Posts Tagged ‘Archäologische Bibliographie’

…et spissi litoris Antium (Ovid Met. 15.718). New research on Antium among the 2641 new titles for the ‘Archaeological Bibliography’.

August 2, 2021


Carole Raddato Antium

Antium. Foto: Carole Raddato

New research in Antium (Anzio): Felici, E.: Antium. Archeologia subacquea e Vitruvio nel porto di Nerone. (Bari, Edipuglia, 2021), (Bibliotheca archaeologica. Collana di archeologia, 59). To complete the picture: Portus operis sumptuosissimi e dintorni. Atti della giornata di studio su Antium romana. Anzio, Villa Corsini-Sarsina, 15 ottobre 2019. (Roma, Quasar, 2020), ed. Chioffi, LHave a look at the contents.

We have just uploaded the last update of the month, in July we have referenced 2641 new titles, evaluating 158 new monographs and 142 volumes of periodicals.  “Archaeological Bibliography” is updated constanlty at the end of every week. On Mondays, beginng your week,we provide you with 500-1000 new bibliographical indications to promote your research. Bibliographical research is done in the libraries of  the German Archaeological Institute, the École Française de Rome, the American Academy in Rome and in the libraries of the Universities of Heidelberg and Munich, as well as in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. You will find the list of new monographs (also in pdf) and periodicals below as ever. The list of the new periodicals has been supplemented with links to the online editions of the respective journals – in addition to the links for the online resources. Any advice and suggestions regarding content will be highly appreciated: please mail to Dr. Martina Schwarz. Concerning technical support please contact

New monographs (new monographs July 2021/pdf):

  1. Felici, E.: Antium. Archeologia subacquea e Vitruvio nel porto di Nerone. (Bari, Edipuglia, 2021), (Bibliotheca archaeologica. Collana di archeologia, 59)
  2. A companion to Byztine epistolography. (Leiden, Brill, 2020), ed. Riehle, A.
  3. A cultural history of objects in antiquity. Volume 1. (London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2021), ed. Osborne, R.
  4. After the crisis. Remembrance, re-anchoring and recovery in ancient Greece and Rome. (London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2020), ed. Klooster, J.; Kuin, I.N.I.
  5. Albert-Llorca, M.; Rouillard, P.: La Dama d’Elche, un destin singulier. Essai sur les réceptions d’une statue ibérique. (Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 2020) 
  6. Almagro Gorbea, M.: Los Celtas. Imaginario, mitos y literatura en España. (Córdoba, Almuzara, 2018) 
  7. Alvar Nuño, A.: Historiografía de la esclavitud. (Madrid, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2019) 
  8. Archäologie in Österreich 1938 – 1945. Beiträge zum internationalen Symposium vom 27. bis 29. April 2015 am Universalmuseum Joanneum in Graz. (Graz, Universalmuseum Joanneum GmbH, 2020), ed. Modl, D.; Peitler, K., (Schild von Steier. Beihefte, 8)
  9. Architecture and visual culture in the late antique and medieval Mediterranean. Studies in honor of Robert G. Ousterhout. (Turnhout, Brepols, 2020), ed. Marinis, V.; Papalexandrou, A.; Pickett, J., (Architectura medii aevi, 14)
  10. Arqueología y sociedad de los espacios agrario. En busca de la giente invisible a través de la materialidad del paisaje. (Madrid, Consejo superior de investigaciones científicas, 2021), ed. Grau Mira, I.; Bellón Ruiz, J.P.; Mayoral Herrera, V., (Anejos de “Archivo español de arqueología”, 91)
  11. Art in the archaeological imagination. (Oxford, Oxbow, 2020), ed. Gheorghiu, D.
  12. Aslanis, I.: Das prähistorische Olynth. Ausgrabungen in der Toumba Agios Mamas, 1994 – 1996. Die mittelbronzezeitliche Keramik der Schichten 18 bis 12. (Rahden, Leidorf, 2017), (Prähistorische Archäologie in Südosteuropa, 29)
  13. Atlante tematico di topografia antica. Atta 31. Strade secondarie dell’Italia antica. Roma, monumenti, territorio. (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2021), ed. Quilici, L.; Quilici Gigli, S.
  14. Barca, N.: Roma contro i Germani. La guerra cimbrica 113 – 101 a.C. (Gorizia, LEG, 2020) 
  15. Bierbrier, M.L.: Who was who in Egyptology. Fifth revised edition. (London, The Egypt Exploration Society, 2019) 
  16. Borchardt, J.; Baybo, S.; Yener-Marksteiner, B.: Das Mithräum in Antiocheia am Orontes. (Wien, Phoibos, 2020) 
  17. Boschung, D.: Effigies. Antikes Porträt als Figuration des Besonderen. (Paderborn, Fink, 2021), (Morphomata, 49)
  18. Brill, S.: Aristotle on the concept of shared life. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020) 
  19. Carey, C.: Thermopylae. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019) 
  20. Carro, D.: Quadriremi vs. Vesuvio. L’operazione navale di soccorso condotta da Plinio nel 79 d.C. (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2021), (Studia archaeologica, 244)
  21. Carta archeologica e ricerche in Campania, 12. Cales, topografia e urbanistica della città romana. (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2021), ed. Quilici, L.; Quilici Gigli, S., (Atlante tematico di topografia antica. Supplementi, 15, 12)
  22. Cartledge, P.: Thebes. The forgotten city of ancient Greece. (London, Picador, 2020) 
  23. Ceccaroni, E.: Dalle antichità marsicane all’archeologia della Marsica. (Avezzano, Edizioni Kirke, 2020) 
  24. Celts, Romans, Britons. Classical and Celtic influence in the construction of British identities. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020), ed. Kaminski-Jones, F.; Kaminski-Jones, R.
  25. Cherretté, M.: Artillerie in de oudheid. De onager volgens Ammianus Marcellinus (4de eeuw n.C.). Een kritische reconstrucie. Artillery in ancient times. The Onager according to Ammianus Marcellinus (4th century A.D.). A critical reconstruction. (Gent, Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen, 2018) 
  26. Cobb, H.; Croucher, K.: Assembling archaeology. Teaching, practice, and research. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020) 
  27. Collins, R.; Birley, B.; Croom, A.: Living on the edge of empire. The objects and people of Hadrian’s Wall. (Barnsley, Pen and Sword books, 2020) 
  28. Conti, A.: Pitigliano. Un centro dell’hinterland di Vulci. I materiali del Museo archeologico di Firenze. (Roma, Quasar, 2020) 
  29. Cristianesimo nella storia. Ricerche storiche, esegetiche, teologiche. Studies in history, exegesis and theology 42 (2021) 
  30. Cugno, S.A.; Piserá, R.: Zungri. Archeologia di un villaggio rupestre medievale nel territorio di Vibo Valentia. (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2021), (Studia archaeologica, 245)
  31. De Blois, L.; Van der Spek, R.J.: An introduction to the ancient world. Third edition. (New York, Routledge, 2019) First edition 1997, 
  32. Des objets et des hommes. Etudes offertes à Michel Feugère. (Drémil-Lafage, Mergoil, 2021) 2 Bde.,  ed. Léger, C.; Raux, S., (Monographies Instrumentum, 71)
  33. Desmond, W.D.: Hegel’s antiquity. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020) 
  34. Di Bella, F.F.: Il ritratto nell’arte greca. Fonti scritte e archeologia in età arcaica e classica. (Roma, Bretschneider, 2021), (Archaeologica, 183)
  35. Di Maria, S.: La responsabilità dell’erede nel diritto romano dei contratti, 1. (Torino, Giappichelli, 2020) 
  36. Dioniso. L’ebbrezza di essere un Dio. [Museo Archeologico Nazionale Reggio Calabria, 9 novembre 2017 – 25 marzo 2018](Reggio Calabria, Museo archeologico nazionale di Reggio Calabria, 2017), ed. Malacrino, C.G.; Giacobello, F., (MArRC cataloghi, 5)
  37. Dionysus and Rome. Religion and literature. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2020), ed. Mac Góráin, F., (Trends in classics. Supplementary volumes, 93)
  38. Doig, A.: A history of the church through its buildings. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020) 
  39. Domus Grimani, 1594 – 2019. La collezione di sculture classiche a palazzo dopo quattro secoli. [Venezia, Museo di Palazzo Grimani, 7.5.2019 – 30.5.2021](Venezia, Marsilio, 2019), ed. Ferrara, D.; Rossi, T.B.
  40. Doran, T.: Spartan oliganthropia. (Leiden, Brill, 2018) 
  41. Dospel, M.: Ostraka and other inscribed material from Bir Shawish, Small Oasis. Excavations seasons 2005 and 2007. (Ann Arbor, American Society of Papyrologists, 2020), (American studies in papyrology, 54)
  42. Espacio y usos funerarios en el Occidente romano. Actas del congreso internacional celebrado en la Facultad de filosofía y letras de la Universidad de Córdoba (5-9 de junio, 2001). (Córdoba, Universidad de Córdoba, 2002), ed. Vaquerizo, D.
  43. Experiencing the landscape in antiquity. I Convegno internazionale di antichità, Università degli studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”. (Oxford, BAR publishing, 2020), ed. Cristilli, A.; Gonfloni, A.; Stok, F., (British archaeological reports. International series, 3015)
  44. Fana, templa, delubra. Corpus dei luoghi diculto dell’Italia antica (FTD), 7. Regio V. Ancona, Cingoli, Cupra Montana, Numana, Osimo, San Vittore di Cingoli. (Roma, Quasar, 2021), ed. Bertrand, A.; Capriotti, T.
  45. Fernández Corral, M.: La epigrafía funeraria de época romana del área autrigona. Conmemoración, relaciones familiares y sociedad. (Madrid, Consejo superior de investigaciones científicas, 2020), (Anejos de “Archivo español de arqueología”, 89)
  46. Ferraby, R.; Millett, M.: Isurium Brigantum. An archaeological survey o Roman Aldborough. (London, Society of Antiquaries of London, 2020), (Research reports of the society of antiquaries of London, 81)
  47. Fontijn, D.: Economies of destruction. How the systematic destruction of valuables created value in bronze age Europe, 2300 – 500 B.C. (Oxford, Routledge, 2019) 
  48. Francesco Robortello. Réception des anciens et construction de la modernité. (Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2020), ed. Bouquet, M.; Cappello, S.; Lesage, C.
  49. From Roman to early Christian Cyprus. (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2020), ed. Nasrallah, L.; Luijendijk, A.; Bakirtzis, C., (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 437)
  50. Gellar-Goad, T.H.M.: Laughing atoms, laughing matter. Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura and satire. (Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, 2020) 
  51. Gillings, M.; Hacigüzeller, P.; Lock, G.: Re-mapping archaeology. Critical perspectives, alternative mappings. (London, Routledge, 2020) 
  52. Giuliani, C.F.: “Metti che un muro…”. Scritti scelti. (Roma, Quasar, 2020), ed. Amici, C.M.; Ten, A.; Verduchi, P.
  53. Graepler, D.; Mazzei, M.; Biering, R. u.a.:Provenienza sconosciuta. Tombaroli, mercanti e collezionisti. L’Italia archeologica alllo sbaraglio. (Bari, Edipuglia, 1996) 89 S., Abb., (Guide. Temi e luoghi del mondo antico, 3)
  54. Greco, E.: En Grèce et en Grande Grèce. Archéologie, espace et sociétés. Quatre conférences au Collège de France (Paris, 2014). (Naples, Centre Jean Bérard, 2020), ed. Scheid, J.; Schnapp-Gourbeillon, A., (Centre Jean Bérard. Etudes, 11)
  55. Greek drama, 5. Studies in the theatre of the fifth and fourth centuries B.C.E. (London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2020), ed. Marshall, H.; Marshall, C.W.
  56. Greek epigraphy and religion. Papers in memory of Sara B. Aleshire from the Second North American Congress of Greek and Latin epigraphy. (Leiden, Brill, 2021), ed. Mackil, E.; Papazarkadas, N., (Brill studies in Greek and Roman epigraphy, 16)
  57. Hackel, C.: Aristoteles-Rezeption in der Geschichtstheorie ohann Gustav Droysens. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2019), (Transformationen der Antike, 58)
  58. Haltung und Affekt. (Köln, Böhlau, 2020), ed. Bilstein, J.; Reuter, G., (Studien zur Kunst, 40)
  59. Haselberger, L.: Der Pergamonaltar und der Architekt Hermogenes. Schatten, Raum und Wahrnehmung. (Berlin, Reimer, 2020) 
  60. Hinsch, M.: Ökonomik und Hauswirtschaft im klassischen Griechenland. (Stuttgart, Steiner, 2021) Diss. Berlin 2018,  (Historia. Einzelschriften, 265)
  61. Hirth, K.: The organization of ancient economies. A global perspective. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020) 
  62. História antiga. Relações interdisciplinares. Fontes, artes, filosofia, politica, religião e receção. (Coimbra, Universidad de Coimbra, 2018), ed. Soares, C.; Brandão, J.L.; Carvalho, P.C., (Humanitas supplementum. Estudos monográficos, 55)
  63. História antiga. Relações interdisciplinares. Paisagens urbanas, rurais e sociais. (Coimbra, Universidade de Coimbra, 2018), ed. Soares, C.; Brandão, J.L.; Carvalho, P.C., (Humanitas supplementum. Estudos monográficos, 56)
  64. Hodos, T.: The archaeology of the Mediterranean iron age. A globalising world c. 1100 – 600 B.C.E. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020) 
  65. Humphreys, o.: London’s Roman tools. Craft, agriculture and experience in an ancient city. (Oxford, BAR publishing, 2021), (British archaeological reports. British series, 663)
  66. Il Naviglione di Farnese. Dall’età del rame all’età etrusco-arcaica. (Viterbo, Pressup srl, 2020), ed. Rossi, F.; Persiani, C., (Sistema museale del lago di Bolsena. Quaderni, 21)
  67. Josef Koudelka. Radici. [Mostra Roma, primo gennaio all’11 aprile 2021](Trento, Contrasto, 2020) 
  68. Jurriaans-Helle, G.: Composition in Athenian Black-Figure vase-painting. The “chariot in profile” type scene. (Leuven, Peeters, 2021), (Babesch. Annual Papers on Mediterranean Archaeology. [Bulletin antieke beschaving. Supplements], 41)
  69. Kamen, D.: Insults in classical Athens. (Madison Wisc., University of Wisconsin, 2020) 
  70. Kantirea, M.; Summa, D.: Inscriptiones Graecae, 15. Inscriptiones Cypri, 2. Inscriptiones Cypri alphabeticae, 1. Inscriptiones Cypri orientalis. Citium, Pyla, Golgi, Tremithus, Idalium, Tamassus, Kafizin, Ledra. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2020) 
  71. Konopatskii, A.K.: Aleksei P. Okladnikov. The great explorer of the past, 2. A biography of a Soviet archaeologist (1960s – 1980s). (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2021) 
  72. Kraemer, R.S.: The Mediterranean diaspora in late antiquity. What Christianity cost the Jews. (New York, Oxford University Press, 2020) 
  73. Kragelund, P.: The Latin inscriptions of Medici Florence. Piety and propaganda, civic pride and the classical past. Texts, translations and commentaries. (Roma, Quasar, 2021), (Analecta Romana Instituti Danici. Supplementa, 55)
  74. Kreutzer, C.S.: Weisheit und Alter in der Spätantike. Die Konstruktion von sapientia und senectus bei Ambrosius von Mailand und Paulinus von Nola. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2021), (Klio. Beihefte. Neue Folge, 33)
  75. Kuhnen, H.P.; Ritter-Burkert, J.; Pfahl, S.F.: Wüstengrenze des Imperium Romanum. Der römische Limes in Israel und Jordanien. (Mainz, Nünnerich-Asmus Verlag, 2018), (Archäologischer Führer zum Nahem Osten, 2)
  76. La diplomatie byzantine, de l’Empire romain aux confins de l’Europe (Ve-XVe s.). (Leiden, Brill, 2020), ed. Drocourt, N.; Malamut, E., (The medieval Mediterranean, 123)
  77. La Macédoine du VIe siècle avant J.-C. à la conquête romaine. Formation et rayonnement culturels d’une monarchie. (Paris, Boccard, 2016), ed. Chryssanthaki-Nagle, K.; Descamps-Lequime, S.; Guimier-Sorbets, A.M., (Travaux de la Maison René-Ginouvès, 23)
  78. L’Anatolie de l’époque archaïque à Byzance. (Toulouse, Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2021), ed. Lamesa, A.; Traina, G., (Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 1525)
  79. Lancaster, J.: Virtually reconstructing the past. Estimating labour costs through digital technologies. (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2021), (Studia archaeologica, 247)
  80. Latina didaxis, 34. Leggere e guardare. Intersezioni fra parola e immagine nella cultura latina e nella sua fortuna. Atti del Convegno (Genova, 7-8 maggio 2019). (Genova, D.AR.FI.CL.ET., 2020), ed. Moretti, G.; Santorelli, B.
  81. Lavan, L.: Public space in the late antique city. (Leiden, Brill, 2020) 2 Bde.,  (Late antique archaeology. Supplementary series, 5)
  82. Le case di Pisa. Edilizia privata tra età romana e medioevo. Atti del convegno Pisa, 7-8 maggio 2019, centro congressi “Le Benedettine”. (Firenze, All’insegna del giglio, 2020), ed. Cantini, F.; Fabiani, F.; Gualandi, M.L.
  83. Leonardo e l’antico. Villae. Convegno di studi, una sintesi introduttiva. Leonardo and the Antique. Conference. A summary. (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2021), ed. Bruciati, A.
  84. Les enceintes urbaines de Novempopulanie, entre Aquitaines et Hispanies. (Pau, Université de Pau, 2020), ed. Fourdrin, J.P., (Cahiers d’histoire, d’archéologie et de littérature antique de l’UPPA. Archaia, 4)
  85. L’età delle trasformazioni, l’Italia medio-adriatica tra il V e il IV secolo a.C. Nuovi modelli di autorappresentazione delle comunità a confronto e temi di cultura materiale. Atti del workshop internazionale Chieti, 18-19 aprile 2016. (Roma, Quasar, 2020), ed. Acconcia, V.
  86. L’età dell’oro. Mito, filosofia, immaginario. (Venezia, Marsilio, 2018), ed. Chiurco, C.
  87. Lichtenberger, A.: Der Olymp. Sitz der Götter zwischen Himmel und Erde. (Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2021) 
  88. Lindner, C.: Zwei römische Kleinkastelle in Hanau-Mittelbuchen und der Verlauf des Wetteraulimes in domitianischer-trajanischer Zeit. (Worms, Wernersche Verlagsgesellschaft, 2019), (Hanauer Schriften zu Archäologie und geschichte, 5)
  89. Lomiento, V.: Codifica e trattamento automatico dei dati nelle discipline umanistiche. Principi, metodi, applicazioni. (Bari, Edipuglia, 2004), (Guide. Temi e luoghi del mondo antico, 16)
  90. Lucretius, poet and philosopher. Background and fortunes of “De rerum natura”. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2020), ed. Hardie, P.R.; Prosperi, V.; Zucca, D., (Trends in classics. Supplementary volumes, 90)
  91. Lucrezi, F.; Di Cintio, L.; Amabile, M.: L’adulterio in diritto ebraico e romano. (Torino, Giappichelli, 2020), (Studi sulla collatio, 9)
  92. Lundahl, K.: Les banquets et l’ambiguïté. Autour de la première Olympique de Pindare. (Gothenburg, University of Gothenburg, 2019), (Studia Graeca et Latina Gothoburgensia, 72)
  93. Manacorda, D.: I libri degli altri. Letture sparse di archeologia, storia e patrimonio culturale. (Bari, Edipuglia, 2021), (Guide. Temi e luoghi del passato e del presente, 22)
  94. Manacorda, D.: Il mestiere dell’archeologo. (Bari, Edipuglia, 2020), ed. Ramundo, A.; De Palma, G.; Facchin,  u.a.:, (Guide. Temi e luoghi del mondo antico, 19)
  95. Materiali per l’archeologia medievale. Ricerche di archeologia e storia del medioevo. (Sant’Egidio del Monte Albino, D’Amato, 2019), ed. Fiorillo, R.; Santoro, A.M., (Andromeda, 2)
  96. McClintock, A.: Contributi allo studio della follia in diritto romano, 1. (Napoli, Jovene, 2020), (Diáphora, 22)
  97. McQuitty, A.; Parton, H.; Petersen, A. u.a.:Khirbat Faris. Rural settlement. Continuity and change in southern Jordan. The Nabatean to modern periods (1st century B.C. – 20th century A.D.). (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2020) 
  98. Medma. Una colonia locrese sul Tirreno. (Reggio Calabria, Museo archeologico nazionale, 2019), ed. Malacrino, C.; Cannatà, M., (MArRC cataloghi, 19)
  99. Mège, F.: Le fait urbain en Sicile hellénistique. L’habitat à Mégara Hyblaea aux IVe et IIIe siècles av. J.C. (Naples, Centre Jean Bérard, 2021), (Collection du Centre Jean Bérard, 55)
  100. Meier, H.R.: Spolien. Phänomene der Wiederverwendung in der Architektur. (Berlin, Jovis, 2020) 
  101. Menschsein. Die Anfänge unserer Kultur. Begleitband zur Sonderausstellung 5. Mai 2021 – 30. Januar 2022, Archäologisches Museum Frankfurt. (Oppenheim, Nünnerich-Asmus Verlag, 2021), ed. Giemsch, L.; Haidle, M.
  102. Michielin, L.: Fores et fenestrae. A computational study of doors and windows in Roman domestic space. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2021), (Archaeopress. Roman Archaeology, 82)
  103. Momigliano, N.: In search of the labyrinth. The cultural legacy of Minoan Crete. (New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2021) 
  104. Morillo Cerdán, A.; Martín Hernández, E.: Anforas de los campamentos romanos de León. Un modelo de abastecimiento militar entre el periodo augusteo y finales del siglo I d.C. (Madrid, Consejo superior de investigaciones científicas, 2020), (Anejos de “Archivo español de arqueología”, 88)
  105. Morley, N.: Classics. Why it matters. (Cambridge, Polity Press, 2018) 
  106. Mourousy, C.: L’énigme de la Vénus de Milo. (Paris, Editions de l’Archipel, 2020) 
  107. Niehoff, M.; Wink, M.: Wie man Männer in Schweine verwandelt und wie man sich vor solchen üblen Tricks schützt. Rauschpflanzen und Gifte in antiken Mythen und Sagen. (Leipzig, Hirzel, 2020) 
  108. Nola. Croce del Papa. Un villaggio sepolto dall’eruzione vesuviana delle Pomici di Avellino. (Napoli, Centre Jean Bérard, 2020), ed. Vecchio, G.; Albore Livadie, C., (Collection du Centre Jean Bérard, 54)
  109. Nora, il tempio romano. 2008 – 2014, 2, 1. I materiali preromani. (Roma, Quasar, 2021) 2 Bde.,  ed. Bonetto, J.; Mantovani, V.; Zara, A., (Scavi di Nora, 10)
  110. Oakley, J.H.: A guide to scenes of daily life on Athenian vases. (Madison Wisc., University of Wisconsin, 2020) 
  111. O’Gorman, E.: Tacitus’ history of politically effective speech. Truth to power. (London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2020) 
  112. Olivier, L.: El oscuro abismo del tiempo. Memoria y arqueología. (Madrid, JAS Arqueología, 2020) 
  113. Orientalism and the reception of powerful women from the ancient world. (London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2020), ed. Carlà-Uhink, F.; Wieber, A.
  114. Os mosaicos da villa romana do Rabaçal. Formas e cores. Percurso geométrico. Les mosaïques de la villa romaine de Rabaçal. Formes et couleurs. Parcours géométrique. (o.O., Selbstverlag, 2019), ed. Parzysz, B.; Pessoa, M.
  115. Owens, W.M.: The representation of slavery in the Greek novel. Resistance and appropriation. (London, Routledge, 2020) 
  116. Painter, K.S.: The Mildenhall Treasure. Roman silver from East Anglia. (London, The Trustees of the British Museum, 1977) 36 S., Abb. Taf.
  117. Pasíes Oviedo, T.: Vilùla Cornelius. Conservació i restauració de mosaics. Edició trilingüe. (Valencia, Museu de prehistòria de València, 2016) 
  118. Pavía Page, M.: Thermae Hispaniae citerioris. Análisis arquitectónico y tipológico de los complejos termales públicos y urbanos de Hispania citerior. (Madrid, Consejo superior de investigaciones científicas, 2021), (Anejos de “Archivo español de arqueología”, 90)
  119. Peacock, D.P.S.: La ceramica romana tra archeologia e etnografia. (Bari, Edipuglia, 1998), ed. Pucci, G., (Guide. Temi e luoghi del mondo antico, 5)
  120. Pearson, S.K.: The triumph and trade of Egyptian objects in Rome. Collecting art in the ancient Mediterranean. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2021), (Image and context, 20)
  121. Penser en listes dans les mondes grec dans l’épopée et l’historiographie latines. (Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2020), ed. Ledentu, M.; Loriol, R., (Ausonius éditions. Scripta antiqua, 122)
  122. Perreault, C.: The quality of the archaeological record. (Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 2019) 
  123. Petrakova, A.E.; Bukina, A.G.; Alexeev, A.I. u.a.:Mal’ie kollekhij antici’ich vaz v muzejach Rossii. Minor collections of ancient vases in Russian Museums. (Russ.)(Sankt-Peterburg, Selbstverlag, 2019) 
  124. Petrobelli, P.: Contre Galien. Critiques d’une autorité médicale de l’antiquité à l’âge moderne. (Paris, Champion, 2020) 
  125. Petrusliteratur und Petrusarchäologie. Römische Begegnungen. (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2021), ed. Frey, J.; Wallraff, M., (Rom und Protestantismus. Schriften des Melanchthon-Zentrums in Rom, 4)
  126. Pfahl, S.F.: Fecit Romae. Made in Rome. Römische Geschirre mit Fabrikatennamen und Ortsangaben. (Duisburg, Wellem Verlag, 2019) 
  127. Praxis e ideologías de la violencia. Para una anatomía de las sociedades patriarcales esclavistas desde la antigüedad. XXXVIII Coloquio del GIREA. (Besançon, Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2019), ed. González, A., (Institut des sciences et techniques de l’antiquité, 1477)
  128. Produzioni antiche sulla costa sud orientale della Sicilia. Saggi di topografia antica litoranea. (Bari, Edipuglia, 2020), ed. Buscemi Felici, G.; Felici, E.; Lanteri, L., (Bibliotheca archaeologica. Collana di archeologia, 57)
  129. Rodríguez-Hernández, J.: Poder y sociedad. El oeste de la Meseta en la Edad del hierro. (Avila, Diputación provincial de Avila, 2019) 
  130. Roman frugality. Modes of moderation from the archaic age to the early empire and beyond. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020), ed. Gildenhard, I.; Viglietti, C.
  131. Sailing from polis to empire. Ships in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Hellenistic period. (Cambridge, Open book publishers, 2020) open access, [ ], ed. Nantet, E.
  132. Sarracino, D.: Depositi votivi del Lazio meridionale. Pratiche religiose e identità culturale tra il IX e il V secolo a.C. (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2020), (Supplementi e monografie della rivista “Archeologia classica”, 16)
  133. Schnapp, A.: Une histoire universelle des ruines. Des origines aux lumières. (Paris, Seuil, 2020) 
  134. Sella, J.: Tenir le loup par les oreilles. Prendre le pouvoir et le conserver dans la Rome impériale des premiers siècles. D’Auguste aux Sévères. (Ceyzérieu, Champ Vallon, 2020) 
  135. Seubers, J.: Scratching through the surface. Revisiting the archaeology of city and country in Crustumerium and north Latium Vetus between 850 and 300 B.C. (Eelde, Barkhuis, 2020), (Corollaria Crustumina, 3)
  136. Socrates and the Socratic dialogue. (Leiden, Brill, 2018), ed. Stavru, A.; Moore, C.
  137. Steinmann, C.: Nachklänge. Instrumente der griechischen Klassik und ihre Musik. (Basel, Schwabe, 2021) 
  138. Storie [di] ceramiche, 6. Commerci e consumi. Atti della Giornata di studi in ricordo di Graziella Berti a sei anni dalla scomparsa, Pisa, 11 giugno 2019. (Firenze, All’insegna del giglio, 2020), ed. Giorgio, M.
  139. Sulprizio, C.: Gender and sexuality in Juvenal’s Rome. Satire 2 and Satire 6. (Norman Okla., University of Oklahoma Press, 2020) 
  140. Taylor, B.: Lucretius and the language of nature. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020) 
  141. Teatini, A.: Il “cristianesimo di frontiera” nella provincia Scythia. Studio archeologico delle testimonianze monumentali nelle fortezze sul Danubio. (Morrisville (NC), Lulu Press Raleigh, 2020) 
  142. Tells. Social and environmental space. Proceedings of the International Workshop “Socio-environmental dynamics over last 12,000 years. “The creation of landscapes II (14th – 18th March 2011)” in Kiel, 3. (Bonn, Habelt, 2012), ed. Hofmann, R.; Moetz, F.K.; Müller, J., (Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie, 207)
  143. The library of Alexandria, a cultural crossroads of the ancient world. Proceedings of the Second Polis Institute Interdisciplinary Conference. (Jerusalem, Polis Institute Press, 2017), ed. Rico, C.; Dan, A.
  144. The people and the state. Material culture, social structure, and political centralisation in central Italy (800 – 450 B.C.) from the perspective of ancient Crustumerium (Rome, Italy). (Eelde, Barkhuis, 2020), ed. Attema, P.A.J.; Bronkhorst, A.J., (Corollaria Crustumina, 4)
  145. The Villa of Diomedes. The making of a Roman villa in Pompeii. (Paris, Hermann, 2020), ed. Dessales, H., (Collection du Centre Jean Bérard, 52)
  146. Tonner, P.: Dwelling. Heidegger, archaeology, morality. (London, Routledge, 2018) 
  147. Transmitting and circulating the late antique and Byzantine worlds. (Leiden, Brill, 2020), ed. Ivanova, M.; Jeffery, H., (The medieval Mediterranean, 118)
  148. Trends and turning points. Constructing the late antique and Byzantine world. (Leiden, Brill, 2019), ed. Kinloch, M.; MacFarlane, A., (The medieval Mediterranean, 117)
  149. Turelli, G.: Fetialis religio. (Torino, Giappichelli, 2020) 
  150. Ugolini, D.; Gomez, E.; Enjalbert, P. u.a.:Béziers I. La prèmiere Rhòde d’Occident. Hommage à Christian Olive. (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2021), (Studia archaeologica, 246)
  151. Via Appia. Regina viarum. Ricerche, contesti, valorizzazione. Atti del convegno, Melfi – Venosa 3-4 maggio 2017. (Venosa, Osanna, 2019), ed. Marchi, M.L., (Polieion, 5)
  152. Vignotto, A.: Atenaide, l’imperatrice Eudocia di Bisanzio. (Milano, Jouvence, 2021), (Jouvence. Historica, 57)
  153. Villing, A.; Fitton, L.J.; Donnellan, V. u.a.:Troia. Mythos und Wirklichkeit. (Darmstadt, von Zabern, 2020) 
  154. Wendt, D.: Abjekte Antike. Die Obszönität antiker Literatur im Frankreich der Frühen Neuzeit. (Heidelberg, Winter, 2020), (Bibliothek der klassischen Altertumswissenschaften. Neue Folge. 2. Reihe, 163)
  155. Winkler, M.M.: Ovid on screen. A montage of attractions. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020) 
  156. Wiseman, T.P.: Exeter and the ancient world. People and stories. (Exeter, The Mint Press, 2020) 
  157. Wolf, A.: Ulisse in Italia. Sicilia e Calabria negli occhi di Omero. (Catanzaro, Sensazioni Mediterranee Srl, 2017), (Local genius. Radici, 3)
  158. Xenophon und Sparta. (Swansea, Classical Press of Wales, 2020), ed. Powell, A.; Richer, N.

New volumes of periodicals:

Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres (2019) Nr.1

Acta Carnuntina. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft der Freunde Carnuntums 11 (2021)  Nr.1

Acta Carnuntina. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft der Freunde Carnuntums 9 (2019)  Nr.2

Aevum 94 (2020) Nr.3  online edition

Aevum antiquum 19 (2019)  online edition

Altorientalische Forschungen 48 (2021) Nr.1  online edition

American Journal of Archaeology 125 (2021) Nr.3  online edition

American Journal of Philology 142 (2021) Nr.1   online edition

Anabases 33 (2021)  online edition  open access

Anatolian Studies 71 (2021)  online edition

Annali della Scuola normale superiore di Pisa 12 (2020)  Nr.2   online edition  open access

Antike Welt (2020)  Nr.6

Antike Welt (2021)  Nr.1

Antike Welt (2021)  Nr.2

Antike Welt (2021)  Nr.3

Antiquity 95 (2021) Nr.381  online edition

Archaeologia Bulgarica 25 (2020)  Nr.2   online edition open access

Archaeologia Polona 57 (2019)

Archaeological Dialogues 27 (2020) Nr.2  online edition

Archaeological Dialogues 28 (2021) Nr.1 online edition

Archaeological Prospection 28 (2021) Nr.1, Nr.2   online edition

Archaeometry 63 (2021) Nr.1  online edition

Archäologie (der) Schweiz 43 (2020)  Nr.3

Archäologie (der) Schweiz 43 (2020)  Nr.4

Archäologie (der) Schweiz 44 (2021)  Nr.1

Archäologie (der) Schweiz 44 (2021)  Nr.2

Archäologie Österreichs 28 (2017)  Nr.1-2

Archäologische Informationen 43 (2020)  online edition  open access

Archäologische Nachrichten aus Baden 96 (2020)

Archäologischer Anzeiger (2020)  Nr.2  online edition  open access

Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 51 (2021) Nr.2    click on the link for contents

Archeo 37 (2021)  Nr.436

Aremorica 10 (2021)  click on the link for contents 

Atti della Accademia nazionale dei Lincei 40 (2019)

Bayerische Archäologie (2021)  Nr.2

Bollettino dei Musei comunali di Roma 34 (2020)   click on the link for contents

Bollettino di studi latini 51 (2021) Nr.1  online edition   open access

Bulletin de la Société archéologique champenoise 112 (2019)  Nr.3

Bulletin de la Société française de numismatique 76 (2021) Nr.2

Bulletin de la Société nationale des antiquaires de France (2018)

Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française 118 (2021)  online edition  open access

Chronique d’Egypte 95 (2020) Nr.190   online edition

Civiltà romana. Rivista pluridisciplinare di studi su Roma antica e le sue interpretazioni 7 (2020)     click on the link for contents

Complutum 30 (2019) Nr.2   online edition  open access

Complutum 31 (2020) Nr.1, Nr.2   online edition  open access

Conimbriga 59 (2020)  online edition open access

Cronache di archeologia 39 (2020)   click on the link for contents

Das Altertum 66 (2021) Nr.1

Der antike Sudan 31 (2020)

Dresdener Kunstblätter (2020)  Nr.3

Dresdener Kunstblätter (2020)  Nr.4

Eirene 56 (2020)  online edition  open access

Ergon 67 (2020)[2021]

European Journal of Archaeology 23 (2020) Nr.4  online edition

European Journal of Archaeology 24 (2021) Nr.1, Nr.2   online edition

Expedition 62 (2020)  Nr.1

Facta 14 (2020)  online edition

Forma Urbis 25 (2020)  Nr.1

Forma Urbis 25 (2020)  Nr.2

Forma Urbis 24 (2019)  Nr.10-12,

Gallia 77 (2020)  Nr.1  online edition  open access

Gesta 59 (2020) Nr.2   online edition

Gnomon 93 (2021) Nr.5   online edition

Greece and Rome 68 (2021) Nr.1  online edition

Harvard Theological Review 114 (2021) Nr.2   online edition

Historia 70 (2021) Nr.3   online edition

Historische Anthropologie 29 (2021) Nr.1  online edition

History and Theory 60 (2021) Nr.1  online edition

Journal of Archaeological Research 29 (2021) Nr.1, Nr.2   online edition

Journal of the History of Collections 32 (2020) Nr.1

Journal of World Prehistory 34 (2021) Nr.4

Kadmos 59 (2020) Nr.1-2   online edition

L’archeologo subacqueo 26 (2020)  Nr.2[72]   click on the link for contents

Latomus 79 (2020) Nr.4  online edition

Les nouvelles de l’archéologie 152 (2018)  online edition  open access

Les nouvelles de l’archéologie 153 (2018)  online edition  open access

Les nouvelles de l’archéologie 154 (2018)  online edition  open access

Levant 50 (2018) Nr.2  online edition

Levant 52 (2020) Nr.1-2  online edition

Limes 15 (2021)  Nr.1  online edition

Limes 14 (2020)  Nr.2  online edition

Medicina nei secoli 32 (2020) Nr.3

Mélanges de l’Ecole française de Rome. Antiquité 133 (2021) Nr.1  online edition open access

Mitteilungen der Freunde der Bayerischen Vor- und Frühgeschichte 145 (2019)

Museum Helveticum 78 (2021) Nr.1   click on the link for contents

Nea Rhome 17 (2020)   click on the link for contents

Notizie archeologiche bergomensi 25 (2017)   click on the link for contents

Notizie archeologiche bergomensi 26 (2018)

Nuovi studi fanesi 32 (2020)

Ocnus 28 (2020)  online edition open access

Orbis terrarum 17 (2019)  online edition

Past and Present 250 (2021)  online edition

Pegasus 20 (2020)  online edition

Phoenix 73 (2019)  Nr.3-4   online edition

Prospettiva 173 (2019)

Prospettiva 175-176 (2019)

Quaderni storici 165 (2020)   online edition

Rationes rerum. Rivista di filologia e storia 16 (2020)   click on the link for contents

Revue archéologique (2021) Nr.1

Revue archéologique de l’Est 69 (2020)

Revue biblique 128 (2021) Nr.2  online edition

Revue de philologie, de littérature et d’histoire anciennes 93 (2019) Nr.1  online edition

Revue des études grecques 134 (2021) Nr.1

Rivista di archeologia cristiana 97 (2021) Nr.1

Rivista di scienze preistoriche 70 (2020)  online edition  open access

Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und Kirchengeschichte 115 (2020) Nr.3-4  online edition

Rossijskaja archeologija (2021)  Nr.1

Schweizer Münzblätter 71 (2021) Nr.281

Storia della storiografia 76 (2020) Nr.2  online edition

Storia della storiografia 77 (2020) Nr.1   online edition

Studi romani 2 (2020) Nr.1

Sumer 64 (2018)

Symbolae antiquariae 9 (2016)[2021]   online edition

Tapa. Transactions of the American Philological Association 151 (2021) Nr.1   online edition

Tel Aviv 47 (2020) Nr.2  online edition

Tel Aviv 48 (2021) Nr.1  online edition

The Classical Review 71 (2021) Nr.1  online edition

The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 72 (2021) Nr.2  online edition

Time and mind. The Journal of Archaeology, consciousness and culture 13 (2020) Nr.3   online edition

Vie archéologique 78 (2019)

Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 137 (2021) Nr.1

Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft 69 (2021) Nr.5

“The founding of libraries was like constructing more public granaries, amassing reserves against a spiritual winter which by certain signs, in spite of myself, I see ahead…” – Marguerite Yourcenar, Memoirs of Hadrian. Evaluating 200 monographs and 71 periodicals gaining 2651 new titles for the ‘Archaeological Bibliography’ in June.

July 4, 2021



Villa Adriana, Canopo. Foto: Cristiano Minchillo

A timeless villa. New studies about Hadrian’s Villa, Tivoli and the importance of the special quality of Hadrianic architecture in the Roman world and its afterlife:  Adventus Hadriani. Investigaciones sobre arquitectura adrianea. (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2020), ed. Hidalgo, R.; Cinque, G.E.; Pizzo,  u.a.:, (Hispania antigua. Serie arqueològica, 11)

The present volume constitutes an update on the current researches panorama on Hadrian’ s architecture. It collects a huge number of contributions which provide a great thematic and geographic outlook, specially reflected in Rome, Villa Adriana and Italica, together and other archeological sites of Hispania, Italy, Greece, Minor Asia or North Africa. The volume is completed with diverse synthesis studies about different aspects of interest and the latest news on Hadrian’ s architecture. For those contributions the greatest specialists on the subject have been considered and the most recently novelties provided by latest researches or archeological excavation.” (summary by the editor)

To get a  most complete bibliography of Villa Adriana Studies please consult the systematic search of “Archaeological Bibliography”. Projekt Dyabola offers a systematic tree with more than 30.000 keywords arranged in a hierarchical structure. Starting from the generic key term “architecture-buildings”  you may “click” your way down to “villas”. Under “Topography – countries, regions, sites – Italy – sites” you will find “Tivoli”. Combing the two results you will obtain a vast bibliography for Hadrian’s Villa. To specify your research even further you may choose the date range of publication. At the end of your search you have the possibilty to export your result (up to 500 titles) in any form you wish.

In June we have evaluated 200 new monographs and 71 new volumes of periodicals, gaining 2651 new titles for the “Archaeological Bibliography ”. Any advice and suggestions regarding content will be highly appreciated: please mail to Dr. Martina Schwarz. Concerning technical support please contact

Below you will find the list of new monographs and periodicals which were referenced during the last month. We offer the list of monographs as pdf to simplify the printout. The list of new periodicals has been supplemented with links to the online editions of the respective journals – in addition to the links to the online resources.  Besides we have marked  – to simplify your research –  the open access journals. You may examine the contents of the respective monographs and periodicals within the database by using the search option “title” or “periodicals” and by navigating to the “children” of the chosen title.

New monographs (New monographs June 2021/pdf):

  1. Adventus Hadriani. Investigaciones sobre arquitectura adrianea. (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2020), ed. Hidalgo, R.; Cinque, G.E.; Pizzo,  u.a.:, (Hispania antigua. Serie arqueològica, 11)
  2. “Wort” und “Stein”. Differenz und Kohärenz kultureller Ausdrucksformen. (Paderborn, Fink, 2021), ed. Boschung, D.; Jäger, L., (Morphomata, 51)
  3. 100 Jahre Altorientalistik in Würzburg. 1916-2016. (Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2019), ed. Heessel, N.P.; Schwemer, D.
  4. Adornato, G.; Cirucci, G.; Cupperi, W.: Beyond “art collections”. Owning and accumulating objects from Greek antiquity to the early Modern period. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2020) 
  5. Agostino, R.: Il museo del territorio. Locri, palazzo Teotino Nieddu del Rio, Polo Museale della Calabria. The Locri Regional Museum. (Reggio Calabria, Laruffa, 2018) 
  6. Anagnostou-Laoutides, E.; Parry, K.: Eastern Christianity and late antique philosophy. (Leiden, Brill, 2020), (Texts and studies in eastern Christianity, 18)
  7. Ancient magic. Then and now. (Stuttgart, Steiner, 2020), ed. Mastrocinque, A.; Sanzo, J.E.; Scapini, M., (Potsdamer altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge, 74)
  8. Animum pictura pascit (Verg., Aen. I, 464). Abitare con le pitture nel Mediterraneo antico. Atti delle Giornate Gregoriane XIII edizione (Agrigento 29 novembre – 1 dicembre 2019). (Bologna, Ante quem, 2020), ed. Caminneci, V.; Parello, M.C.; Rizzo, M.S., (Ricerche. Series maior, 13)
  9. Archaeological theory in dialogue. Situating relationality, ontology, posthumanism, and indigenous paradigms. (London, Routledge, 2021), ed. Crellin, R.; Cipolla, C.N.; Montgomery, L. u.a.:
  10. Archäologie in Österreich 1938-1945. Beiträge zum internationalen Symposium vom 27. bis 29. April 2015 am Universalmuseum Joanneum in Graz. (Graz, Universalmuseum Joanneum GmbH, 2020), ed. Modl, D.; Peitler, K., (Schild von Steier. Beihefte, 8)
  11. Ardeleanu, S.: Numidia Romana. Die Auswirkungen der römischen Präsenz in Numidien (2. Jh. v. Chr – 1. Jh. n. Chr.). (Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2020), (Archäologische Forschungen, 38)
  12. Arietti, F.: Alba e il Monte Albano. Origine e sviluppo della civiltà albana. (Tivoli, Tored, 2020), (Archaeologica Beni culturali, 6)
  13. At the crossroads of Greco-Roman history, culture, and religion. Papers in memory of Carin M.C. Green. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2018), ed. Bell, S.W.; Holland, L.L.
  14. Atti del I convegno internazionale di archeologia medievale nelle Marche (Macerata, 9-11 maggio 2019). (Bologna, Ante quem, 2021), ed. Sacco, D.; Moscatelli, U., (Ricerche. Series maior, 12)
  15. Atti del XXVI Colloquio dell’Associazione italiana per lo studio e la conservazione del mosaico. Con il patrocinio del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali (Roma, 18 – 21 marzo 2020). (Roma, Quasar, 2021), ed. Angelelli, C.; Cecalupo, C.
  16. Authority and control in the countryside. From antiquity to Islam in the Mediterranean and Near East (sixth-tenth century). (Leiden, Brill, 2018), ed. Delattre, A.; Legendre, M.; Sijpesteijn, P., (Leiden studies in Islam and society, 9)
  17. Barker, G.: Imperial legitimation. The iconography of the Golden Age myth on Roman imperial coinage of the third century A.D. (London, Spink, 2020) 
  18. Before archaeology. The meaning of the past in the Islamic pre-modern thought (and after). -(Roma, Artemide, 2020), ed. Capezzone, L., (Atlante del Vicino Oriente, 2020)
  19. Beïnvloeden met emoties. Pathos en retorica. (Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 2015), ed. De Jong, J.; Rademaker, A.; Pieper, C.
  20. Belloni, G.G.; Pace, A.: Corpus vasorum antiquorum. Italia, 85. Civico museo archeologico di Milano. (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2021) 
  21. Benedictum sit … Festschrift für Benedikt Zäch zum 60. Geburtstag. (Winterthur, Schweizerische Numismatische Gesellschaft, ), ed. Schinzel, C., (Schweizer Studien zur Numismatik, 5)
  22. Bernal Casasola, D.; Malfitana, D.; Mazzaglia, A. u.a.:Le cetariae ellenistiche e romane di Portopalo (Sicilia). Primi risultati da ricerche interdisciplinari. Las ceteriae helenísticas y romanas de Portopalo (Sicilia). Primeros apuntes interdisciplinares. (Catania 2021), (HEROM. Supplement, 1)
  23. Boismier, W.A.; Taylor, E.; Wolframm-Murray, Y.: Excavations at Stanground South, Peterborough. Prehistoric, Roman and post-medieval settlement along the margins of the Fens. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2021) 
  24. Bonazzi, M.: Creature di un sol giorno. I Greci e il mistero dell’esistenza. (Torino, Einaudi, 2020) 
  25. Bönisch-Meyer, S.: Dialogangebote. Die Anrede des Kaisers jenseits der offiziellen Titulatur. (Leiden, Brill, 2021), (Impact of Empire, 39)
  26. Bonnet, C.; Bricault, L.: Divinità in viaggio, Culti e miti in movimento nel Mediterraneo antico. (Milano 2021) 
  27. Borsic, L.; Dzino, D.; Radic, R. u.a.:Liburnians and Illyrian lembs. Iron age ships of the Eastern Adriatic. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2021) 
  28. Buchner, N.; Buchner, E.: Klima und Kulturen. Die Geschichte von Paradies und Sintflut. (Remshalden, Greiner, 2005) 
  29. Bülow-Jacobsen, A.; Fournet, J.L.; Redon, B.: Ostraca de Krokodilô, 2. La correspondance privée et les réseaux personnels de Philoklès, Apollôs et Ischyras. Praesidia du désert de Bérénice, 5. O.Krok. 152-334. (Le Caire, Institut français d’archéologie orientale, 2019), (Fouilles de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale du Caire, 81)
  30. Cafaro, A.: Governare l’impero. La praefectura fabrum fra legami personali e azione politica (II sec. a.C. – III sec. d.C.). (Stuttgart, Steiner, 2021), (Historia. Einzelschriften, 262)
  31. Caliò, L.M.: Polis. Ippodamo e la filosofia della città. (Roma, Quasar, 2020) 
  32. Camera, M.: Terravecchia di Grammichele. Storia di un insediamento della Sicilia orientale tra indigeni e Greci. (Roma, Quasar, 2020) 
  33. Carbone, L.F.: The hidden power. Late cistophoric production and the organization of the provincia Asia (128-89 B.C.). (New York, American Numismatic Society, 2019), (Numismatic studies, 42)
  34. Ceci, F.: Didone senza Enea. La vera storia della regina di Cartagine. (o.O. 2020) 
  35. Cibi e pietanze nel mondo antico. Un viaggio tra quotidiano, rituali ed etnografia. Food and dishes in the Ancient World. A journey through daily life, rituals and ethnography. (Reggio Calabria, Laruffa, 2015), ed. Agostino, R.; Lugli, F.
  36. Clark, F.: The first pagan historian. The fortunes of a fraud from antiquity to the Enlightenment. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020) 
  37. Collecting and collectors from antiquity to modernity. (Boston, Archaeological Institute of America, 2018), ed. Carpino, A.; D’Angelo, T.; Muratov,  u.a.:, (Selected papers on ancient art and architecture, 4)
  38. Colligere fragmenta. Studi in onore di Marcello Rotili per il suo 70ø genetliaco. (Spoleto, Centro italiano di studi sull’alto medioevo, 2020) 2 Bde., ed. Ebanista, C.; De Vingo, P.; Archetti, G., (Centro studi longobardi. Ricerche, 3)
  39. Coluccia, L.: Castro protostorica. L’insediamento fortificato dell’età del Bronzo in località Palombara (scavi 2014 – 2015). (Paestum, Pandemos, 2020), (Tekmeria, 18)
  40. Contextualizing Jewish temples. (Leiden, Brill, 2021), ed. Ganzel, T.; Holtz, S.E., (Brill reference library of Judaism, 64)
  41. Csapo, E.; Wilson, P.: A social and economic history of the theatre to 300 B.C., 2. Theatre beyond Athens. Documents with translation and commentary. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020) 
  42. Cultural encounter and identity in the neo-Latin world. (Roma, Quasar, 2020), ed. Hoster, C.; Pade, M., (Analecta Romana Instituti Danici. Supplementa, 54)
  43. Dalla Troade a Cuma Opicia. Gli Eoli, la Sibilla, Apollo Smintheo. (Roma, Scienze e Lettere, 2019), ed. Mele, A., (I quaderni di “Oebalus”, 7)
  44. Das Symposion in der griechischen Komödie. Il simposio nella commedia greca. (Freiburg i.Br., Rombach, 2018), ed. Taufer, M., (Paradeigmata, 48)
  45. De aquaeductu urbis Romae. Sextus Iulius Frontinus and the waters of Rome. Proceedings of the International Frontinus Congress on the History of Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering in the Mediterranean Region. Rome, November 10 – 18, 2018. (Leuven, Peeters, 2020), ed. Wiplinger, G., (Babesch. Annual Papers on Mediterranean Archaeology. [Bulletin antieke beschaving. Supplements], 40)
  46. De l’argile au numérique. Mélanges assyriologiques en l’honneur de Dominique Charpin. (Leuven, Peeters, 2019), ed. Chambon, G.; Guichard, M.; Langlois, A. u.a.:, (Publications de l’Institut du Proche-Orient ancien du Collège de France, 3)
  47. De Vingo, P.; Cremonini, P.: Bizantini e Longobardi nelle aree emiliane. Culture e territori in una secolare tradizione. (Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso, 2020), (AAA, 1)
  48. Demandt, A.: Der Idealstaat. Die politischen Theorien der Antike. (Wien, Böhlau, 2019) 4., überarbeitete Auflage, 
  49. Demolire, riciclare, reinventare. La lunga vita del laterizio romano nella storia dell’architettura. III Convegno internazionale “Laterizio” (Roma, 6 – 8 marzo 2019). (Roma, Quasar, 2021), ed. Bukowiecki, E.; Volpe, R.; Pizzo, A., (Costruire nel mondo antico, 3)
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  171. Sonntagbauer, W.: Vom Tanzen der Delphine. Rhythmus und Proportion als Ausdruck antiker “Seelenlehre” und frühen menschlichen Denkens und Schaffens. (Hildesheim, Olms, 2021), (Altertumswissenschaftliche Texte und Studien, 44)
  172. Stefan, A.S.: Die Trajanssäule. (Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2020) 
  173. Stella, A.; Gorini, G.: Ritrovamenti monetali di età romana nel Friuli Venezia Giulia Provincia 1. Udine. Volume I,2, 1.1-2. Aquileia I,1-2, Comune di Aquileia. (Trieste, Selbstverlag, 2020) 2 Bde., 
  174. Stratos und Stratiké. Aspekte der Keramikforschung. Material, Methoden, Konzepte. Strátos-Stratiké. Prosengíseis sten meléte keramikés úle méthodoi énnoies. (Bonn, Habelt, 2020), ed. Lang, F.; Kolonas, L.; Döhner, G., (Akarnanien-Forschungen. Akarnania ereunes, 4)
  175. Tafelmaier, Y.: Methoden zur Analyse von Steinartefakten. Eine Übersicht. (Wiesbaden, Springer, 2020) 
  176. Termas públicas de Hispania. (Sevilla, Universidad de Murcia, 2020), ed. Noguera Celdrán, J.M.; Miguel, J.; García-Entero,  u.a.:, (Spal monografías, 33)
  177. The archaeology of mithraism. New finds and approaches to Mithras-worship. (Leuven, Peeters, 2020), ed. McCarty, M.M.; Egri, M., (Babesch. Annual Papers on Mediterranean Archaeology. [Bulletin antieke beschaving. Supplements], 39)
  178. The founding myths of architecture. (London, Artifice Press, 2020), ed. Buhagiar, K.; Dreyfuss, G.; Bruenslow, J.
  179. Thinking the Greeks. A volume in honor of James M. Redfield. (London, Routledge, 2018) 
  180. Tradizione classica, archeologia e storia negli Iblei. Il nostro futuro? Omaggio a Quintino Cataudella. (Lugano, Agorà e Co, 2019), ed. Mariotta, G.
  181. Una memoria fragile? collezioni di calchi in gesso e il loro ruolo di eredità storica tra passato e presente. Fragile Erinnerung? Sammlungen von Gipsabgüssen als historisches Erbe in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. (Leipzig, Antikenmuseum der Universität Leipzig, 2020) 72 S., Abb., ed. Bazzechi, E.; Lang, J.; Rambaldi, S.
  182. Underground architecture revisited. Internationale Fachtagung des Deutschen Nationalkomitees von ICOMOS und des Landesdenkmalamts Berlin mit der Initiative Kerberos in der Berlinischen Galerie – Museum für moderne Kunst, 20.-23. Februar 2019. International conference of the German National Committee of ICOMOS and the Berlin Monument Authority with the Initiative Kerberos at the Berlinische Galerie – Museum of Modern Art, 20-23 February 2019. (Berlin, Bässler Verlag, 2020), ed. Liptau, R.; Peiffer-Kloss, V.; Schmitz, F., (Icomos. Hefte des deutschen Nationalkomitees, 74)
  183. Une salade, César. La cuisine romaine, de la taverne au banquet. (Lyon, Libel, 2020), ed. Batigne Vallet, C.; Desbat, A.
  184. Unveiling emotions, 3. Arousal, display, and performance of emotions in the Greek world. (Stuttgart, Steiner, 2021), ed. Chaniotis, A., (Heidelberger althistorische Beiträge und epigraphische Studien, 63)
  185. Vanotti, G.: Ostracismi e metamorfosi costituzionali nell’Athenaion Politeia aristotelica. (Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso, 2019) 
  186. Velathri Volaterrae. La città etrusca e il municipio romano. (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2021), ed. Bonamici, M.; Sorge, E., (Biblioteca di “Studi etruschi”, 64)
  187. Vera, D.: Fisco, annona, mercato. Studi sul tardo impero romano. (Bari, Edipuglia, 2020), (Munera. Studi storici sulla tarda antichità, 50)
  188. Vermittlung von Vergangenheit. Gelebte Geschichte als Dialog von Wissenschaft, Darstellung und Rezeption. Tagung vom 3. – 5. Juli 2009 in Bonn. (Weinstadt, Greiner, 2011) 
  189. Vertrouw mij. Manipulaties van imago. (Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 2018), ed. De Jong, J.; Marion, O. van
  190. Vrbs. Studi sulla romanità antica e tardoantica (2020)  Nr.1,
  191. Wasser in der mittelalterlichen Kultur. Gebrauch, Wahrnehmung, Symbolik. Water in medieval culture. Uses, perceptions, and symbolism. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2017), ed. Huber-Rebenich, G.; Rohr, C.; Stolz, M., (Das Mittelalter. Persp ektiven mediävistischer Forschung. Beihefte, 4)
  192. Water and society from ancient times to the present. Resilience, decline, and revival. (Abingdon, Routledge, 2019), ed. Sulas, F.; Pikirayi, I.
  193. Webb, J.M.: Lapithos Vrysi tou Barba, Cyprus. Early and middle bronze age tombs excavated in 1913, Tombs 1-47. (Nicosia, Astrom editions, 2020), (Studies in Mediterranean archaeology, 152)
  194. Westwood, G.: The rhetoric of the past in Demosthenes and Aeschines. Oratory, history, and politics in classical Athens. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020) 
  195. Winckelmann und die Altmark. Vorgeschichte einer erstaunlichen Karriere. (Ruhpolding, Rutzen, 2021), ed. Kunze, M.
  196. Wisdom on the move. Late antique traditions in multicultural conversation. Essays in honor of Samuel Rubenson. (Leiden, Brill, 2020), ed. Harvey, S.A.; Arentzen, T.; Johnsén, H.R., (Supplements to “Vigiliae Christianae”, 161)
  197. Wolfram, H.: Das Römerreich und seine Germanen. Eine Erzählung von Herkunft und Ankunft. (Wien, Böhlau, 2018) 
  198. Würdelos. Ehrkonflikte von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart. (Regensburg, Schnell und Steiner, 2016), ed. Geisenhanslüke, A., (Regensburger Klassikstudien, 1)
  199. XXVIIIe Congrès préhistorique de France. Amiens 30 mai – 4 juin 2016, 1. Historiographie, paléolithique inférieur et moyen. (Paris, Société préhistorique française, 2019), ed. Montoya, C.; Fagnart, J.P.; Locht, J.L.
  200. Zagros Studies. Proceedings of the NINO Jubilee Conference and other research on the Zagros Region. (Leuven, Peeters, 2020), ed. Eidem, J., (Pihans, 130)

New volumes of periodicals:

Analecta Romana Instituti Danici 43 (2018)  online edition  open access

Analecta Romana Instituti Danici 44 (2019)  online edition  open access

Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia 26 (2020) Nr.1, Nr.2   online edition

Annuario della Scuola archeologica di Atene e delle missioni italiane in Oriente 98 (2020)  online edition  open access

Archaeologia Polon 50 (2012) [2019]  online edition  open access

Archaeological Review from Cambridge 35 (2020)  Nr.1   click on the link for contents

Archaeometry 63 (2021)Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3   online edition  partly open access

Archeologia dell’architettura 25 (2020) click on the link for contents

Archeologia delle Alpi (2017-19) click on the link for contents

Archeologia medievale 47 (2020) click on the link for contents

Archeologia. Rocznik Instytutu archeologii i etnologii Polskiej akademii nauk 68 (2018) 

Bryn Mawr Classical Review (2021) Nr.3   online resource

Bulletin de la Société archéologique champenoise 111 (2018)  Nr.4

Bulletin de la Société archéologique champenoise 112 (2019)  Nr.2

Bulletin de la Société archéologique champenoise 112 (2019)  Nr.4

Bulletin de la Société archéologique champenoise 113 (2020)  Nr.1

Cahiers archéologiques 58 (2021) 

Cambridge Archaeological Journal 31 (2021) Nr.2  online edition

Denkmalpflege in Baden-Württemberg 42 (2013) Nr.4  online edition  open access

Denkmalpflege in Baden-Württemberg 44 (2015) Nr.3  online edition  open access

Denkmalpflege in Baden-Württemberg 45 (2016) Nr.3  online edition  open access

Denkmalpflege in Baden-Württemberg 48 (2019) Nr.2  online edition  open access

Denkmalpflege in Baden-Württemberg 49 (2020) Nr.3, Nr.4   online edition  open access

Denkmalpflege in Baden-Württemberg 50 (2021) Nr.1, Nr.2   online edition  open access

Diadora 33-34 (2019-20) 

Eos 106 (2019) Nr.1

Etruscan (and Italic) Studies 23 (2020)   online edition

Historia 70 (2021) Nr.2   online edition

Journal of Mediterranean Studies 29 (2020) Nr.1   online edition

Kalakorikos 25 (2020) online edition  open access

Les nouvelles de l’archéologie 145 (2016)   online edition  open access

Les nouvelles de l’archéologie 151 (2018)  online edition  open access

Levant 51 (2019) Nr.2, Nr.3   online edition

Mediterraneo antico 23 (2020)  Nr.1-2   click on the link for contents

Numismatica e antichità classiche 49 (2020) 

Origini 42 (2018) Nr.2 

Origini 43 (2019)

Oxford Journal of Archaeology 40 (2021) Nr.2   online edition

Rivista archeologica dell’antica provincia e diocesi di Como 201-202 (2019-20) 

Rivista degli studi orientali 93 (2020) Nr.1-2, Nr.3, Nr.4   online edition

Römisches Österreich 42 (2019) [2021]

Schweizerische numismatische Rundschau 98 (2020) 

Sileno 45 (2019) 

Sileno 46 (2020) 

Skyllis 19 (2019) Nr.1-2  click on the link for contents

Soobscenija Gosudarstvennogo Ermitana 76 (2018) online edition

Studi micenei ed egeo-anatolici 6 (2020)   click on the link for contents

Studi sull’Oriente cristiano 24 (2020)  Nr.1

Studi sull’Oriente cristiano 24 (2020)  Nr.2

The Ancient World 51 (2020) Nr.2

Traditio 69 (2014)   online edition

Traditio 70 (2015)  online edition

Traditio 71 (2016)  online edition

Traditio 72 (2017)  online edition

Traditio 73 (2018)  online edition

Vrbs. Studi sulla romanità antica e tardoantica (2020)  Nr.1  online edition  open access

Vrbs. Studi sulla romanità antica e tardoantica (2020)  Nr.2  online edition  open access

Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 136 (2020) Nr.2  click on the link for contents

Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte 84 (2021) Nr.1

Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 218 (2021)  online edition

Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 219 (2021) 

Zeitschrift für schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte 78 (2021) Nr.1  online edition

New exhibitions and their catalogues, excavation-reports, periodicals… Research goes on. 3207 titles for the ‘Archaeological Bibliography’ in May.

June 3, 2021


ritratto di fanciulla da Vulci. Marmo bianco circa 50-40 a.C.

The Torlonia Marbles. Collecting masterpieces. Foto: Carlo Morino – wikipedia

New exhibitions and their catalogues: Long unseen trove of ancient treasures goes on show in Rome. The Torlonia Marbles Collecting Masterpieces. With  the reopening of the museums in Rome it’s possible to see them again! Find the contents of the catalogue edited by S. Settis and C. Gasparri evaluated in Dyabola.

We would like to remind you that Dyabola not only references the articles but also the single record sheets of the exhibits in museum and exhibition catalogues. They will always be labeld  as “Katalog”, “scheda”,or “record sheet”, which may help you to distinguish them from articles. As these records sheets often have the scientific quality of articles, we hope that their indication could be useful to scholars searching for a special subject. Details make perfection, and perfection is not a detail. (Leonardo da Vinci).

In May we have evaluated 232 new monographs and 78 new volumes of periodicals, gaining 3207 new titles for the “Archaeological Bibliography ”. Any advice and suggestions regarding content will be highly appreciated: please mail to Dr. Martina Schwarz. Concerning technical support please contact

Below you will find the list of new monographs and periodicals which were referenced during the last month. We offer the list of monographs as pdf to simplify the printout. The list of new periodicals has been supplemented with links to the online editions of the respective journals – in addition to the links to the online resources.  Besides we have marked  – to simplify your research –  the open access journals. You may examine the contents of the respective monographs and periodicals within the database by using the search option “title” or “periodicals” and by navigating to the “children” of the chosen title.

New monographs (new monographs May 2021/pdf) :

  1. I marmi Torlonia. Collezionare capolavori. (Milano, Electa, 2020), ed. Settis, S. ; Gasparri, C.
  2. “Colofone, città della Ionia”. Nuovi studi e ricerche. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi, Università degli studi di Salerno, 20 aprile 2017. (Paestum, Pandemos, 2019), ed. Vecchio, L., (Ergasteria, 10)
  3. Affective relations and personal bonds in Hellenistic antiquity. Studies in honor of Elizabeth D. Carney. (Oxford, Oxbow, 2021), ed. D’Agostini, M. ; Anson, E. ; Pownall, F.
  4. Aliena pecunia. Zbirka antickog novca zaplijenjena u Ustaskom logoru Pozega. Aliena pecunia. The collection of Roman coins confiscated in the Ustashe Pozega Camp. (Zagreb, Arheoloski muzej u Zagrebu, 2020), (Opera Varia. Musei Archaeologici Zagrabiensis, 3)
  5. Alle origini della Pieve di San Lorenzo. Storia e archeologia del costruito e del contesto. (Comano Terme, Provincia autonoma di Trento, 2019), ed. Cavada, E.
  6. Amiri, B. : Religion romaine et esclavage au Haut-Empire. Rome, Latium et Campanie. (Rome, Ecole française de Rome, 2021), (Collection de l’Ecole française de Rome, 581)
  7. Archaeological theory in dialogue. Situating relationality, ontology, posthumanism, and indigenous paradigms. (London, Routledge, 2021), ed. Crellin, R. ; Cipolla, C. N. ; Montgomery, L. u. a. :
  8. Archeologia dell’abitare. Insediamenti e organizzazione sociale prima della città. Dai monumenti ai comportamenti. Ricerche e scavi. Preistoria e protostoria in Etruria. Atti del quattoricesimo incontro di studi. Valentano (VT), Pitigliano (GR), Manciano (GR), 7-8 settembre 2018. (Milano, Centro studi di preistoria e archeologia, 2020) 2 Bde., , ed. Negroni Catacchio, N.
  9. Arentzen, W. : Schliemann en Nederland Een leven vol verhalen. (Leiden, Sidestone Press, 2012) 
  10. Aspetti dell’arte del disegno. Autori e collezionisti, 1. Antico, città, architettura, 5. (Roma, Quasar, 2020), ed. Debenedetti, E., (Studi sul Settecento romano, 36)
  11. Attala, L. ; Steel, L. : Body matters. Exploring the materiality of the human body. (Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2019) 
  12. Augustan papers. New approaches to the age of Augustus of the Bimillennium of his death. (Hildesheim, Olms, 2020) 2 Bde., , ed. Pimentel, M. C. ; Lóio, A. M. ; Rodrigues, N. u. a. :, (Spudasmata, 184)
  13. Baechle, N. : Aesthetic response and traditional social valutation in Euripides’ “Electra”. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2020), (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 379)
  14. Baldassare, I. : La dimensione del passato. Scritti di archeologia e cultura. (Napoli, Universita degli studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”, 2020) 2 Bde., , (Annali di archeologia e storia antica. Quaderni series minor, 3)
  15. Balducci, B. : Roghi funebri e riti funerari macedoni. (Paestum, Pandemos, 2020), (Ergasteria, 11)
  16. Ballard, M. ; Balliu, C. ; Chevrel, Y. : Antiquité et traduction. De l’Égypte ancienne à Jérôme. (Villeneuve d’Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2019) 
  17. Bani, S. : Sylloge nummorum Romanorum. Italia. Firenze. Monetiere del Museo archeologico, 4, 1. Servius Sulpicius Galba 68-69 d. C. Marcus Salvius Otho 69 d. C. Aulus Vitellius 69 d. C. Flavius Vespasianus 69 – 79 d. C. (Firenze, Edizioni d’Andrea, 2020) 
  18. Bani, S. : Sylloge nummorum Romanorum. Italia. Firenze. Monetiere del Museo archeologico nazionale, 4, 2. Titus Flavius Vespasianus 79 – 81 d. C. Titus Flavius Domitianus 81 – 96 d. C. (Firenze, D’Andrea, 2020) 
  19. Barrett, A. : Rome is burning. Nero and the fire that ended a dynasty. (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2020) 
  20. Barroso Cabrera, R. : De la provincia Celtiberia a la Qura de Santabariyya. Arqueología de la antigüedad tardía en la provincia de Cuenca (siglos V – VIII d. C. ). (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2019) 
  21. Bellucci, N. ; Longo, B. : L’Egitto dei Flavi. Sintesi e prospettive d’indagine alla luce della documentazione papirologica ed epigrafica egiziana. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2020), (Archaeopress. Roman Archaeology, 69)
  22. Bergemann, J. ; Blasetti Fantauzzi, C. ; Klug, R. D. u. a. :Der Agrigent-Hinterland-Survey. 3000 Jahre Siedlungsgeschichte in den Monti Sicani. (Rahden, Leidorf, 2020), (Göttinger Studien zur mediterranen Archäologie, 11)
  23. Bertini, A. ; Caruso, I. ; Colesanti, G. T. u. a. :Cultura in transito. Ricerca e tecnologie per il patrimonio culturale. (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2020) 
  24. Bertoldi, S. ; Putti, M. ; Vanni, E. : Archeologia e storia dei paesaggi senesi. Territorio, risorse, commerci tra età romana e medioevo. (Firenze, All’insegna del giglio, 2019), (Biblioteca del Dipartimento di archeologia e storia delle arti, sezione archeologia, Università di Siena, 21)
  25. Binns, J. : The T and T history of monasticism. The eastern tradition. (London, T and T Clark, 2020) 
  26. Blanco García, J. F. : Cauca Vaccea. Formación, desarrollo y romanización de una ciudad. (Valladolid, Centro de estuios vacceos “Federico Wattenberg”, 2018), (Vaccea monografías, 5)
  27. Braccesi, L. : Hesperìa, 38. Studi sulla grecità di Occidente. Adrianòs Pontos. Terzo supplemento a Grecità adriatica. (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2021) 
  28. Brill’s companion to the reception of Athenian democracy. From the late middle ages to the contemporary era. (Leiden, Brill, 2021), ed. Piovan, D. ; Giorgini, G., (Brill’s companions to philosophy. Ancient philosophy, 7)
  29. Buncic, M. ; Demo, Z. ; Dugonjic, A. : Permanent exhibition of the Medieval collection. Guide. (Zagreb, Archaeological Museum in Zagreb, 2020) 
  30. Byzantine and Umayyad Jerash reconsidered. Transitions, transformations, continuities. (Turnhout, Brepols, 2019), ed. Lichtenberger, A. ; Raja, R., (Jerash papers, 4)
  31. Cabouret, B. : La société de l’Empire romain d’Orient. IVe – VIe siècle. (Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2020) 
  32. Calabrese, E. : Prospettive relazionali della gestualità nel Satyricon. (Bologna, Pàtron, 2019), (Testi e manuali per l’insegnamento universitario del latino, 146)
  33. Caldelli, M. L. : I prefetti dell’annona da Augusto a Costantino. (Rome, Ecole française de Rome, 2020), (Collection de l’Ecole française de Rome, 577)
  34. Calore, A. : “Cittadinanze” nell’antica Roma, 1. L’età regia. (Torino, Giappichelli, 2018) 
  35. Carta, F. : Archeologia disegnata. (Sassari, Delfino, 2019) 
  36. Casamayor Mancisidor, S. : La vejez femenina en la antigua Roma. Cuerpos, roles y sentimientos. (Oviedo, Trabe, 2019), (Coleccion Deméter, 11)
  37. Castrum to castle. Classical to medieval fortifications in the lands of the western Roman empire. (Barnsley, Pen and Sword military, 2018), ed. Kaufmann, J. E. ; Kaufmann, H. W.
  38. Cecalupo, C. : Antonio Bosio, la “Roma sotterranea” e i primi collezionisti di antichità cristiane, 1. Profilo storico. (Roma, Pontificio istituto di archeologia cristiana, 2020), (Studi di antichità cristiana, 69)
  39. Cecalupo, C. : Antonio Bosio, la “Roma sotterranea” e i primi collezionisti di antichità cristiane, 2. Testi inediti della “Roma sotterranea”. (Città del Vaticano, Pontificio istituto di archeologia cristiana, 2020), (Studi di antichità cristiana, 69)
  40. Cellauro, L. ; Richaud, G. : Palladio and concrete. Archaeology, innovation, legacy. (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2020), (LermArte, 26)
  41. Chantiers et matériaux de construction de l’antiquité à la révolution industrielle en Orient et en Occident. Actes du colloque tenu au château de Guédelon (23 – 25 septembre 2015). (Lyon, Mom editions, 2020), ed. Baud, A. ; Charpentier, G., (Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée. Archéologie(s), 3)
  42. Children, death and burial. Archaeological discourses. (Oxford, Oxbow, 2017), ed. Murphy, E. ; Le Roy, M., (Childhood in the past. Monograph series, 5)
  43. Ciampoltrini, G. ; Andreotti, A. ; Fioravanti, S. u. a. :Da Fossa Nera di Porcari a Monte Formino di Palaia. La “crisi del 1200 a. C. ” tra Valle del Serchio e Valdarno. (Porcari, I segni dell’Auser, 2013) 
  44. Città e parole, argilla e pietra. Studi offerti a Clelia Mora da allievi, colleghi e amici. (Bari, Edipuglia, 2020), ed. Balza, M. E. ; Cotticelli-Kurras, P. ; D’Alfonso,  u. a. :, (Biblioteca di “Athenaeum”, 65)
  45. Colonna, G. ; Ambrosini, L. : Il santuario di Portonaccio a Veio, 2. Gli scavi di Maria Sant’Angelo (1944 – 1952). (Roma, Bretschneider, 2020), (Monumenti antichi. Serie miscellanea, 25)
  46. Commemorating war and war dead. Ancient and modern. (Stuttgart, Steiner, 2019), ed. Giangiulio, M. ; Franchi, E. ; Proietti, G.
  47. Crow, J. ; Hill, D. : Naxos and the Byzantine Aegean. Insular responses to regional change. (Athens, Norwegian Institute at Athens, 2018), (Papers and monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens, 7)
  48. Cunliffe, B. : The ancient Celts. Second edition. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018) 
  49. Czysz, W. : Kastell Dambach am Raetischen Limes. Ausgrabungen im Vicus am Rand des Moosgrabentals (2008). (Kallmünz, Lassleben, 2020), (Materialhefte zur bayerischen Vorgeschichte. Reihe A. Fundinventare und Ausgrabungsbefunde, 113)
  50. Da Ovidio a d’Annunzio. Miti di metamorfosi e metamorfosi dei miti. Atti del convegno di studi, Fondazione Il Vittoriale degli Italiani, Gardone Riviera, 12 ottobre 2018. (Cinisello Balsamo, Silvana, 2019), ed. Guerri, G. B., (L’Officina del Vittoriale, 12)
  51. Del Sole, F. : Viaggio nella meraviglia. Descrivere, immaginare, ri-costruire. (Modugno, Congedo, 2019), (Architettura e città, 11)
  52. Demierre, M. : Caractérisation des assemblages métalliques d’une agglomération celtique. Le centre-ville de l’oppidum de Corent (Puy-de-Dôme, France), 1. Texte. (Drémil-Lafage, Mergoil, 2019), (Oppidum de Corent, 1,1)
  53. Demierre, M. : Caractérisation des assemblages métalliques d’une agglomération celtique. Le centre-ville de l’oppidum de Corent (Puy-de-Dôme, France), 2. Catalogue. (Drémil-Lafage, Mergoil, 2019), (Oppidum de Corent, 1,2)
  54. Die Winckelmann-Rezeption in Italien und Europa. Zirkulation, Adaption, Transformation. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2021), ed. Décultot, E. ; Dönike, M. ; Feloj,  u. a. :, (Hallesche Beiträge zur Europäischen Aufklärung, 65)
  55. Divina moneta. Coins in religion and ritual). (London, Routledge, 2018), ed. Myrberg Burström, N. ; Tarnow Ingvardson, G., (Religion and money in the middle ages, 2)
  56. Domus Aemilia. Lo scavo di Tassignano Aeroporto a Capannori (Lu). Indagini 2014 – 2017. (Capannori, Gruppo archeologico capannorese, 2018) 79 S., Abb., ed. Giannoni, A. ; Ciampoltrini, G., (Capannori vetus. Itinerari archeologici, 2)
  57. Drnic, I. : Segestika i Siscija. Naselje s pocetka povijesti = Segestica and Siscia. A settlement from the beginning of history. (Zagreb, Archaeological Museum, 2020) 
  58. Duchêne, P. : Comment écrire sur les empereurs? Les procédés historiographiques de Tacite et Suétone. (Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2020), (Ausonius éditions. Scripta antiqua, 137)
  59. Dueck, D. : Illiterate geography in classical Athens and Rome. (London, Routledge, 2021) 
  60. Emanuel, J. P. : Naval warfare and maritime conflict in the late bronze and early iron age Mediterranean. (Leiden 2021), (Culture and history of the ancient Near East, 117)
  61. Environmental studies, remote sensing, and modelling. Final publications from the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project I. (Turnhout, Brepols, 2020), ed. Lichtenberger, A. ; Raja, R., (Jerash papers, 6)
  62. Erwin Rohde. Cogitata aus dem Nachlass 1867 – 1878. Supplementum. (Hildesheim, Olms, 2020), ed. Haubold, M.
  63. Estèves, A. : Poétique de l’horreur dans l’épopée et l’historiographie latines. (Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2020), (Ausonius éditions. Scripta antiqua, 127)
  64. Excessive writing. Ovids Exildichtung. (Heidelberg, Winter, 2020), ed. Möller, M., (Bibliothek der klassischen Altertumswissenschaften. Neue Folge. 2. Reihe, 160)
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  188. Schmidt, Y. : Ovids Epos und die Tradition des Lehrgedichts. Mythos und Elementenlehre in den “Metamorphosen”. (Göttingen, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2020), (Hypomnemata, 210)
  189. Schmitt, A. : Die Moderne und die Antike. Gründe und Folgen des grössten Kulturbruchs in der Geschichte Europas. (Heidelberg, Winter, 2019), (Studien zur Literatur und Erkenntnis, 16)
  190. Schwab, A. : Fremde Religion in Herodots “Historien”. Religiöse Mehrdimensionalität bei Persern und Ägyptern. (Stuttgart, Steiner, 2020), (Hermes. Einzelschriften, 118)
  191. Schwertheim, E. ; Güllü Schwertheim, N. ; Petzl, G. : Epigraphica. Lydien, Mysien, Türkei der Sammlung Yavuz Tatis. (Izmir, Metro Matbaacilik Ltd. Sti., 2018) 
  192. Seminari di topografia antica e medievale per Letizia Ermini Pani. Giovani Studiosi su Roma e Lazio. Atti della giornata di studi. Roma, Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani, 4 dicembre 2018. (Città di Castello, Luoghi Interiori, 2020), ed. Cavallo, D. ; Migliorati, L. ; Stasolla, F. R.
  193. Sidrys, R. V. : The mysterious spheres on Greek and Roman ancient coins. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2020) 
  194. Siemers-Klenner, I. ; Jacobi, F. : Archäologie des Mithraskultes. Architektur und Kultpraxis am Beispiel der Tempel von Güglingen, Kreis Heilbronn. (Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2020), (Forschungen und Berichte zur Archäologie in Baden-Württemberg, 16)
  195. Silver, K. : Alexandria and Qumran. Back to the beginning. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2017) 
  196. Size matters. Unterstanding monumentality across ancient civilizations. (Berlin, Transcript, 2019), ed. Buccelati, F. ; Hageneuer, S. ; van der Heyden,  u. a. :, (Histoire, 146)
  197. Specula historicorum. Trasmissione e tradizione dei testi storiografici nel mondo greco. Atti del Convegno internazionale (L’Aquila 10-11 novembre 2016). (Tivoli, Tored, 2019), ed. Savo, M. B.
  198. Spinelli, M. : La monetazione di Locri Epizefiri tra Magna Grecia, Sicilia e regni ellenistici. (Messina, Università di Messina, 2019), (Pelorias, 27)
  199. Starac, A. : Deposit of amphorae in the quarter of St. Theodore, Pula. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2020), (Archaeopress. Roman Archaeology, 75)
  200. Steinwelten. Ein interdisziplinärer Rundgang anhand von Objekten aus den Sammlungen der Universität Leipzig. Begleitschrift zur Ausstellung “Steinreich. Wissens-Schätze aus den Sammlungen der Universität Leipzig”. (Leipzig 2020), ed. Veit, U. ; Wöhrl, M., (Universität Leipzig
  201. Stolfi, E. : La cultura giuridica dell’antica Grecia. Legge, politica, giustizia. (Roma, Carocci, 2020) 
  202. Storie di persone e di musei. Persone, storie, racconti ed esperienze dei musei civici di Lazio, Umbria e Toscana tra tutela e valorizzazione. (Roma, E. S. S., 2019), ed. Nizzo, V.
  203. Storytelling in Byzantium. Narratological approaches to Byzantine texts and images. (Uppsala, Uppsala universitet, 2017), ed. Messis, C. ; Mullett, M. ; Nilsson, I.
  204. Szabó, C. : András Bodor and the history of classical studies in Transylvania in the 20th century. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2020) 
  205. Szlezák, T. A. : Aufsätze zur griechischen Literatur und Philosophie. (Baden-Baden, Academia, 2019), (International Plato Studies, 39)
  206. The ancient Mediterranean Sea in modern visual and performing arts. Sailing in troubled waters. Imagines, classical receptions in the visual and performing arts. (London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018), ed. Rovira Guardiola, R.
  207. The archaeology and history of Jerash. 110 years of excavations. (Turnhout, Brepols, 2018), ed. Lichtenberger, A. ; Raja, R., (Jerash papers, 1)
  208. The Christian liturgical papyri. An introduction. (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2019), ed. Mihalykó, A. T., (Studies and texts in antiquity and Christianity, 114)
  209. The materiality of hellenistic ruler cults. (Liège, Presses universitaires de Liège, 2020), ed. Caneva, S. G. ; Lorenzon, L., (Kernos suppléments, 36)
  210. The religious aspects of war in the Ancient Near East, Greece and Rome. (Leiden, Brill, 2016), ed. Ulanowski, K., (Culture and history of the ancient Near East, 84)
  211. Travelling the Korosko Road. Archaeological exploration in Sudan’s eastern desert. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2020), ed. Davies, W. V. ; Welsby, D. A.
  212. Tuccinardi, S. : I marmi Torlonia. Collezionare capolavori. The Torlonia marbles. Collecting masterpieces. Guide of an exhibition held at the Musei capitolini, Villa Caffarelli, Rome, Italy, October 14, 2020-June 26, 2021. (Milano, Electa, 2020) 
  213. Tyranny. New contexts. (Toulouse, Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2021), ed. Lewis, S., (Dialogues d’histoire ancienne. Suppléments, 21)
  214. Uccello, C. : Paradeigma. L’esempio per l’argomentazione. (Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso, 2020), (Hellenica. Testi e strumenti di letteratura greca antica, medievale e umanistica, 88)
  215. Une nécropole du Haut-Empire à Lattes. Fouilles Henri Prades. Groupe archéologique Painlevé 1968 – 1971, 1. (Lattes, Picard Epona, 2020), ed. Pernet, L. ; Marco, M., (Lattara, 24)
  216. Urban disasters and the Roman imagination. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2020), ed. Closs, V. M. ; Keitel, E., (Trends in classics. Supplementary volumes, 104)
  217. Urto, U. : Tempo divino. I sarcofagi di Bethesda e l’avvento del Salvatore nel Mediterraneo antico. [Mostra Città del Vaticano, Musei Vaticani, 6 dicembre 2019 – 29 marzo 2020. Ischia, Museo Diocesano, 4 aprile – 27 settembre 2020. (Città del Vaticano, Musei Vaticani, 2019) 
  218. Vallori Márquez, B. : La ciutat romana  de Palma. Una topografia arqueològica. (Palma de Mallorca, Ajuntament de Palma, 2019), (Colùlecció Regne de Mallorca, 3)
  219. Van der Linde, S. J. ; Van den Dries, M. H. ; Schlanger, N. u. a. :European archaeology abroad. Global settings, comparative perspectives. (Leiden, Sidestone Press, 2013) 
  220. Varga, R. : Carving a professional identity the occupational epigraphy of the Roman Latin West. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2020), (Archaeopress. Roman Archaeology, 73)
  221. Verkoppelte Räume. Karte und Bildfolge als mediales Dispositiv. (München, Hirmer, 2020), ed. Boskamp, U. ; Buchholz, A. ; Kranen,  u. a. :
  222. Von Vindobona zu Wienna. Archäologisch-historische Untersuchungen zu den Anfängen Wiens. (Wien, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Mittelalterarchäologie, 2019), ed. Felgenhauer-Schmiedt, S., (Beiträge zur Mittelalterarchäologie Österreichs. Beihefte, 11)
  223. Wahl-Clerici, R. : Roman Gold from Tresminas (Portugal). Prospection, mining, treatment. (Basel, Librum Publishers and editiors, 2020), (Beiträge zur Technikgeschichte. Studies in technical history, 3)
  224. Wan, W. H. : The contest for time and space in the Roman imperial cults and 1 Peter. (London, T and T Clark, 2020) 
  225. Wenzel, S. ; Grünewald, M. ; Giljohann, R. u. a. :Römische Landnutzung im antiken Industrierevier der Osteifel. (Mainz, Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 2021), (Vulkanpark-Forschungen, 13)
  226. Wijlick, H. A. M. van: Rome and the Near Eastern kingdoms and principalities, 44-31 B. C. A study of political relations during civil war. (Leiden, Brill, 2021), (Impact of Empire, 38)
  227. Wöhrle, G. : Theophrast von Eresos. Universalwissenschaftler im Kreis des Aristoteles und Begründer der wissenschaftlichen Botanik. Eine Einführung. (Trier, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2019), (AKAN-Einzelschriften. Arbeitskreis antike Naturwissenschaften und ihre Rezeption, 13)
  228. Worcester Magistrate Court. Excavation of Romano-British homes and indstry at Castle Street. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2020), ed. Boucher, A., (British archaeological reports. British series, 658)
  229. Writing order and emotion. Affect and the structures of power in Greek and Latin authors. (Hildesheim, Olms, 2020), ed. Bettenworth, A. ; Hammerstaedt, J., (Spudasmata, 188)
  230. Zeit in den Kulturen des Altertums. Antike Chronologie im Spiegel der Quellen. (Köln, Böhlau, 2020), ed. Färber, R. ; Gautschy, R.
  231. Zlato i bronz. Metali, technologii i mezduregionalni kontakti na teritorijata na Iztocnite Balkani prez bronzovata epocha. Gold and bronze. Metals, technologies and interregional contacts in the eastern Balkans during the bronze age. (Sofia, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2018), ed. Alexandrov, S. ; Dimitrova, Y. ; Popov,  u. a. :

New volumes of periodicals:

Analecta Bollandiana 138 (2020) Nr.2   online edition

Analecta papyrologica 32 (2020)   click on the link for contents

Annali di archeologia e storia antica 25 (2018) 

Antiquity 95 (2021) Nr.379   online edition

Aquincumi füzetek. A Budapesti történeti múzeum ásalásai. Excavations at the Budapest History Museum 1 (1994)[1995] 

Aquitania 35 (2019) click on the link for contents

Archaeologia maritima mediterranea 17 (2020)  online edition

Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 51 (2021) Nr.1 

Archeologia e calcolatori 31 (2020)  Nr.1  online edition  open access

Archeologia e calcolatori 31 (2020)  Nr.2   online edition  open access

Archéologie médiévale 49 (2019)  online edition  open access

Archéologie médiévale 50 (2020)  online edition  open access

Archivio della Società romana di storia patria 141 (2018) click on the link for contents

Archjteckurnaja archeologija. Architectural archeology 1 (2019) 

Atti della Pontificia accademia romana di archeologia. Rendiconti 92 (2019-20) 

Bayerische Vorgeschichtsblätter 85 (2020) 

Biblica 101 (2020) Nr.4  online edition

Bollettino d’arte 44 (2019)   click on the link for contents

Bollettino di studi latini 50 (2020) Nr.2   online edition

Bulletin de l’Association Pro Aventico 60 (2019)   click on the link for contents

Bullettino dell’Istituto di diritto romano “Vittorio Scialoja” 10 (2020)   click on the link for contents

Byzantinische Zeitschrift 114 (2021) Nr.1   online edition

Cuadernos de prehistoria y arqueología 46 (2020) online edition  open access

Current Archaeology 373 (2021)  online edition

Das Altertum 65 (2020) Nr.3

Dumbarton Oaks Papers 74 (2020)   online edition

Early science and medicine 25 (2020) Nr.6  online edition

Facta 13 (2019)  online edition

Galenos. Rivista di filologia dei testi medici antichi 14 (2020)  online edition

Geographia antiqua 29 (2020)   online edition

Gerión 38 (2020) Nr.2   online edition  open access

Gnomon 93 (2021) Nr.4   online edition

Gymnasium 127 (2020) Nr.6   online edition

Gymnasium 128 (2021) Nr.1  online edition

Harvard Theological Review 114 (2021) Nr.1  online edition

Hermes 149 (2021) Nr.2  online edition

History and Theory 59 (2020) Nr.4   online edition

International Journal of the Classical Tradition 28 (2021) Nr.1   online edition

Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums Mainz 62 (2015)[2020] Nr.1   online edition open access

Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums Mainz 62 (2015)[2020]  Nr.2  online edition open access

Journal of Field Archaeology 45 (2020) Nr.6, Nr.7, Nr.8   online edition

Journal of hellenistic pottery and material culture 4 (2019)  online edition  open access

Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 33 (2020) Nr.1  online edition

Koinon. The International Journal of Classical Numismatic Studies 2 (2019)  online edition

Kokalos 56 (2019)[2021]   online edition

Kölner und Bonner Archaeologica 9-10 (2019-20) 

La parola del passato 73 (2018) Nr.2

Les nouvelles de l’archéologie 162 (2020)   online edition open access

Ligures 16-17 (2018-19) 

Medieval Archaeology 59 (2015)  online edition

Medieval Archaeology 63 (2019)  online edition

Medieval Archaeology 64 (2020)  online edition

Museum Helveticum 77 (2020) Nr.2   online edition

Palladio 61-62 (2018) 

Palladio 63-64 (2019) 

Pallas 114 (2020) 

Past and present 249 (2020) Nr.1  online edition

Praktia tes en Athenais archailogikes etairias 174 (2019)[2020] 

Prospettiva 174 (2019) 

Pyrenae 51 (2020)  Nr.1   online edition  open access

Pyrenae 51 (2020)  Nr.2  online edition  open access

Quaderni di archeologia del Piemonte 4 (2020) 

Quaderni storici 164 (2020) Nr.2  online edition

Religion in the Roman empire 6 (2020) Nr.3   online edition

Revue historique 145 (2021) 

Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 163 (2020) Nr.3-4  click on the link for contents

Rivista di studi fenici 48 (2020) click on the link for contents

Rivista storica italiana 132 (2020) Nr.3

Scienze dell’antichità 26 (2020)  Nr.3   online edition  open access

Segno e testo 18 (2020)  click on the link for contents

Seminari romani di cultura greca 9 (2020) click on the link for contents

Studi etruschi 82 (2019)[2020]  online edition

Technai 11 (2020)  online edition

The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 72 (2021) Nr.1  online edition

The Journal of Economic History 80 (2020) Nr.4   online edition

The Journal of Economic History 81 (2021) Nr.1   online edition

Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte 131 (2020) Nr.3

Ziva antika. Antiquité vivante 69 (2019) 

News from the classical world… found in 132 volumes of periodicals and 121 monographs. 2916 new titles in April for the ‘Archaeological Bibliography’

May 3, 2021


Foto: Carole Raddato,
Castel Gandolfo, site of the Villa of Domitian, Albano, Italy

Among the new publlications the results of research from the territory of Albano and Castel Gandolfo “Ager Albanus. Von republikanischer Zeit zur Kaiservilla. Dall’età repubblicana alla villa imperiale“. You will find the contents with key-words in “Archaeological Bibliography”.

You want to know what’s new in Classical Archaeology? Have a look at the list of the recent publications-list below.  We offer the list of monographs as pdf  to simplify the printout.

Archaeological Bibliography” is updated constanlty at the end of every week. On mondays, beginng your week,  we provide you with 500-1000 new bibliographical indications, which – so we hope – may be of help for your research.

As ever you may examine the contents of the respective monographs and periodicals in the data base by using the search option ‘title’ or ‘periodicals’ and by navigating to the ‘children’ of the chosen title.  If you have any suggestions regarding content please mail to Dr. Martina Schwarz ( Concerning technical support please contact

In April we have evaluated 121 new monographs and 132 new volumes of periodicals, gaining 2916 new titles for the “Archaeological Bibliography”.

New monographs (new monographs April 2021/pdf):

  1. Ager Albanus. Von republikanischer Zeit zur Kaiservilla. Dall’età repubblicana alla villa imperiale. (Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2020), ed. Aglietti, S.; Busch, A.W., (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Rom. Sonderschriften, 24)
  2. Antico e moderno. Sincretismi, incontri e scontri culturali nel Rinascimento. Atti del XXX Convegno internazionale (Chianciano Terme – Montepulciano, 19 – 21 luglio 2018). (Firenze, Cesati editore, 2020), ed. Secchi Tarugi, L.
  3. Antike Erzähl- und Deutungsmuster. Zwischen Exemplarität und Transformation. Festschrift für Christiane Reitz zum 65. Geburtstag. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2018), ed. Finkmann, S.; Behrendt, A.; Walter, A., (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 374)
  4. Antike Texte und ihre Materialität. Alltägliche Präsenz, mediale Semantik, literarische Reflexion. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2019) open access,  ed. Ritter-Schmalz, C.; Schwitter, R., (Materiale Textkulturen, 27)
  5. Archäologie und Recht, 2. Wohin mit dem Bodendenkmal?(Wiesbaden, Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Hessen, 2018), ed. Recker, U.; Davydov, D., (Fundberichte aus Hessen. Beihefte, 11)
  6. Argumenta Papiniani. (Heidelberg, Springer, 2013), ed. Harke, J.D.
  7. Arte e dialogo nel Mediterraneo. Analisi, contributi, testimonianze, sguardi. (Trapani, Il Pozzo di Giacobbe, 2020), ed. Agnisola, G.; Albano, G.; Raucci, F., (Sponde. Pensare Mediterraneo, 12)
  8. Aspetti della fortuna dell’antico nella cultura europea. Atti della quattordicesima giornata di studi, Sestri Levante, 10 marzo 2017. (Campobasso, Il Castello, 2018), ed. Audano, S.; Cipriani, G., (Echo, 27)
  9. Atti. XLVIII Convegno internazionale della ceramica. Ceramica dai Castelli e dagli insediamenti. Contesti rurali e urbani a confronto (X-XIV secolo). Savona, 29-30 maggio 2015. (Albenga, Centro ligure per la storia della ceramica, 2017) 
  10. Aural architecture in Byzantium. Music, acoustics, and ritual. (London, Routledge, 2018), ed. Pentcheva, B.V.
  11. Bertolazzi, R.: Septimius Severus and the cities of the Empire. (Faenza, Fratelli Lega, 2020), (Epigrafia e antichità, 47)
  12. Bibliotheca Isiaca, 4. (Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2020), ed. Bricault, L.; Veymiers, R.
  13. Bild und Schrift auf “magischen” Artefakten. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2018), ed. Kiyanrad, S.; Theis, C.; Willer, L., (Materiale Textkulturen, 19)
  14. Bolle, K.: Materialität und Präsenz spätantiker Inschriften. Eine Studie zum Wandel der Inschriftenkultur in den italienischen Provinzen. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2020) open access,  (Materiale Textkulturen, 25)
  15. Borangic, C.: Seniorii razboiului in lumea dacica. Elite militare din secolele II a.Chr. – II p.Chr. in spatiul carpato-dunarean. (Alba Iulia, Editura Istros, 2017), (Biblioteca Musei Apulensis, 26)
  16. Bösl, E.: Doing ancient DNA. Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte der aDNA-Forschung. (Bielefeld, Transcript, 2017) 
  17. Bridoux, V.: Les royaumes d’Afrique du Nord. Emergence, consolidation et insertion dans les aires d’influences méditerranéennes (201 – 33 av. J.-C.). (Rome, Ecole française de Rome, 2020), (Bibliothèque des Ecoles françaises d’Athènes et de Rome, 387)
  18. Chrzanovski, L.: Lampes antiques, byzantines et islamiques du  Nil àl’Oronte. La Collection Bouvier. (Warsaw, Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, 2019) 
  19. Ciampoltrini, G.: L’area urbana di Lucca. Repertorio illustrato dei contesti archeologici d’età romana. (digital edition, I segni dell’Auser, 2020) 
  20. City ports from the Aegean to the Black Sea. Medieval – modern networks. Proceedings of the symposium. 22nd – 29th August 2015. (Istanbul, Ege Yayinlari, 2015), ed. Karagianni, F.; Kocabas, U.
  21. Copia e invención. Modelos, réplicas, series y citas en la escultura europea. (Valladolid, Museo nacional de escultra, 2013) 
  22. Curiostè d’Egypte. Entre quête de soi et découverte de l’autre, de l’antiquité à l’époque contemporaine. (Genève, Droz, 2020), ed. Chauveau, M.; Fournet, J.L.; Mouton, J. u.a.:, (Ecole pratique des hautes études, 3. Hautes études du monde gréco-romain, 59)
  23. Del Bufalo, D.: Precious portraits. Small precious stone sculptures of imperial Rome. (Torino, Allemandi, 2020) 
  24. Deptula, A.; Jarczyk, M.: Liturgical poetry in Christian Nubia. The evidence of the wall inscriptions in the lower church at Banganarti. (Leuven, Peeters, 2020), (The Journal of Juristic Papyrology. Supplements, 38)
  25. Dessales, H.: Recueils de William Gell. Pompéi publiée et inédite (1801 – 1829). (Paris, Hermann, 2019) 
  26. Di Gerio, M.: Archeologia e animali. La narrazione degli autori antichi. (Napoli, Guida, 2019) 
  27. Dichtung zwischen Römern und Vandalen. Tradition, Transformation und Innovation in den Werken des Dracontius. Mit einer Gesamtbibliographie zu Dracontius. (Stuttgart, Steiner, 2019), ed. Pohl, K., (Palingenesia, 118)
  28. Die Bildmacht des Denkmals. Ikonisierung und Erleben archäologischer Denkmäler im Stadtbild. (Stuttgart, Schnell und Steiner, 2021), ed. Hesberg, H.v.; Kunow, J.; Otten, T., (Archäologisches Gedächtnis der Städte. Schriftenreihe des Arbeitskreises Bodendenkmäler der Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, 5)
  29. Drama e dramaturgia en la escena romana. III Encuentro internacional de teatro latino. (Zaragoza, Libros Pórtico, 2019), ed. López Gregoris, R.
  30. Dynamics of ancient prose. Biographic, novelistic, apologetic. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2018), ed. Thorsen, T.S.; Harrison, S., (Trends in classics. Supplementary volumes, 62)
  31. El dibujo de viaje de los arquitectos. 15 Congreso internacional de expresión gráfica arquitectónica. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, del 22 al 23 de mayo de 2014. (Gran Canaria, Universidad de Las Palmas, 2014), ed. Melián García, A.
  32. Elliot, S.: Sea eagles of empire. The Classis Britannica and the battles for Britain. (Gloucester, The History Press, 2016) 
  33. Episcopal networks in late antiquity. Connection and communication across boundaries. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2019), ed. Cvetkovic, C.A.; Gemeinhardt, P., (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte, 137)
  34. Erhaltung von Marmorskulpturen unter mitteleuropäischen Umweltbedingungen. Beiträge des 8. Konservierungswissenschaftlichen Kolloquiums in Berlin-Brandenburg am 17. Oktober 2014 in Potsdam. (Zossen, Brandenburgisches Landesamt, 2014), ed. Arnold, B., (Arbeitshefte des Brandenburgischen Landesamtes für Denkmalpflege und Archäologischen Landesmuseums, 32)
  35. Eroi, dèi, condottieri. Varianti del mito in Europa. Atti del convegno internazionale (Foggia, 25-26 novembre 2019). (Campobasso, Il Castello, 2020), ed. Masselli, G.M.; Sivo, F., (Echo, 33)
  36. Ferrary, J.L.; Scheid, J.: Elogio del testo critico. Per i cento anni de Les Belles Lettres. (Milano, BookTime, 2019) 46 S., Abb.
  37. Giacobello, F.: Mito e società. Vasi apuli a figure rosse da Ruvo di Puglia al Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli. (Firenze, All’insegna del giglio, 2020), (Materia e arte, 6)
  38. Grands ensembles de petit mobilier. Méthodes et résultats. Actes de la table ronde Corpus. Clermont-Ferrand, 10 – 11 Mars 2016. (Drémil-Lafage, Mergoil, 2020), ed. Berthon, A.; Ducreux, A., (Monographies Instrumentum, 67)
  39. Grossi, F.: Di vetro e metallo. Vasellame bronzeo decorato a smalto di età romana. (Sesto Fiorentino, All’insegna del giglio, 2020), (Materia e arte, 8)
  40. Hafner, M.: Lukians Schrift “Das traurige Los der Gelehrten”. Einführung und Kommentar zu “De mercede conductis potentium familiaribus”. (Stuttgart, Steiner, 2017), (Hermes. Einzelschriften, 110)
  41. Hamilton, S.; Whitehouse, R.: Neolithic spaces, 1. Social and sensory landscapes of the first farmers of Italy. (London, Accordia Research Institute, 2020), (Accordia specialist studies on Italy, 19,1)
  42. Hamilton, S.; Whitehouse, R.: Neolithic spaces, 2. The Bradford Archive of aerial photographs. (London, Accordia Research Institute, 2020), (Accordia specialist studies on Italy, 19,2)
  43. Heinzelmann, Michael; Bauer, F.A.; Colantoni, A. u.a.:Forma urbis Ostiae. Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung der Hafenstadt Roms von der Zeit der Republik bis ins frühe Mittelalter. (Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2020), (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Rom. Sonderschriften, 25)
  44. Hellenomania. (London, British School at Athens, 2018), ed. Harloe, K.; Momigliano, N.; Farnoux, A., (British School at Athens. Modern Greek and Byzantine studies, 5)
  45. Henderson, T.R.: The springtime of the people. The Athenian ephebeia and citizen training from Lykourgos to Augustus. (Leiden, Brill, 2020), (Brill studies in Greek and Roman epigraphy, 15)
  46. Historia y medicina en la antigüeda. (Zaragoza, Pórtico, 2019), ed. Sierra Martín, C.; Antela-Bernárdez, B.
  47. Humanismus und Antikerezeption im 18. Jahrhundert, 2. Der Humanismus und seine Künste im 18. Jahrhundert. (Heidelberg 2020), ed. Cancik, H.; Vöhler, M., (Bibliothek der klassischen Altertumswissenschaften. Neue Folge. 2. Reihe, 130)
  48. Iconoclasm from antiquity to modernity. (Farnham, Ashgate, 2014), ed. Kolrud, K.; Prusac, M.
  49. Il logos nella filosofia antica. Cinque studi. (Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2020), ed. Medda, R.; Pelosi, F.; Quarantotto, D., (Studi di storia della filosofia antica, 2)
  50. Inschriftenkulturen im kommunalen Italien. Traditionen, Brüche, Neuanfänge. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2019), ed. Bolle, K.; Von der Höh, M.; Jaspert, N., (Materiale Textkulturen, 21)
  51. Intertextuality in Flavian epic poetry. Contemporary approaches. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2020), ed. Coffee, N.; Forstall, C.; Galli Milic, L., (Trends in classics. Supplementary volumes, 64)
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  53. Johann Joachim Winckelmann. Ein europäisches Rezeptionsphänomen. Fenomeno europeo della ricezione. Akten des Vorlesungszyklus. Rom, 2017-2018. (Petersberg, Imhof, 2020), ed. Dally, O.; Gazzetti, M.; Nesselrath, A., (Cyriacus. Studien zur Rezeption der Antike, 15)
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