilles de Delphes, 5. Monuments figurés, 5. Bronzes du haut-archaïsme à Delphes. Trépieds, chaudrons et vaisselle de bronze (fin VIIIe – VIIe siècle). (Athenes, Ecole française d’Athènes, 2019) 
  12. Balchin, P.: Rome. The shaping of three capitals. (Milton, Taylor and Francis, 2020) 
  13. Barceló, P.: Die Alte Welt. Von Land und Meer, Herrschaft und Krieg, von Mythos, Kult und Erlösung in der Antike. (Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2019) 
  14. Begg, D.J.I.: Lost worlds of ancient and modern Greece. Gilbert Bagnani. The adventures of a young Italian archaeologist in Greece, 1921-1924. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2020) 
  15. Being subordinate men. Paul’s rhetoric of gender and power in 1 Corinthians. (Lanham, Lexington Books, 2019), ed. Robinson, B.J.
  16. Belligni, E.: Voci di riforma. Renovatio e concilio prima e dopo il Tridentino. (Milano, Angeli, 2018) 
  17. Bianchi, E.: Poros e Porthmos. Lo stretto al tempo di Anassilao. (Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso, 2020), (Studi di storia greca e romana, 18)
  18. Big data on the Roman table. New approaches to tablewares in the Roman world. (online 2018) ed. Allison, P.; Pitts, M.; Colley, S., (Internet archaeology, 50)
  19. Bonnet, C.: Les trois yeux de Zeus, le mille noms d’Isis. Les dieux antiques dans et en dehors de la caverne. (Roma, Arbor sapientiae, 2020) 91 S., Abb., (Unione internazionale degli istituti di archeologia, storia e storia dell’arte in Roma. Conferenze, 34)
  20. Borgolte, M.: World history as the history of foundations, 3000 B.C.E. to 1500 C.E. -(Leiden, Brill, 2020) 
  21. Boudalis, G.: The codex and crafts in late antiquity. [Catalogue published in conjunction with the exhibition “The codex and crafts in late antiquity” held at Bard Graduate Center Gallery from February 23 through July 8, 2018.](New York, Bard Graduate Center Gallery, 2018) 
  22. Boudon-Millot, V.: Galeno di Pergamo. Un medico greco a Roma. (Roma, Carocci, 2016) 
  23. Camps, campaigns, colonies. Roman military presence in Anatolia, Mesopotamia, and the Near East. Selected studies. (Wiesbaden 2020), ed. Dabrowa, E., (Philippika. Altertumswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. Contributions to the study of ancient world cultures [former: Philippika. Marburger altertumskundliche Abhandlungen ], 138)
  24. Center, province and periphery in the age of Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos. From “De ceremoniis” to “De administrando imperio”. (Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2018), ed. Gaul, N.; Menze, V.; Bálint, C., (Mainzer Veröffentlichungen zur Byzantinistik, 15)
  25. Ceschi, G.: Il vocabolario medico di Sofocle. Analisi dei contatti con il Corpus Hippocraticum nel lessico anatomo-fisiologico, patologico e terapeutico. (Venezia, Istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti, 2009) 
  26. Chatzenikola, T.G.: E latreía kai e apeikonisé tes Theás Ekátes sta Dodekanésa. (Athéna, Ekdoseis Papuese, 2019) 
  27. City of encounters. Public spaces and social interaction in ancient Rome. (Roma, Quasar, 2020), ed. Caldelli, M.L.; Ricci, C.
  28. Classics from papyrus to the internet. An introduction to transmission and reception. (Austin, University of Texas Press, 2017), ed. Hunt, J.M.; Smith, R.A.; Stok, F.
  29. Copenhaver, A.: Reconstructing the historical background of Paul’s rhetoric in the letter of the Colossians. (London, T and T Clark, 2018), (Library of New Testament Studies, 585)
  30. Cugno, S.A.: Archeologia rupestre nel territorio di Siracusa. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2020), (British archaeological reports. International series, 2971)
  31. Curtis, L.: Imagining the chorus in Augustan poetry. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2017) 
  32. D’Agostini, M.: The rise of Philip V. Kingship and rule in the hellenistic world. (Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso, 2019), (Studi di storia greca e romana, 16)
  33. Daidalos. Sta íchne tou muthikoú techníte. Katalogos ektheses. 10 maïou 2019 – 1 martiou 2020. (Erákleio, Upourgeío Politismoú kai Athletismou, 2019), ed. Mandalake, S.
  34. De Wet, C.L.: The unbound god. Slavery and the formation of early Christian thought. (London, Routledge, 2017) 
  35. Deppmeyer, K.; D’Onza, M.C.: Spot an. Szenen einer römischen Stadt. [Ausstellung Trier, 31. August 2019 – 26. Januar 2020](Trier, Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier, 2019), (Schriftenreihe des Rheinischen Landesmuseums Trier, 42)
  36. Designs on the past. How Hollywood created the ancient world. (Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2018), ed. Llewellyn-Jones, L.
  37. Devecka, M.: Broken cities. A historical sociology of ruins. (Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2020) 
  38. Di Nardo, V.: La tavola osca di Capracotta, Agnone. (Capracotta, Selbstverlag, 2020) 75 S., Abb.
  39. Diagrammatik der Architektur. (München, Fink, 2013), ed. Blamberger, G.; Boschung, D., (Morphomata, 6)
  40. Didactic poetry of Greece, Rome and beyond. Knowledge, power, tradition. (Swansea, The Classical Press of Wales, 2019), ed. Canevaro, L.G.; O’Rourke, D.
  41. Die Grenzen des Prinzips. Die Infragestellung von Werten durch Regelverstöße in antiken Gesellschaften. (Stuttgart, Steiner, 2019), ed. Hölkeskamp, K.J.; Hoffmann-Salz, J.; Kostopoulos,  u.a.:
  42. Dinamiche insediative nelle campagne dell’Italia tra tarda antichità e alto medioevo. Settlement patterns in the countryside of Italy between late antiquity and the early middle ages. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2018), ed. Castrorao Barba, A.
  43. Distributed cognition in classical antiquity. (Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2019), ed. Anderson, M.; Cairns, D.; Sprevak, M.
  44. Donne tra saperi e poteri nella storia delle religioni. (Brescia, Morcelliana, 2007), ed. oesch Gajano, S.; Pace, E., (Storia, 23)
  45. Dorf, S.N.: Performing antiquity. Ancient Greek music and dance from Paris to Delphi, 1890 – 1930. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019) 
  46. Empires connectés? La circulation de l’information dans les empires. (Bruxelles, Lang, 2018), ed. Crogiez-Pétrequin, S.; Heller, A., (Histoire de la poste et des communications. Echanges et territoires, 11)
  47. En Sophía matheteusantes. Essays in Byzantine material culture and society in honour of Sophia Kalopissi-Verti. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2019), ed. Diamanti, C.; Vassiliou, A.; Arvaniti, S.
  48. Equids and wheeled vehicles in the Ancient World. Essays in memory of Mary A. Littauer. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2019), ed. Raulwing, P.; Linduff, K.M.; Crouwel, J.H., (British archaeological reports. International series, 2923)
  49. Ethnicity and identity in Herodotus. (London, Routledge, 2019), ed. Figueira, T.; Soares, C.
  50. Evagrius and his legacy. (Notre Dame Ind., Notre Dame Press, 2016), ed. Kalvesmaki, J.; Young, R.D.
  51. Exodus. Border crossing in Jewish, Christian and Islamic texts and images. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2019), ed. Hoffmann, A., (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Tension, transmission, transformation, 11)
  52. f u.a.:Excavations of later prehistoric and Roman sites along the route of the Newquay strategic road corridor, Cornwall. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2019), ed. Jones, A.H.; Smith, R.P.; Challinor, D.
  53. Ferriss-Hill, J.L.: Horace’s “Ars poetica”. Family, friendship, and the art of living. (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2019) 
  54. Fichtner, N.: Der Althistoriker Michail Rostovtzeff. Wissenschaft und Politik im vorrevolutionären und bolschewistischen Russland (1890-1918). (Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2020), (Philippika. Altertumswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. Contributions to the study of ancient world cultures [former: Philippika. Marburger altertumskundliche Abhandlungen ], 142)
  55. Figurine makers of prehistoric Cyprus. Settlement and cemeteries at Souskiou. (Oxford, Oxbow, 2019), ed. Peltenburg, E.; Bolger, D.; Crewe, L.
  56. Fiori, R.: Re e popolo. Istituzioni arcaiche tra storia e comparazione. (Göttingen, unipress, 2019) 
  57. Fischer, T.: Army of the Roman emperors. Archaeology and history. (Oxford, Oxbow, 2019) Original: Die Armee der Caesaren. Archäologie und Geschichte (Regensbu, 
  58. Fischer, T.: Gladius. Roms Legionen in Germanien. (München, Beck, 2020) 
  59. Forti, T.L.: Like a lone bird on a roof. Animal imagery and the structure of psalms. (University Park, Eisenbrauns, 2018), (Critical studies in the Hebrew Bible, 10)
  60. Fortificazioni e società nel Mediterraneo occidentale, Sicilia e Italia. Fortifications and societies in the Western Mediterranean. Atti del Convegno di Archeologia, organizzato dall’Università di Catania, dal Politecnico di Bari e dalla University of Manchester. [Catania, Siracusa 14-16 febbraio 2019](Roma, Quasar, 2020), ed. Caliò, L.M.; Gerogiannis, G.M.
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Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 72 (2020) Nr.2, Nr.3   online edition

Journal of Greek Archaeology 5 (2020)   online edition  (open access)

Koinon. The International Journal of Classical Numismatic Studies 3 (2020)  online edition

La parola del passato 73 (2018) Nr.1   click on the link for contents

L’archeologo subacqueo 26 (2020)  Nr.1[71]   click on the link for contents

Latomus 79 (2020) Nr.3   online edition

Les nouvelles de l’archéologie 160 (2020)   online edition  (open access)

Les nouvelles de l’archéologie 161 (2020)  online edition  (open access)

Mélanges de l’Ecole française de Rome. Moyen-âge, temps modernes 132 (2020) Nr.1  online edition (open access)

Metis 17 (2019)  online edition

Metis 18 (2020)  online edition

Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Römische Abteilung 126 (2020)

Monuments et mémoires. Fondation Eugène Piot 98 (2019)

Napoli nobilissima 7,6 (2020)   click on the link for contents

Nuovi studi. Rivista di arte antica e moderna 24 (2018-19)

OPD. Restauro. Rivista dell’Opificio delle pietre dure e laboratori di restauro di Firenze 31 (2019)  click on the link for contents

Patrimoines. La revue de l’Institut national du patrimoine 15 (2020)

Portugalia 41 (2020)  online edition   (open access)

Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu 36 (2019)   online edition  (open access)

Quaderni storici 160 (2019)   online edition

Quaderni storici 161 (2019)   online edition

Quaderni storici 162 (2019)   online edition

Quaderni storici 163 (2020)   online edition

Revue de l’histoire des religions 237 (2020) Nr.3  online edition

Revue des études sud-est européennes 56 (2018)  online edition  (open access)

Revue des études sud-est européennes 57 (2019) online edition (open access)

Rhetorica 38 (2020) Nr.2   online edition  (open access)

Rivista di archeologia 43 (2019)[2020]   click on the link for contents

Rivista di scienze preistoriche 70 (2020)  S1   online edition  (open access)

Rivista di storia del cristianesimo 16 (2019) Nr.2   online edition

Römische historische Mitteilungen 61 (2019)   click on the link for contents

Saalburg Jahrbuch 60 (2019)

Sehepunkte 21 (2021)  Nr.1   online resource

Studi romani 59 (2011)

Studi romani 1 (2019). N.S.   click on the link for contents

Studia Picena 85 (2020)  click on the link for contents

The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 57 (2020)  online edition

The Cambridge Classical Journal. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society. 66 (2020)   online edition

The Journal of Hellenic Studies 140 (2020)   online edition

The Journal of Roman Studies 110 (2020)   online edition

Tijdschrift voor geschiedenis 88 (2020)   online edition

Wiener Studien 133 (2020)   online edition  (open access)

Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum 24 (2020) Nr.2   online edition

Zeitschrift für schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte 77 (2020)

Quality is not an act, it is a habit (Aristotle). 31197 new titles in 2020 for the ‘Archaeological Bibliography’

December 23, 2020



Happy new year 2021. Foto: showgate

In this enormously difficult year – 2020 – we were able to stand up to the result of last year adding 31197 new titles to the “Archaeological Bibliography”. A determined will to overcome any kind of difficulties on our side but above all your confidence in the services we provide and your invaluable indications with which you assist our activities made it possible to keep the high standart of the “Archaeological Bibliography” this year.  Thank you so much! 

To give you some statistics: We have referenced 2098 new monographs of all kinds and 1264 new volumes of periodicals this year, in 2020. Last year in 2019  we have evaluated 2060 new monographs and 1195 new volumes of periodicals.

It has been very hard but nevertheless productive year. 31197 new titles and  the main focus of this year: even more doi-links to get you directly to the full-text publication, more reviews, more online-reviews and more online-publications including relevant links. Our objective is offering you  the most complete and accurate bibliography for Classical Studies.

We wish all your clients and users all the best for the turn of the year and especially for the year to come.

The following table presents an overview of our data input activity for the year 2020:

2020 Number of new titles per month
January 2731
February 3218
March 2578
April 2379
May 2648
June 2831
July 2106
August 2392
September 3214
October 2019
November 2149
December 2932
Total 31197

In December we were able to gain 2932 new titles for the “Archaeological Bibliography” evaluating 93 new volumes of periodicals and 109 new monographs.  

Below you will find the list of new monographs and periodicals which were referenced during the last month. We offer the list of monographs as pdf to simplify the printout. The list of new periodicals has been supplemented with links to the online editions of the respective journals – in addition to the links to the online resources. For the first time we have marked  – to simplify your research –  the open access journals. You may examine the contents of the respective monographs and periodicals within the database by using the search option “title” or “periodicals” and by navigating to the “children” of the chosen title. If you have any suggestions regarding content please mail to Dr. Martina Schwarz. Concerning technical support please contact .

New monographs (New monographs December 2020/pdf):

  1. A companion to Greco-Roman and late antique Egypt. (Malden Mass., Wiley-Blackwell, 2019), ed. Vandorpe, K.
  2. A Roman villa by Lake Nemi, the architecture. The Nordic excavations by Lake Nemi, loc. S. Maria (1998 – 2002). (Roma, Quasar, 2020) 3 Bde., ed. Moltesen, M.; Poulsen, B., (Occasional Papers of the Nordic Institutes in Rome, 10)
  3. Abascal Palazón, J.M.: Estudios sobre el hábito epigráfico en Hispania citerior. (Zaragoza, Libros Pórtico, 2019) 
  4. Advances in ancient Black Sea studies. Historiography, archaeology and religion. (Cluj, Mega Publishing House, 2019), ed. Cojocaru, V.; Ruscu, L.; Castelli, u.a.:, (Pontica et Mediterranea, 8)
  5. Alekou, S.: Médée et la rhétorique de la mémoire au feminin. Ovide, Héroïde XII. (Paris, L’Harmattan, 2018) 
  6. Ambientes geográficos y territorio. El Guadiana entre Bética y Lusitania. (Lisboa, Centro de estudos clássicos, 2020), ed. Gaspar, C.; Gimeno Pascual, H.; Vicent Ramírez, N.
  7. Apollonius Rhodius, Herodotus and historiography. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020), ed. Morrison, A.D.
  8. Archaeologies of rules and regulation. Between text and practice. (Oxford, Berghahn, 2018), ed. Hausmair, B.; Jervis, B.; Nugent, u.a.:
  9. Archéologie des migrations. (Paris, La Découverte, 2017), ed. Garcia, D.; Le Bras, H.
  10. Argentum Romanorum sive Barbarorum. Tradition und Entwicklung im Gebrauch des Silbergeldes im römischen Westen (4.-6. Jh.). 2. Internationales Numismatikertreffen. Permanences et évolution des usages monétaires de l’argent du IVe au VIe siècle dans l’Occident romain. 2èmes Rencontres internationales de numismatique (12- 13 octobre 2017, Caen)(Mainz,  Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 2020), ed. Chameroy, J.; Guihard, P.M., (Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum. Tagungen, 41)
  11. Atzeni, A.: La monetazione nella Sardegna nuragica. Ipotesi e ricerche. (Ilartzi, Editziones NOR, 2019) 
  12. Augusto el la Campania. Da Ottaviano a Divo Augusto. 14 – 2014 d.C. Atti del Convegno internazionale Napoli 14 e 15 maggio 2015. (Napoli, Naus, 2020), ed. Capaldi, C., (Flora. Antologia di arti figurative tra antico e contemporaneo, 1)
  13. Avram, A.; Barbulescu, M.; Buzoianu, L.: Inscriptions grecques et latines de Scythie Mineure, 6. Tomis et son territoire. (Bucarest, Académie roumaine, 2018) 
  14. Baccarin, A.: Archeologia dell’erotismo. Emergenza ed oblio dell’Ars erotica greco romana. (Roma, Edizioni Efesto, 2018) 
  15. Baghdassarian, F.: La question du divin chez Aristote. Discours sur les dieux et science du principe. (Paris, Peeters, 2016) 
  16. Barbatan, S.G.: De la Roma la Ulpia Traiana. Amprente romane în Dacia. (Cluj, Editura Mega, 2018) 
  17. Bejinariu, I.: Depozite de bronzuri din Salaj. (Cluj, Mega Publishing House, 2018) 
  18. Bélanger Sarrazin, R.; De Winter, N.; Delattre, A. u.a.:Iaô Sabaôth. Pratiques magiques dans la cité des Tongres. Une tablette de défixion mise en contexte. (Bruxelles, Association égyptoloque Reine Elisabeth, 2019), (Papyrologica Bruxellensia, 39)
  19. Borsch, J.: Erschütterte Welt. Soziale Bewältigung von Erdbeben im östlichen Mittelmeerraum der Antike. (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018), (Bedrohte Ordnungen, 11)
  20. Bourdin, S.; Pagliara, A.: Marie-René de La Blanchère. Dalle terre pontine all’Africa romana. (Rome, Ecole française de Rome, 2019), (Collection de l’Ecole française de Rome, 566)
  21. Braccesi, L.: Arrivano i barbari. Le guerre persiane tra poesia e memoria. (Bari,  Laterza, 2020) 
  22. Brill’s companion to the reception of Socrates. (Leiden, Brill, 2019), ed. Moore, C., (Brill’s companions to classical reception, 18)
  23. Brill’s New Pauly. Encyclopaedia of the ancient word. Supplements, 10. History and culture of Byzantium. (Leiden, Brill, 2019), ed. Daim, F.
  24. Calame, C.: Les choeurs de jeunes filles en Grèce ancienne. Morphologie, fonctions religieuses et sociales (Les parthénées d’Alcman). -(Paris, Les belles lettres, 2020) 
  25. Cirelli, E.: La ceramica di Cencelle nel Medioevo. I materiali rinvenuti negli scavi dell’École française de Rome. Settore III, 1994-1999. (Roma, Ecole française de Rome, 2017), (Collection de l’Ecole française de Rome, 539)
  26. Ciudades romanas de la provincia Baetica. Corpus Vrbium Baeticarum. Conventus Hispalensis et Asti-gitanus, CVB I, 1. (Huelva,, 2018), ed. Campos Carrasco, J.M.; Bermejo Meléndez, J., (Onoba monografias, 2,1)
  27. Ciudades romanas de la provincia Baetica. CorpusVrbium Baeticarum. Conventus Hispalensis et Astigitanus, CVB I, 2. (Huelva,, 2018), ed. Bermejo Meléndez, J.; Campos Carrasco, J.M., (Onoba monografias, 2,2)
  28. Cruz, F.: L’environnement du site princier de Vix (Côte-d’Or) au Premier âge du Fer. (Drémil-Lafage, Mergoil, 2019), (Archéologie du paysage, 3)
  29. De Bruin, J.: Border communities at the edge of the Roman Empire. Processes of change in the civitas cananefatium. (Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 2019), (Amsterdam archaeological studies, 28)
  30. Del Monte, M.: La geomorfologia di Roma. (Roma, Sapienza. Università editrice, 2018), (Collana manuali, 21)
  31. Dentzer-Feydy, J.; Guimier-Sorbets, A.M.; Delplace, C.: Stucs d’Orient, traditions orientales et cultures hellénisées. (Beyrouth, Presses de l’Institut français du Proche-Orient, 2019) 
  32. Di Segni, L.; Tsafrir, Y.; Green, J.: The onomasticon of Judaea Palaestina and Arabia in the Greek and Latin sources, 2,1. Aalac Mons, Arabia, chapter 4, 1. (Jerusalem, The Israel Academy of Science and Humanities, 2017) 
  33. Die Nag-Hammadi-Schriften in der Literatur-und Theologiegeschichte des frühen Christentums. (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2017), ed. Schröter, J.; Schwarz, K., (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum, 106)
  34. Donceel, R.: Nola et son territoire en Campanie dans l’antiquité, les découvertes archéologiques en contexte, du XVIe au XXIe siècle. (Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2019), (Fervet opus, 6)
  35. Duplouy, A.: Construire la cité. Essai de sociologie historique sur les communautés de l’archaïsme grec. (Paris, Les belles lettres, 2019) 
  36. Ergrabene Welten. 40 Jahre archäologische Spurensuche auf vier Kontinenten. (Bonn, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, 2019) 
  37. Fagan, B.M.: A little history of archaeology. (New Haven, Yale University Press, 2018) 
  38. Fortifications. The rise and fall of defended sites in Late Bronze and Early Iron Age of South-East Europe. Internationale conference in Timisoara, Romania from November 11th to 13th, 2015. (Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, 2017), ed. Heeb, B.S.; Szentmiklosi, A.; Krause, u.a.:, (Berliner Beiträge zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte, 21)
  39. Frare, M.; Vincenti, U.; Zanon, G.: Inclusione. La contempraneità dentro il diritto romano. (Napoli 2019), (Abbrivi. Nuova serie, 6)
  40. Gennaro, M.: Archita di Taranto. Momenti e percorsi del sapere antico. Da Pitagora ad aspetti del pensiero tra il II sec. a.C. e il II sec. d.C. (Doria di Cassano Jonio, La Mongolfiera, 2018) 
  41. Ghilardi, M.: Saeculum sanctorum. Catacombe, reliquie e devozione nella Roma del Seicento. (Cittá di Castello,  Luoghi Interiori, 2020) 
  42. Giuliani, C.F.: Lezioni sull’architettura antica. (Roma, Quasar, 2019), (Archivio storico a Palazzo Altemps. Conversazioni in archivio, 1)
  43. Graiver, I.: Asceticism of the mind. Forms of attention and self-transformation in late antique monasticism. (Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2018) 
  44. Gruel, K.; Buchsenschutz, O.: Réinventer les Celtes. (Paris, Hermann, 2019) 
  45. Haase, D.: Jesu Weg zu den Heiden. Das geographische Konzept des Markusevangeliums. (Leipzig, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2019), (Arbeiten zur Bibel und ihre Geschichte, 63)
  46. Häfen im 1. Millennium A.D. Standortbedingungen, Entwicklungsmodelle und ökonomische Vernetzung,  Plenartreffen im Rahmen des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms 1630 “Häfen von der Römischen Kaiserzeit bis zum Mittelalter” an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 19.-21. Januar 2015. (Mainz,  Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 2017), ed. Kalmring, S.; Werther, L., (Interdisziplinäre Forschungen zu den Häfen von der Römischen Kaiserzeit bis zum Mittelalter in Europa, 4)
  47. Harbours as objects of interdisciplinary research. Archaeology, history, geosciences. International Conference “Harbours as objects o finterdisciplinary research. Archaeology, history, geosciences” at the Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel, 30.09. – 3.10.2015, within the framework of the Special Research programme (DFG-SPP 1630) “Harbours from the Roman period to the middle ages”. (Mainz,  Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 2018), ed. Carnap-Bornheim, C.v.; Daim, F.; Ettel,  u.a.:, (Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum. Tagungen, 34)
  48. Heller, A.: L’âge d’or des bienfaiteurs. Titres honorifiques et sociétés civiques dans l’Asie Mineure d’époque romaine (Ier s.av. J.-C. – IIIe s.apr. J.C.). (Genève,  Droz, 2020), (Hautes études du monde gréco-romain, 58)
  49. Hidalgo Martín, L.A.; Edmondson, J.; Márquez Pérez, J.: Nueva epigrafía funeraria de Augusta Emerita. Tituli sepulcrales urbanos (ss. I-VII) y su contexto arqueológico (NEFAE)(Mérida, Consorcio de la ciudad monumental histórico-artística y arqueológica de Mérida, 2019), (Memoria.. Monografías arqueológicas de Mérida, 1)
  50. Iacono, G.; Lupo, L.: Die Mosaiken der Villa Romana del Casale. Villa Romana del Casale. Piazza Armerina, Morgantina. (Rimini, Siciliano, 2018) 
  51. Il calamo della memoria. Riuso di testi e mestiere letterario nella tarda antichità. VIII, Raccolta delle relazioni discusse nell’VIII incontro internazionale di Venezia, Palazzo Malcanton Marcorà, 24-26 ottobre 2018. (Trieste, Università di Trieste, 2019), ed. Veronesi, V., (Polymnia. Studi i filologia classica, 24)
  52. Il tempo dei Fenici. Incontri in Sardegna dall’VIII al III secolo a.C. (Nuoro, Ilisso, 2019), ed. Del Vais, C.; Guirguis, M.; Stiglitz, A.
  53. Immaginare l’Unità d’Italia. Gli Etruschi a Milano tra collezionismo e tutela. Atti del convegno internazionale 30 – 31 maggio 2019, Palazzo Litta, Milano. (Milano, Johan and Levi, 2020), ed. Slavazzi, F.
  54. Impelluso, L.: Comment reconnaître les dieux et héros de l’antiquité. (Paris, Hazan, 2019) 
  55. Inland harbours in Central Europe. Nodes between northern Europe and the Mediterranean sea. International Conference, 1-2 December 2016, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (MSH) de Dijon within the framework of the Special Research Programme (DFG-SPP 1630) “Harbours from the Roman Period to the Middle Ages”. (Mainz,  Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 2019), ed. Foucher, M.; Dumont, A.; Werther,  u.a.:, (Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum. Tagungen, 38)
  56. Iskusstvo drevnego tekstilja. Metody izucenija, sochrannost’, rekonstrukcija. Materialy Rossijsko-Germanskogo seminara (Moskva, 11-13 Marta 2018). The art of ancient textiles.  (Russ.). (Oppenheim, Nünnerich-Asmus Verlag, 2019), ed. Elkina, I.; Wagner, M., (Archaeology in China and East Asia, 7)
  57. Jackson, L.C.M.M.: The chorus of drama in the fourth century B.C.E. Presence and representation. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019) 
  58. La Bédoyère, G. de: Domina. Las mujeres que construyeron la Roma imperial. (Barcelona, Pasado y presente, 2019) 
  59. La cava e il monumento. Materiali, officine, sistemi di costruzione e produzione nei cantieri edilizi di età imperiale. (Roma, Quasar, 2020), ed. Vinci, M.S.; Ottati, A.; Gorostidi Pi, D.
  60. La falsificazione epigrafica. Questioni di metodo e casi di studio. (Venezia, Edizioni Ca’Foscari, 2019), ed. Calvelli, L., (Antichistica, 25)
  61. Lambelet, J.C.: Qu’est-il arrivé à l’Empire romain? Essai d’explication par un économiste. (Genève, Slatkine, 2018) 
  62. Leandri, F.; Tomas, E.; Paolini-Saez, H.: Atlas archéologique de la Corse Le Pays ajaccien. (Ajaccio, Piazzola, 2019), (Orma. Hors série, 1)
  63. Les silences de l’historien. Oublis, omissions, effets de cen-sure dans l’historiographie  antique et médiévale. (Turnhout, Brepols, 2019), ed. Jouanno, C., (Giornale italiano di filologia. Bibliotheca, 20)
  64. L’espace public du Titelberg. (Luxembourg, Centre national de recherche archéologique, 2016) 2 Bde., ed. Metzler, J.; Gaeng, C.; Méniel, P., (Dossiers d’archéologie du Musée national d’histoire et d’art, 17)
  65. Lewis, M.: Paleopathology of children. Identification of pathological conditions in the human skeletal remains of non-adults. (London, Academic Press, 2018) 
  66. Lezioni marciane, 2017-2018. Venezia prima di Venezia. Torcello e dintorni. (Roma,  L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2020), ed. Bassani, M.; Molin, M.; Veronese, F., (Venetia. Venezia, 8)
  67. Lindhagen, A.: Kale Akte, the fair promontory. Settlement, trade and production on the Nebrodi Coast of Sicily 500 B.C. – A.D. 500. -(Oxford, Oxbow, 2019), (University of British Columbia Studies in the Ancient World, 3)
  68. Loosley, E.: Architecture and asceticism. Cultural interaction between Syria and Georgia in Late Antiquity. (Leiden, Brill, 2018), (Texts and studies in eastern Christianity, 13)
  69. Martinez-Sève, L.; Richer, N.; Benoit-Guyod, M. u.a.:Grand atlas de l’Antiquité grecque classique et hellénistique. (Paris, Autrement, 2019) 
  70. Memory and memories in early Christianity. Proceedings of the International Conference held at the University of Geneva and Lausanne (June 2-3, 2016). (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018), ed. Butticaz, S.; Norelli, N., (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 398)
  71. Nicolet, C.: Il mestiere di cittadino nella antica Roma. (Roma, Editori riuniti, 2019) 
  72. Niknami, K.A.; Huzhabri, A.: Archaeology of Iran in the historical period. (Cham, University of Tehran Science and Humanities, 2020) 
  73. Nyström, D.: The Apology of Justin Martyr. Literary strategies and the defence of Christianity. (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018) 
  74. Omul, fluviul si marea. Studii de arheologie si istorie în onoarea lui Florin Topoleanu la a 65-aniversare. The man, the river and the sea. Studies in archaeology and history in honour of Florin Topoleanu on his 65th aniversary. (Cluj, Mega Publishing House, 2017), ed. Nutu, G.; Ailincai, S.C.; Micu, C., (Biblioteca istro-pontica. Seria arheologie, 13)
  75. Pandolfini, E.: Il paesaggio nascosto. Quale comunicazione nei luoghi della complessità. (Firenze, Olschki, 2019) 
  76. Paul-Francis Jacquier. Numismatique antique. Münzen und Kunst der Antike. Auktion 44. Münzen der Antike. Donnerstag 13. September 2018. (Kehl, Selbstverlag, 2018) 
  77. Pfisterer-Haas, S.; Hofstätter, U.: Staatliche Antikensammlungen und Glyptothek, 2. Katalog der Bronzen. Die Bronzegefäße der Staatlichen Antikensammlungen München. (München, Staatliche Antikensammlungen und Glyptothek, 2019) 
  78. Phrygia in antiquity. From the bronze age to the Byzantine Period. Proceedings of an international conference “the Phrygian Lands over time. From prehistory to the middle of the 1st millennium A.D.” Held at Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey, 2nd-8th November, 2015. (Levallios-Perret, Peeters, ), ed. Tsetskhladze, G.R.; Bastürk, M.B.; Hargrave, J., (Colloquia antiqua. Supplements to the journal “Ancient West and East”, 24)
  79. Pitts, M.: Digging up Britain. Ten discoveries, a million years of history. (London, Thames and Hudson, 2019) 
  80. Plastow, C.: Homicide in the Attic orators. Rhetoric, ideology, and context. (London, Routledge, 2020) 
  81. Plato’s Academy. Its working and its history. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020), ed. Kalligas, P.; Balla, C.; Baziotopoulou-Valavani, u.a.:
  82. Portes et murailles de Damas de l’Antiquité aux premiers  Mamlouks.  Histoire, architecture, épigraphie. (Beyrouth, Presses de l’Institut français du Proche-Orient, 2018), ed. Mouton, J.M.; Guilhot, J.O.; Piaton, C., (Publications de l’institut français de Damas, 293)
  83. Prandi, L.: Bisanzio prima di Bisanzio. Una città greca fra due continenti. (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2019), (Centro ricerche e documentazione sull’antichità classica. Monografie, 50)
  84. Regional urban systems in the Roman world, 150 B.C.E. – 250 C.E. (Leiden, Brill, 2019), ed. De Ligt, L.; Bintliff, J., (Mnemosyne. Supplementa, 431)
  85. Revisiting the religious life of Palmyra. (Turnhout, Brepols, 2019), ed. Raja, R., (Contextualizing the sacred, 9)
  86. Rhomaios, K.A. u.a.:Corpus vasorum antiquorum. Greece, 15. Athènes, Musée national. Les coupes attiques a figures noires du VIe siècle. Attic black-figured skyphoi. Attic and atticizing amphorae of the protogeometric and geometric periods. Attic black-figure and Six’s technique lekythoi. Attic black- and red-figure pyxides. (Paris, Librairie ancienne Honoré Champion, 2019) 
  87. Rokohl, L.: Die römische Straßenstation Hambach 101 an der Via Belgica. (Mainz, von Zabern, 2019), (Rheinische Ausgrabungen, 78)
  88. Rollé Ditzler, I.: Der Senat und seine Kaiser im spätantiken Rom. Eine kulturhistorische Annäherung. (Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2019), (Spätantike, frühes Christentum, Byzanz. Kunst im ersten Jahrtausend. Reihe B. Studien und Perspektiven, 47)
  89. Roman influence on the Greek house of Magna Graecia and Sicily. L’influenza romana sulla casa greca in Magna Graecia e Sicilia. (Roma,  Quasar, 2020), ed. Cortés Vicente, A.; Migliorati, L., (Misura e spazio. Collana di studi di topografia e architettura antica, 2)
  90. Ropiot, V.: Espaces habités et espaces parcourus le long des cours d’eau du Languedoc occidental, du Roussillon et de l’Ampourdan du IXe s. au début du IIe s. avant notre ère. (Autun, Mergoil, 2015), (Archéologie du paysage, 2)
  91. Sassi, M.M.: Gli inizi della filosofia in Grecia. (Torino,  Bollati Boringhieri, 2020) 
  92. Schmidts, T.: Gestempelte  Militärziegel ausserhalb der Truppenstandorte.  Untersuchungen zur Bautätigkeit der römischen Armee und zur Disposition ihres Baumaterials. (Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2018), (Studia archaeologica palatina, 3)
  93. Seminari di topografia antica e medievale per Letizia Ermini Pani. Giovani Studiosi su Roma e Lazio. Atti della giornata di studi. Roma, Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani, 4 dicembre 2018. (Città di Castello,  Luoghi Interiori, 2020), ed. Cavallo, D.; Migliorati, L.; Stasolla, F.R.
  94. Ships, boats, ports, trade, and war in the Mediterranean and beyond. Proceedings of the Maritime Archaeology Graduate Symposium 2018. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2020), ed. Raad, N.; Cabrera Tejedor, C., (British archaeological reports. International series, 2961)
  95. Smith, M.S.: Where the gods are. Spatial dimensions of anthropomorphism in the Biblical world-(New Haven, Yale University Press, 2016) 
  96. Song, B.; Leidorf, K.; Heller, E.: Luftbildarchäologie. Archäologische Spurensuche aus der Luft. Methoden und Techniken, klassisch und virtuell. (Darmstadt, Theiss, 2019) 
  97. Studies in the history of gardens and designed landscapes 40 (2020) 
  98. Témoigner et convaincre. Le dispositif de vérité dans les discours judiciaires de l’Athènes classique. (Paris, Editions de la Sorbonne, 2019), ed. Siron, N., (Histoire ancienne et médiévale, 166)
  99. The ancient art of persuasion across genres and topics. (Leiden, Brill, 2020), ed. Papaioannou, S.; Serafim, A.; Demetriou, K., (International studies in the history of rhetoric, 12)
  100. The Holy Apostles. A lost monument, a forgotten project, and the presentness of the past. (Washington, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 2020), ed. Mullett, M.; Ousterhout, R.G.
  101. The Oxford handbook of Hesiod. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018), ed. Loney, A.C.; Scully, S.
  102. Ulf, C.; Kistler, E.: Die Entstehung Griechenlands. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2020), (Oldenbourg Grundriss der Geschichte, 46)
  103. Un arcipelago di storia. Archeologia e isole ecologiche interrate a Bologna 2020. (Bologna,  Ante quem, 2020), ed. Curina, R.; Di Stefano, V.; Tassinari, C., (Quaderni di archeologia dell’Emilia Romagna, Nuova serie, 1)
  104. Violence and the sacred in the Ancient Near East. Girardian conversations at Çatalhöyük. -(Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019), ed. Hodder, I.
  105. Walker, A.L.: Bride of Hades to bride of Christ. The Virgin and the otherwordly bridegroom in ancient Greece and early Christian Rome. (London, Routledge, 2020) 
  106. Ward, W.D.: Near Eastern cities from Alexander to the successors of Muhammad. (London, Routledge, 2020), (Studies in the history of the ancient Near East, 20)
  107. Will, B.: Decor und Memoria. Späthellenistische mythologische Gruppen als Teil der römischen Idealplastik. (Hamburg, Kovac, 2019), (Antiquitates. Archäologische Forschungsergebnisse, 72)
  108. Yelles, A.: Aux origines de la photographie archéologique. De Rome en Afrique. (Drémil-Lafage, Mergoil, 2020), (Archives et histoires de l’archéologie, 3)
  109. Zamora Manzano, J.L.: La industria del sexo en la época romana. Categorización social de la prostituta, medidas fiscales y control de la administración. (Madrid, Dykinson, 2019) 

New volumes of periodicals:

Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Comptes rendus des séances de l’année 19(20)xx (2018) Nr.2

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Acta archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum 71 (2020)  online edition

Acta archaeologica. Centre of World Archaeology 91 (2020)  Nr.1  online edition

Agri centuriati 17 (2020)   online edition

Altamura 60 (2019)

American Journal of Archaeology 124 (2020) Nr.4   online edition partly open access

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Anadolu Akdenizi. Arkeoloji haberleri 16 (2018)  online edition  open access

Anadolu Akdenizi. Arkeoloji haberleri 17 (2019) online edition  open access

Ancient Numismatics 1 (2020)   online edition

Annali di archeologia e storia antica 26 (2019) 

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Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum 61 (2018) click on the link for contents

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Mnemosyne 73 (2020) Nr.5, Nr.6   online edition

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Musiva and sectilia 15 (2018)[2020]  online edition

Oxford Journal of Archaeology 39 (2020) Nr.4  online edition

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Studies in the history of gardens and designed landscapes 40 (2020)  online edition

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